Thursday, January 31, 2013

Why did insurance companies stop selling health care insurance policies to kids?

Q. My mom tried to purchase a health care insurance policy for me and my sister since September, but all companies tell her that such policies are no longer for sale. What will happen to us if we become seriously ill?

A. Thank Obamcare

How much does it cost tax payers for health care insurance just for nancy Pelosi?
Q. just wondering if we got rid of her would the amount saved be enough to provide health care insurance to about a thousand people?

A. $1 is too much! Actually according to my rep, it costs about $5,000 for their health care and he proposed a bill that would allow us to opt into the government program that congress has.

BTW, he's a republican in case anyone wants to CLAIM the GOP has no ideas to reform health care!

Anywhere where i can find nursing home in ct that takes united health care insurance?
Q. I really need this asap i need to find any nursing facilities in connecticut that takes health care insurance?

A. Nursing homes do not accept health insurance and health insurance does not pay for nursing homes.

Where to Find Really Cheap Health Care Insurance?
Q. I know a lot of sites that offer health insurance, but need to know really cheap health care insurance.Thank you in advance.

A. Yes, many people don't like the idea they'll have to pay so much for health insurance.There are sites that offer you really cheap health insurance, but people don't know them.I've recently found one of them.Here is the link.You will be able to save $20%.


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How can a person switch health plans?

Q. I want to switch health plans, but from reading the online applications, I haven't had this health plan that long. Most of the applications said that I have to have coverage of at least 18 months before switching. Is that true? Do I have to wait 18 months of having Kaiser permanente insurance before switching?

A. In addition to what mbrcatz said, I'd also like to point out that it doesn't have to be 18 months of coverage with one insurance company.

So, if you had coverage with XYZ insurance for 1 year and then started this Kaiser policy without a break in coverage, you'd want to add the time you've been with Kaiser + the time you were with XYZ.

What is a good affordable health plan to get?
Q. I am a single 25 year old healthy male. Are there any truly affordable health plans out there for me? And don't say that $300 a month is affordable, because its not. I don't need any major medical coverage. I haven't had insurance for 6 years and haven't been to the doctor in those six years. However, my eyesight isn't great, so vision coverage would be good. I also want dental coverage as well. Any suggestions?
I forgot to mention that I live in Oregon.

A. I think it's cheaper to pay cash, insurance is merely a coupon.

where can I find info on different government health plans and waivers?
Q. I'm looking for defferent medical health plans and waivers that are suplied by the government.
Like the Katie Becket Law for example.
Any one know where I could find them?
Or what key words I should search under?

A. Go to
1. and look under each candidate's healthcare plans.
2. then do a search on those plans for more detail

With Obamacare, does President have unilateral control over the details of health plans that employer must buy?
Q. With Obamacare, does President have unilateral control over all the details of health plans that every employer must buy under penalty of federal law?

Did Obama accidentally reveal that with his new law he could force churches to administer abortions if/when he decides?

Has the separation of church and state reached the point where the state is out to extinguish the church? Have we crossed a line?

A. Under the PPACA ("Obamacare,") "the Secretary" indeed has plenary control over the details of ALL health plans. These decisions - says "Obamacare" - are not reviewable in ANY venue or by ANY branch or agency of the government at any level. They CANNOT be appealed, not even to the Supreme Court.
"The Secretary" answers to the President and to NO ONE ELSE.
Obama did indeed PROVE that under "Obamacare" the next administration could BAN abortion, contraception, or indeed ANYTHING "the Secretary" simply chooses to DECLARE an unlawful procedure, treatment, drug etc. Again, under "Obamacare" not even the Supreme Court has standing to intervene.
Don't make the mistake of seeing this as a "church vs state" issue. Here's why:
2) Whatever you came-up with CAN be said by "the Secretary" to be a "health-related" substance or behavior (and thus "treatment.")
3) The Secretary therefore has absolute untouchable power to COMPEL EVERYONE to buy into it or to FORBID IT altogether.
Yep. Under "Obamacare" each and every one of us is LITERALLY the Secretary's PROPERTY as a matter of law and NO ONE and NOTHING has authority to challenge that. There is nothing anyone can conceive that "the Secretary" cannot require or forbid - NOTHING.

Yes, this very thing WAS brought-up as an objection time and time again and the entire Democrat caucus kept saying it's a lie. Now that Obama expressly cited that very provision - well - it doesn't matter, all of the Democrats STILL say no such provision exists.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What diet tips have really worked for you?

Q. I have tried every diet book out there. So far, the only thing that's worked for me is a raw diet but I never can stick to it for long!

A. If you are really looking the best way to diet,
I suggest doing what this mom did and combining the Acai diet with a cleansing program for the best result

What diet tips have really worked for you?
Q. I have tried every diet book out there. So far, the only thing that's worked for me is a raw diet but I never can stick to it for long!

A. I still eat everything but in moderation and I count the calories that I take to know if I should stop eating for the day because I'm in a 1,000calorie diet, but in that everything I avoid junk foods like chips which I crave for and sweets because they have lots of calories but sometimes maybe once/twice a month its not bad to satisfy your craving, satisfy ok not to be gluttonous for a day and since dieting makes your metabolism slow I also do exercise like jumping rope.
p.s dont eat much carbs I'm Asian and one of our staple foods is rice so in a meal I ate half a rice and dont forget your water.

