Thursday, December 13, 2012

What are the symptoms of cancer? How can someone diagnose if he has cancer?

Q. Just wondering what the symptoms of cancer are? How can a person recongnize if he/she might have cancer? Is there any way you can tell in general?

What instructions/advices/recommendations could you give?

Additional info would be helpful!

What should I do if I want to make sure I don't have cancer?

A. There are over 200 different types of cancer. Cancer is a progressive disease which means that it starts out very tiny, a microscopic cell . . and starts to grow. When it is small there are rarely any symptoms at all. The body does not recognize a malignant cell as being dangerous or any different that any of the other millions of cells within the body. In fact the body will nurture the cancer cell in the same way it takes care of the rest of the body . . and make it a nice healthy cancer cell. Eventually the cell grows into a nodule or tumor and if it is not bothering any vital structures or nerves . . again, no one will feel anything. The cancer will continue to grow and be nourished by the body (just as the body takes care of organs, bones, skin, tissue it also takes care of cancer tumors). Tumors at this point can start to grow their own blood vessels . . if a patient is lucky they will notice symptoms of fatigue or unusual weight loss as the body continues to nourish the new tumor at the expense of other organs.

In general, though, there are very, very few warning signs that someone has a malignancy until the cancer is advanced. One of the only warning signs a young person might have that something is wrong is to notice an unusual lump or bump that seems to be growing. Otherwise, most cancers are found by chance.

The only recommendation I could give anyone is to remain as healthy as you can, diet, exercise, don't smoke or drink excessively, avoid excessive exposure to carcinogens, and stay healthy. This won't prevent all cancers (you might stop smoking, but later get a bone cancer anyway . . but at least you didn't get lung cancer) , but it will cut down on the risks . . . Mostly though staying healthy and fit will help you fight cancer should you ever get it. The healthier you are the stronger you'll be when you have treatment. It makes a difference to not have any secondary health issues when fighting this monster.

How would a cancer sign dating a cancer signs relationship most likely be?
Q. I'm a cancer and I have been dating a cancer for over a year now. She's my first love and I couldn't see myself with anyone else. Is this the same for any two cancers dating each other?

A. Two Cancers together would have a very good chance at a successful relationship - you'd understand the other's sensitivity and put up with each other's mood swings. Guess it depends on your rising signs too, you won't be exactly alike because I doubt you were born on the same day at the same minute. Enjoy your relationship, don't analyse it too much!

What is the difference between brain cancer and brain tumor?
Q. Once cancer goes to the brain is it deadly? What will happen to a person on chemo who is sexually active with a person with herpes?

A. To answer your question, primary brain tumor can be cancerous or "benign." Benign in the brain tumor is really just low grade cancer, being grade 1. It can turn a higher grade or stay grade 1. Either way, it can be deemed cancerous if it's in a dangerous location or multiple tumors that can't safely be removed. For your other questions in this question and your other ones, it's really none of your business who this woman or your ex boyfriend is doing or sleeping with. I assume, since this man is your ex, then you also have herpes and chlamydia?

How did Eddie Van Halen get mouth cancer from holding a metal pick in his lips?
Q. I don't understand Cancer I guess. He was a chain smoker, and in an interview he said that he got Mouth cancer from a metal pick he would hold in his lips. Not from the smoking. How do you get cancer from metal?

Can someone explain this a little?

A. Cancer is started by a cell mutation in a single cell which makes it grow rapidly and make more similar fast growing cells creating a malignant (cancerous) tumor of many mutated cells. If not removed a malignant tumor will eventually start shedding cells that will travel to distant parts of the body where they start making more turmors.

The causes of why these cell mutations occur is not completely understood, but it is known that exposure to certain substances and chemicals greatly increases a person's chances of developing cancer. Smoking and chewing tobacco contains chemicals that are associated with cell mutations that leads to cancer.

Lip and mouth cancer are strongly associated with chewing tobacco. It is also possible that a metal pick could have some type of chemical in it that could increase the chances of cell mutations that would lead to cancer.

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