What diet pills are safest to take that wont mess with trying to become pregnant in the future?
Q. What are the safest diet pills? What diet pills are safest to take that wont mess with trying to become pregnant later?

Ive heard some can make you have at least 3 miscarriage's before being able to carrying a healthy baby to full term.

A. diet pills are not healthy or effective long-term
they reap havoc on the endocrine system; the function in our body which regulates everything from body temperature to hair growth to hormones & skin condition. & will most certainly not create an ideal environment in which a baby may survive. eat healthy & get moderate exercise. you can start by walking 30 min/day & you will be doing a world of good for yourself & your baby.

What diet pill has given you the best result?
Q. I was looking online at diet pills, but was unsure of which one truly gave the best results. I know exercise and healthy eating are the best way to loose weight, but I want a little extra help. Any tips?

A. I use Mega T Green Tea with diet of less then 800 calories a day and exercise for no less than 2 hours a day and it seems to be working quiet well :)

How I was help :)

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How to make calamansi juice concentrate and how to preserve it?

Q. How to make juice concentrate and how to preserve it?
I have quite some calamansi (very small lemons). I'd like to make some sweetened concentrate ( for making lemonade later ) and unsweetened concentrate or unsweetened juice for cooking. How to make this and how to preserve it? Could we keep it in 300ml plastic bottles?

A. Squeeze the juice from the calamansi and mix with sugar. After which, refrigerate. Do not put water in the mixture. When you want calamansi juice drink, that is the only time you get some of the concentrate and mix with ice cold water and sugar to sweeten it. Do not use hot water for it will kill the vitamin content of the juice.

How much lemon juice should be added to a gallon of water to prevent browning of potatoes?
Q. How much lemon juice should be added to a gallon of water to prevent browning of potatoes? Thanks for your help!

A. Browning in potatoes, bananas, apples, mushrooms and many other fruits and veggies are caused by enzymes called polyphenoloxidase. Keeping potatoes submerged in water will work for a while as it greatly lessens the available amount of oxygen the enzymes require to cause browning, however it will not eliminate the browning process altogether.

Lemon juice works great for preventing enzymatic browning of apples, pears and bananas, as it actually kills the enzymes by altering the ph level on the surface of the fruit. While submerging potatoes in water will greatly reduce enzymatic browning, the potatoes still yellow a little bit. Peel a fresh potato and compare it to one soaked in water overnight and you will see the soaked potato has indeed darkened slightly. If you want to prevent the discoloration entirely, you can dissolve 2 TBL of salt per gallon of water and this will keep your potatoes nice and white. Remember to rinse the potatoes before using them.

What is the difference between juice and juice cocktail?
Q. I accidentally bought some juice cocktail the other day and am now wondering if I should drink it like normal juice or save it to use when I'm making cocktails at a get together. When I think of cocktails I think of drinks. Am I wrong? Is it just another type of juice?

A. Juice cocktail usually means it is not 100% juice but a blend that contains juice in some proportion..such as 10% to 50%.
A product cannot label itself as juice unless it is 100% juice and therefore calls itself a "juice drink" or a juice cocktail"
Sometimes they will state what percentage of juice is contained in the beverage. You can still drink and enjoy it...just be cognizant that it is not 100% juice and likely contains sweeteners

How long does fresh juice keep its vitamin and mineral content?
Q. I recently started juicing. My question is how long does the fresh juice keep its vitamins and minerals intact. Must I drink it immediately or can I keep it for a day or two?

A. Depends on the juice. Wheat-grass is supposed to be drunk immediately, while others seem to keep well in the fridge.

You would probably have to look it up on google for specific juices.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How to write/start my speech during nutrition month celebration?

Q. this coming july , our school will be celebrating the nutrition month.thus, we will be having our opening program for the celeb..i am assigned to be the master of ceremony.the problem is that: i don't know how to start my speech,or my script. i have searched in the internet already about some info. anout nutrition month celebration,but i don't know how to make a simple but effective speech.please help!

A. I guess you should start off with "Good morning/afternoon everyone, as you all know, this week is nutrition week. For those that do not know, nutrition week is .... blah blah blah. <insert random information here> and just continue on from there.

How important is nutrition to teens? And does the prospect of health problems later in life matter now?
Q. Not many people know a lot about good nutrition. And I mean really know. Most teens aren't even required to take a basic nutrition class in school. However, nutrition is the one thing in life that affects your whole life. Good or bad nutrition habits can affect your emotions, your your physical features including your skin, hair and bodyshape, and even how you treat others. Your nutrition habits will also have major effects on your health now and in the future. So how important is nutrition in your life?

A. Nutrition is hugely important in my life. Fresh fruit and veges and leane red meat. Lots of fish and turkey for protein. My body is a temple and I need to treat it right to keep my insides healthy. I also try to eat food witha high water content, water melons and so on. Fresh and natural is the key to a good inside. But if there is more I need to know please let me know.

I hope I answered you question You can tell how unhealthy you are by your bowel movements and its consitance( I know gross) but its true. As a 28 year old it is a high priority to keep in peak physical fitness. Although not a teen I still consider ymself as excited and energetic as a teen. Due to good nutrition of course:)

What is a credible nutrition school in chicago that also has health and wellness?
Q. Looking for nutrition plus health and wellness in a good part of chicago that is by the train! i'm located in cary illinois and need to find a school that i can travel to with public transportation

A. There are credible degrees in Nutrition offered in regionally accredited universities
Be aware free-standing "schools of nutrition" are often bogus, run by alternative medicine crackpots.

How difficult was it to transition yourself from learning nutrition in college to applying it to your career?
Q. I am halfway through my college career and majoring in Nutrition. I don't always feel confident that I am in the right field. Please tell me about your experiences! Did you feel prepared for your career after college?

A. Hi,

I didnt study nutrition at college, but I understand how u feel in a way. I've been studying to be an (adult) general nurse for almost 3 years, & will complete my training in less than 6 months- & i dont feel nearly as ready as I feel I should be. I've been told that the real learning takes place when I go into 1st job, & there have been times when Ive felt I've not made the right choice in career- but I've stuck at it & will see how I get on when i get a job. I'm sure you'll be fine though- you've come this far & you probably will have doubts at times, but your halfway there,

Good luck


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For good health balanced diet is essential. What should be done if a day slips from the diet program?

Q. For good health balanced diet is essential. What should be done if a day slips from the diet program?

A. You need not worry; you can balance the food intake the next day. But, if this continues there is no use in following a balanced diet. Find tips for healthy living and more on balanced diet in

Does a low carb diet lower the amount of good bacteria in your gut?
Q. If I go on a low carb diet, will it lower the amount of good bacteria in my gut?

Also, if I take probiotics, will they be able to be sustained in my gut on a low carb diet or will the probiotics be ineffective in providing benefits if I am on a low carb diet?


A. No, a "low carb" diet will not ruin the good bacteria in your gut unless you're eating way too much cheese. The probiotics would be a good idea too. Also, "low carb" diets are not a good idea. Better to eat plenty of unrefined carbs like fruits and veggies for fiber. If you're eating just protein or fat it's not good for the kidneys, esp. long term. Dr. Atkins, who popularized the low carb diets died of a heart attack after all.

If you are really looking the best way to diet,
I suggest doing what this mom did and combining the Acai diet with a cleansing program for the best result

What type of diet or healthy eating should a person with Sepsis would take?
Q. What type of diet or healthy eating should a person with Sepsis would take?
And what type of foods should the person eat or do?

A. very most importantly- water, water, water. gatorade, other fluids. diluting/flushing is crucial. then, broth, lean protein for repair, fruits + veggies, ones that aren't too hard to digest. healthy eating, food groups observed, balanced diet, no processed or junk food.

Does a low carb diet lower the amount of good bacteria in your gut?
Q. If I go on a low carb diet, will it lower the amount of good bacteria in my gut?

Also, if I take probiotics, will they be able to be sustained in my gut on a low carb diet or will the probiotics be ineffective in providing benefits if I am on a low carb diet?


A. No, a "low carb" diet will not ruin the good bacteria in your gut unless you're eating way too much cheese. The probiotics would be a good idea too. Also, "low carb" diets are not a good idea. Better to eat plenty of unrefined carbs like fruits and veggies for fiber. If you're eating just protein or fat it's not good for the kidneys, esp. long term. Dr. Atkins, who popularized the low carb diets died of a heart attack after all.

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Monday, January 28, 2013

For good health balanced diet is essential. What should be done if a day slips from the diet program?

Q. For good health balanced diet is essential. What should be done if a day slips from the diet program?

A. You need not worry; you can balance the food intake the next day. But, if this continues there is no use in following a balanced diet. Find tips for healthy living and more on balanced diet in

Does a low carb diet lower the amount of good bacteria in your gut?
Q. If I go on a low carb diet, will it lower the amount of good bacteria in my gut?

Also, if I take probiotics, will they be able to be sustained in my gut on a low carb diet or will the probiotics be ineffective in providing benefits if I am on a low carb diet?


A. No, a "low carb" diet will not ruin the good bacteria in your gut unless you're eating way too much cheese. The probiotics would be a good idea too. Also, "low carb" diets are not a good idea. Better to eat plenty of unrefined carbs like fruits and veggies for fiber. If you're eating just protein or fat it's not good for the kidneys, esp. long term. Dr. Atkins, who popularized the low carb diets died of a heart attack after all.

If you are really looking the best way to diet,
I suggest doing what this mom did and combining the Acai diet with a cleansing program for the best result

What type of diet or healthy eating should a person with Sepsis would take?
Q. What type of diet or healthy eating should a person with Sepsis would take?
And what type of foods should the person eat or do?

A. very most importantly- water, water, water. gatorade, other fluids. diluting/flushing is crucial. then, broth, lean protein for repair, fruits + veggies, ones that aren't too hard to digest. healthy eating, food groups observed, balanced diet, no processed or junk food.

Does a low carb diet lower the amount of good bacteria in your gut?
Q. If I go on a low carb diet, will it lower the amount of good bacteria in my gut?

Also, if I take probiotics, will they be able to be sustained in my gut on a low carb diet or will the probiotics be ineffective in providing benefits if I am on a low carb diet?


A. No, a "low carb" diet will not ruin the good bacteria in your gut unless you're eating way too much cheese. The probiotics would be a good idea too. Also, "low carb" diets are not a good idea. Better to eat plenty of unrefined carbs like fruits and veggies for fiber. If you're eating just protein or fat it's not good for the kidneys, esp. long term. Dr. Atkins, who popularized the low carb diets died of a heart attack after all.

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How long do blood thinners usually take to clear a blood clot in the lungs?

Q. How long do blood thinners usually take to clear a blood clot in the lungs?

A. Blood thinners don't clear the clot. You're body does. The blood thinners just prevent the clot from getting any bigger.

It can actually take quite a while for your body to break up the clot, but the patient usually leaves the hospital after their blood levels stabilize on oral anti-coagulants (blood thinners.)

How unlikely is it that a blood bank analyzes and records your blood type wrong?
Q. I gave blood about a month ago and I just received a donor card stating that my blood type is A negative. My doctor has told me multiple times that my blood type is A positive. Is it more likely that my doctor is wrong or that the blood bank incorrectly recorded my blood type?

A. Very unlikely that the blood bank is wrong, but you probably ought to call them, if you can, and call your doctor.

If you were ever to need a transfusion. the hospital would check a sample of your blood on the spot to make sure they match it correctly.

What does red blood cells carry differently to plasma?
Q. I know red blood cells carries oxygen and this chemical is called haemaglobin but what else do red blood cell carry and plasma in the blood? I know they carry vital substances but I don't know which one carries which.

Please help! Thank you!

A. The hemoglobin in red blood cells binds to both O2 and CO2 for gas exchange. O2 is taken to the tissues. About 10% of CO2 binds to hemoglobin and is unloaded in the lungs for exhalation.

Plasma contains water and plasma proteins. The plasma proteins are fibrin for clotting, globulins for antibodies, and albumin. The plasma proteins are important for setting up a plasma-colloid osmotic pressure, which is a force important in net filtration in the kidneys and for moving water into the circulatory system.

How long after giving blood should I wait to get blood work done?
Q. I am a member of the local Blood Bank, and they have called me to give my donation. I am scheduled to get blood work done soon after. How long do I need to wait after I give blood, to get my blood work done?
I am planning on donating this week. My appointment for blood work is next week. Would there be an issue with my blood work since my donation is close to when I am having blood work done?

A. There should be no problem donating blood followed by routine lab tests. Quantitative hematology tests such as hemoglobin/hematocrit may be slightly affected. Otherwise, most lab tests will not be affected. Thank your for such a generous gift.

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

How to interpret a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Cancer in the 1st house?

Q. Cancer Ascendant, followed by Uranus and Jupiter conjunct in the 1st house.

How might you interpret this placement? Any insights are welcome.

A. Cancer Asc... the person might be pale skinned, appears emotional
Jupiter in 1st house... (Sag characteristic) optimistic kinda person
Uranus in 1st house... (Aquarius characteristic) friendly, sometimes aloof, sociable kinda person.

Jup conj (+) Uran - very unusual person.

What is the difference between metastasized brain cancer and cancer that started in the brain?
Q. My mother had lung cancer a year ago and although it has not returned, she now has a tumor in her brain the size of a dime. It is cancerous .... so what is the prognosis and what is the difference between this type of brain cancer (where it originated in the lungs) and brain cancer that originiates in the brain. Also, what is the prognosis?

A. Cancer originating in a particular organ for the first time is called Primary neoplasm.

Metastasis is its secondary spread through blood or lymph.

Prognosis really depends on histological type of the cancer but metastasis generally requires more aggressive treatment in the form of chemo & radio because it is wide-spread.

My best wishes are with your mother and you as her family in the battle against this cancer.

How would a Aries female and Cancer male as roommates work out?
Q. The cancer guy has a virgo moon and gemini venus
Im not sure about the aries girl

They are both in college and planning to room together and theyve been friends for years. I know that the Cancer is kind of wild and likes to party but the aries is more reserved mostly due to her nationality (chinese)

A. I'm a cancer and my room mate is an Aries and we get along really well. We respect each other. I have an Aries Mars though and she has a Cancer Mars. I do not get pushed around by anyone and I think she is less aggressive than most Aries, so it works.

How can a thyroid cancer metastasize into only one part of the body?
Q. My brother had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and his cancer managed to metastasize into his liver. My question is, how is it that cancer in one part of the body can metastasize into one part of the body but not the surrounding areas? Or is it just a matter of time?

A. It happens that way cancer.I have found that the liver is much more susceptible to mestatization than other organs because of its functional ties to soo many organs as well as its role in the the body.if he has been treated with chemotherapy or radiation its likely to get the brunt of the effects because of its clean up function.....hopefully in trying to manage it the doctors won't set off a series of mestizaton on the other organs due to exposure of more chemotherapy agents due to the livers reduced function.
I hope you and your family the best.

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What are some good weight loss plans that work and make you loos many of pounds?

Q. I am looking for good weight loss plans that will help me loss lots of pounds. I really need this. Please give me your suggestions. Thanks!
I need a good weight loss plan that will work. I am an 11 year old girl, and i weigh 180 pounds. I'm looking to get it down to at least 100 or less. I want to loss weight before I loss more important things. Please give me your tips.

A. Below is a list of negative calorie foods that will boost your metabolism.

These foods don't actually have negative calories but when you eat these foods raw or slightly cooked your body burns more calories digesting and processing them than what is in the food itself.

For a healthy weight loss add some of these foods to your diet each day. Most of them are full of healthy nutrients.

Negative calorie fruits:

Negative calorie vegetables:
cabbage (green)
Chile peppers (hot)
garden cress
green beans
Web search for "list of negative calorie foods"

What weight loss dietplan work the best?
Q. I'm looking for a weight loss product that will really help me lose weight. Im not looking to spend heaps of money on some dodgey product that doesnt work.

A. The basics of weight loss are not as complicated as people make it out to be. You need to simply change your diet to healthy whole foods, fruits and veggies and get plenty of exercise.

This is hard to do for most of us because we are tempted with junk foods all the time.

If you want a structured diet plan that will tell you the types of food that you can eat and when you should eat them you can find diet plans that will do that at

What is the best and quickest weight loss excercise video?
Q. I am looking for a jump start weight loss video. Any suggestions. I do not want something that is super fast to the point where I will not be able to do it. I am fairly new at excercising and would not like to over do it or else I will not stick to it. Also I am brisk walking 2 miles 5-6 days a week but I would really like to lose belly fat I just don't know which exercise video is the best. Please help. I am 5'1" and weight 185 lbs. I am not a big eater but I think I gain weight pretty quick cause I starve myself eat once maybe twice a day. I don't eat breakfast and my lunch is usually around 2 or 3 pm. HELP!

A. hi
Try this link ,it has a lot of information on weight loss tips so here goes ,
If you are serious about losing weight, the calories in the food you eat should be less than the energy you use. You will have to increase your metabolic rate now, and plan your diet carefully.
Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. More details available at

good luck

What is a really good weight loss diet program?
Q. I want to get a head start on weight loss for the new year. I don't have a lot of extra time, so an online program would be best for me. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

A. There is this great website that helps you find the best weight loss programs. There are quizes, blogs, forums, websites, and much more that will help you. There is an awesome support group.

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Can orange juice and vitamins help cure a productive cough?

Q. I drink lots of orange juice (with Calcium and Vitamin D) and take a vitamin every day, and I have this productive cough. Can these help me get rid of it?

Note: I do not take any OTC medicines, nor do I want to take them anyway.

A. Vitamins are good to take and orange juice is good for you, but there are no real cures for your cough(if it is from viral infection). A productive cough is not necessarily a bad thing in the short term. If it persists for more than a week go see a doc. An expectorant won't do anything for you if it is already productive. That is used to make a dry unproductive cough more watery and productive. If you are annoyed by coughing spells and can't relax the best thing to do is take a cough syrup, but you don't take those. Drink plenty of fluids to keep the cough productive, it should pass. If it doesn't or you start getting any chest pains gp see a doc.

How do you substitute bottled lime juice for fresh lime juice?
Q. How much bottled juice is equal to the juice of one lime? The bottled lime juice doesn't provide any information on how to substitute bottled juice for fresh.

A. About 2 tbsp juice = 1 fresh lime

when lemon juice is added at the beginning of cooking lentils why does it slow the cooking?
Q. why does lemon juice slow the cooking of lentils when added at the beginning? does altering the pH effect the way lentils cook on a molecular level?

A. Boiling points are largely determined by intermolecular (hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic/hydrophilic) interactions. These three functional groups all contain an electron donor (oxygen or nitrogen) with a different willingness to share its electrons and thus a different capacity to hold on to other molecules. The tighter these interactions are, the higher the boiling point will be. The citric acid in Lemon Juice, a weak carboxylic acid, decomposes below boiling point at 175°C while water boils at 100°C.

**NOTE: If you're using a small amount of lemon juice, then it probably is not really effecting the boiling point**

How much orange juice should I drink to bring along my period?
Q. Drinking orange juice is said to make your period come faster, but how much should I drink?
The reason why I asked is because YES my period is late. You don't need to be rude.

A. That's not true.

Vitamin C can induce late periods as it starves the uterus of progesterone - however this would only work if your period was actually due or late, it also requires a high dose...far more vitamin C than you'd get from a few glasses of orange juice. It's really best just to let your period come naturally.

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Could using insurance to pay for eating disorder therapy have long-term consequences in my health record?

Q. I am considering therapy to treat my eating disorder which I've had for a few years, never diagnosed. I recently applied for and was accepted to a private health insurance plan. I'm wondering if anyone's had experience using their health insurance for any kind of mental treatment, only to find that years later (or even in the short term) there are severe consequences for having that kind of mark on your record?

A. It can cause issues. I work in a substance abuse facility, and I have heard many stories of people who lose the policy that they had utilized for substance abuse treatment- and then they are unable to get a new policy. Insurance companies consider clients to be high risk if they have any documented history of substance abuse, suicide attempt(s), an eating disorder (we treat that here too) or alcohol abuse. If you keep the same insurance carrier through out your life it may never affect your coverage, but if for some reason you at some point need to purchase a new policy, it will be difficult.
Of course, the same thing could happen if you have documented treatment for heart disease or cancer or something, it isn't that they single out people with a psychiatric illness.

Under the new federal health care act is a single man required to purchase maternity leave coverage?
Q. As of March 29, 2010, is a single man required to purchase maternity leave coverage as a clause or part of his private health insurance plan?

A. The new federal health care act does not take effect until 2014, with a few exceptions, so no.

However, maternity leave is not covered by a health plan, it would be covered by FMLA.

How will Obama's voluntary health insurance plan force anyone to do anything?
Q. I hear people talk about how the gvernment health insurance plan will "force" them to only see certain doctors, which is impossible bacause you first have to voluntarially sign up for the plan. Even then, just like EVERY other country with government health care, you can always opt out in favor of private health care.

So how is it forcing anyone to change their health care?

A. (1) Like medicare and medicaid only certain doctors will accept it.

(2) He is going to force everyone to have health insurance.

(3) Even the democrats do not believe that private insurance will be able to survive.

In Places where they have Universal health care health care is not created. Doctors salaries are pushed down and the number of patients they have to treat go up. This means rationing of health care.

The other thing that happens is that the government makes it so that the pharmaceutical companies and other medical research companies can not be compensated for Research and development killing R&D in new technology and treatments. Why do you think that all of the innovations come from here in the US. One reason that our health care is so expensive is because we have to pay for all of the R&D from countries with Universal Health care. That is why you see no innovations coming from them.

Universal Health care is not free. Basically is will cost all of those that all ready prioritize health care and pay for it now weather they can really afford it or not. The Congressional Budget Office said that Obama's plan will lead to an additional $1.6 TRILLION deficit over the next 10 years and will leave 35Million people without health care.

That means that those that do get health care that do not now will cost on average $60,000+.

Really, and do not let anyone tell you different, anyone in this country can have health insurance if it is their priority. When I graduated from HS I realized that I needed health insurance even though I was completely healthy so i got a job as a bank teller. Anyone can do this and there are plenty of jobs out there. Obviously there were many jobs that I would have rather had, but I prioritized health insurance, and people like me are the ones that will suffer under Obama's plan.

In this country anyone that prioritizes it can have health insurance and get world class care. Obama is going to take it from those of every income class that have it as a priority and give it to those that simply do not.

What do you see as the major differences between a single-provider health insurance plan and private health?
Q. *private health insurance

A. Private health insurance is more cost effective, and more cautious about fraud and corruption, than public (single-payor) health insurance. Fraud rates in Medicare and Medicaid are at LEAST four times higher - after all, they don't CARE about the bottom line, and they aren't paying claims out of their own money.

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Friday, January 25, 2013

What the three main and nastiest group of bacteria ruling earth presently?

Q. What are the main groups of bacteria ruling earth now?

There are three main groups of bacteria ruling earth from the Arabic world: The moon bacteria, the sun bacteria, and the stars bacteria, which call themselves 666.

As their ability is to mimic and replicate they have replaced the original worshipers of the sun and keep them enslaved. These Asian vermins have become white, black, yellow, and all species that they can replicate and so are the insects that are part of bacteria�s retinue.

The moon bacteria are worshipers of the moon. They live mostly in darkness or shade and the insects serving them are night insects and if they are there during the day, they keep the sun at a lower level of heat using the clouds.

The sun bacteria are not really from flame planet, but use the light that pierces the clouds to glorify themselves as the sun. In fact there is no bacteria that can resist flame.

The stars bacteria are the different branches of bacteria that are part or under the leadership of bacteria. They are replication of the main group. That is why when one kingdom does something, all other kingdoms follow.

These three main groups are the nastiest bacteria ruling earth. Bacteria keep surfacing the planet as the scientist bacteria are digging the earth to bring them out.

These bacteria are living entities that feed on decay. They lived in people before, those that were buried. They are waiting to be called to service because their hosts die. They take turn to rule. Those that live in king and kill their rulers have highest privileges. The privileges go by their faces on money and other things in the kingdom they rule. That is why only dead people are on money. As such, the vermins that ate these poor people made rich by bacteria are rewarded with their face on money, celebration of their prowess every year in the form of memorial and other nastiness that they did.

Their willing temples, the priests, and the rich, allowed them to do so as long as they continue to be in power.

Yah is a bacterial moon god. As all bacterial gods, they are bloodless and heartless. They are flies, ticks, lice, mites, roaches, and all types of seen and unseen bacteria. Bah, cah, tah, nah, and all the 26 letters of all alphabets in any languages are bacteria's names.

Life consumes Life
Take it for what it�s worth
Birth begs to be fed
Earth ate the dead
No matter what the spread
Iron Oxide rust red
�Life consumes Life� I said
Phage out numbers all of life combined
Bores into bacteria
Consumes until it dies
A Murder of crows to pick out the eyes
An eating frenzy never satisfied
Life is a banquet
A cannibalistic feast
For everything is the fodder
From the great whale to the hungered yeast

How much smaller is bacteria than dust or human hair strand that is the smallest human eye can see?
Q. Also is true that all types of bacteria cannot see ? If all types of bacteria cannot see how do they sense the world smell or chemicals?

The bacteria have no light rods or cones?

A. Bacteria are smaller than most eukaryotic cells, such as body cells. Viruses are so small they can infect bacteria.
Not bacteria can see. Some Protista have light sensitive patches to guide them to food, but they can't "see". Bacteria instead float around. They use chemicals to communicate with the world around them.

What important roles do bacteria play in the deep ocean? What would happen if they werenʼt there?
Q. What important roles do bacteria play in the deep ocean? What would happen if
they werenʼt there?

A. Bacteria serve to rid the ocean floor of dead organisms by decomposing them. If they weren't there, the ocean floor would accumulate too much biomass.

How long does it take for good bacteria to form in a fish tank.And does the good bacteria break down the poop.?
Q. Its self.I know that the good bacteria feeds on ammonia but does it break down the poop it self.And how long does it take the good bacteria to form in the plastic case of the filter.I hear the term the filter media what does that mean.And how long can i go before i have to clean it.

A. Pooh will rot away causing amonia.. good bacteria will then eat the amonia converting it into nitrite..

A differnt type of bacteria needs to form eating the nitrite turning it into nitrate...

Nitrate is removed from he tank by frequent water changes (live plants and algae will also eat the nitrate)

The colonies of bacterias can take up to 6 months to form.. they form in the filter, gravel, and on any ornaments.. So it is best to only add a couple of hardy fish (zebra danios) for this period or read up on a fishless cycle..

Filter Media - is the sponglike inserts you put into a filter. There are variations on this depending on your filter.. After the intial 6 month period described above it is best to rinse the media in old tank water to maintain bacteria colony.. do this monthly..
And if it too blocked and need replacing only ever change half of the media at a time and ensure you rinse in old tank water

You use tank water you have poured into a seperate container because the chlorine is too high in our tap water and this will kill the fish.

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What would be the definition of health from a preschooler, school-aged child, adolescent, young adult, middle?

Q. I know health definitions differs from person to person.

A. I wonder if a preschooler can define health, it could be ' being strong and not having fever'.
School going may say,' Absence of any disease.'
Adolescents/ young adults - ' A state of well-being is health.'
Adult- (proper definition)- A state of physical, mental & social wellbeing is health, not merely absence of any disease'.
Hope it helps.

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Definition?
Q. And the Mental health Definition?
Australian only!

A. see the website for the specific info you require.

What are good study techniques for these subjects?
Q. Exams are this week, and I need to study but I need some good study techniques for these subjects:

1. Spanish (Vocab and grammer)
2. Health (Mainly definitions, but also procedures)
3. English (Vocab, Mythological words, stories)
4. History (Dates, events, important people...)

I've already started flashcards for Spanish, but if you could give me any other studying techniques that would be awesome. Thanks!

A. For history and health look at your criteria or rubrics and make notes for it, read over the notes again and again until it is stuck in your head. For spanish use flash cards and the notes technique. For english read over your note book and text book and try to really learn the techniques because that is the most important thing in english

What is the definition of a social welfare policy?
Q. What is the definition of a social welfare policy? And are there different types? I don't get it.

A. Social Welfare Policy is the study of social services and the welfare state. In general terms, it looks at the idea of social welfare, and its relationship to politics and society. More specifically, it also considers detailed issues in

1. Policy and administration of social services, including policies for health, housing, income
maintenance, education and social work;

2. needs and issues affecting the users of services, including poverty, old age, health, disability,
and family policy; and

3. the delivery of welfare.

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Thursday, January 24, 2013

The count in a bacteria culture was 400 after 15 minutes and 1400 after 30 minutes. What was the initial siz?

Q. The count in a bacteria culture was 400 after 15 minutes and 1400 after 30 minutes. What was the initial siz?
Find the doubling period in minutes
Find the population after 115 minutes
When (in minutes) will thle population reach 15000?
4 hours ago - 4 days left to answer.

A. Long answer...
A = Pe^rt
A -represents the amount after a certain amount of time
P- represents the the amount at the start
r -represents the rate or speed and is always represented as a decimal
t- represents the amount of time in years, months, days, hours , minutes
e- is natural log = 2.718281828

1st we find the rate or speed of growth represented by letter r
A = xe^rt
400= xe^r15
400/x =e^r15
As rule: ln e^x =x
Ln(400/x) = ln e^r15= r15
Rule: ln(a/b) = ln a - lnb
Ln 400 �ln x =15r
Ln 400 -15r =lnx
5.99146-15r =lnx
Have to do the same for the 1400 bacteria.
1400= xe^r30
1400/x =e^r30
Ln(1400/x) = ln e^r30= r30
Ln 1400 �ln x =30r
Ln 1400 -30r =lnx
7.242275 -30r =lnx
Set the ln x�s to equal
7.242275 -30r = 5.99146-15r
1.252763/15 = r =0.083517531
Faster way to find x:
400/x e^r15 =1400/xe^r30
e^r30/e^r15 =1400/400 (the x's cancel)
e^r15 = 3.5
ln e^r15 = ln 3.5
r15 =1.252762968
r =1.252762968/15 =0.083517531

Now we can find initial amount x.
400= xe^(0.083517531)(15)
400 =x e^1.252763
e- is natural log = 2.718281828 , plug # in calculator and hit inverse ln works faster
e^1.252763 =3.5
400/3.5 = x = 114.286 =P

The values for P and R never change.

What was the initial size? P =114.286 is initial amount

Find the doubling period in minutes. For doubling
Let left side (A/P) equal 2 and then find time.
2 = e^(0.083517531)t
Ln 2 =(0.083517531)t
0.69314718/0.083517531 = t = 8.3 min

Find the population after 115 minutes. Let t =115 and find A = 1,695,041

When (in minutes) will the population reach 15000? Let A =15000 and find t = 58.4 minutes
A T e^rt

What the three main and nastiest group of bacteria ruling earth presently?
Q. What are the main groups of bacteria ruling earth now?

There are three main groups of bacteria ruling earth from the Arabic world: The moon bacteria, the sun bacteria, and the stars bacteria, which call themselves 666.

As their ability is to mimic and replicate they have replaced the original worshipers of the sun and keep them enslaved. These Asian vermins have become white, black, yellow, and all species that they can replicate and so are the insects that are part of bacteria�s retinue.

The moon bacteria are worshipers of the moon. They live mostly in darkness or shade and the insects serving them are night insects and if they are there during the day, they keep the sun at a lower level of heat using the clouds.

The sun bacteria are not really from flame planet, but use the light that pierces the clouds to glorify themselves as the sun. In fact there is no bacteria that can resist flame.

The stars bacteria are the different branches of bacteria that are part or under the leadership of bacteria. They are replication of the main group. That is why when one kingdom does something, all other kingdoms follow.

These three main groups are the nastiest bacteria ruling earth. Bacteria keep surfacing the planet as the scientist bacteria are digging the earth to bring them out.

These bacteria are living entities that feed on decay. They lived in people before, those that were buried. They are waiting to be called to service because their hosts die. They take turn to rule. Those that live in king and kill their rulers have highest privileges. The privileges go by their faces on money and other things in the kingdom they rule. That is why only dead people are on money. As such, the vermins that ate these poor people made rich by bacteria are rewarded with their face on money, celebration of their prowess every year in the form of memorial and other nastiness that they did.

Their willing temples, the priests, and the rich, allowed them to do so as long as they continue to be in power.

Yah is a bacterial moon god. As all bacterial gods, they are bloodless and heartless. They are flies, ticks, lice, mites, roaches, and all types of seen and unseen bacteria. Bah, cah, tah, nah, and all the 26 letters of all alphabets in any languages are bacteria's names.

Life consumes Life
Take it for what it�s worth
Birth begs to be fed
Earth ate the dead
No matter what the spread
Iron Oxide rust red
�Life consumes Life� I said
Phage out numbers all of life combined
Bores into bacteria
Consumes until it dies
A Murder of crows to pick out the eyes
An eating frenzy never satisfied
Life is a banquet
A cannibalistic feast
For everything is the fodder
From the great whale to the hungered yeast

How much smaller is bacteria than dust or human hair strand that is the smallest human eye can see?
Q. Also is true that all types of bacteria cannot see ? If all types of bacteria cannot see how do they sense the world smell or chemicals?

The bacteria have no light rods or cones?

A. Bacteria are smaller than most eukaryotic cells, such as body cells. Viruses are so small they can infect bacteria.
Not bacteria can see. Some Protista have light sensitive patches to guide them to food, but they can't "see". Bacteria instead float around. They use chemicals to communicate with the world around them.

How long does it take for good bacteria to form in a fish tank.And does the good bacteria break down the poop.?
Q. Its self.I know that the good bacteria feeds on ammonia but does it break down the poop it self.And how long does it take the good bacteria to form in the plastic case of the filter.I hear the term the filter media what does that mean.And how long can i go before i have to clean it.

A. Pooh will rot away causing amonia.. good bacteria will then eat the amonia converting it into nitrite..

A differnt type of bacteria needs to form eating the nitrite turning it into nitrate...

Nitrate is removed from he tank by frequent water changes (live plants and algae will also eat the nitrate)

The colonies of bacterias can take up to 6 months to form.. they form in the filter, gravel, and on any ornaments.. So it is best to only add a couple of hardy fish (zebra danios) for this period or read up on a fishless cycle..

Filter Media - is the sponglike inserts you put into a filter. There are variations on this depending on your filter.. After the intial 6 month period described above it is best to rinse the media in old tank water to maintain bacteria colony.. do this monthly..
And if it too blocked and need replacing only ever change half of the media at a time and ensure you rinse in old tank water

You use tank water you have poured into a seperate container because the chlorine is too high in our tap water and this will kill the fish.

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How does the health care system work in Singapore?

Q. Is health care in Singapore free like in the UK and other European countries? Or do people have to pay to get check ups, have surgery, use the hospital, etc?

What if somebody is poor and they can't afford to pay for health care?

And what happens if somebody is living in Singapore but is not a Singaporean citizen?

A. In Singapore there is no free health care. We pay
for all the services however citizen pay much less.
All working singaporean will have an government run insurance
(the citizen themselves contribute to the cost of insurtainsurance will ensure citizen will not overly burden by too much medical cost.

For Singaporeans there are safeguards to ensure everyone can have reasonable care.

non citizen pay more or can choose to have private insurance.

I am a Singaporean

What is more just: rationing health care based upon bureaucratic decisions or ability to pay?
Q. Both socialzed and free market health care ration health care.

In socialized health care, care is rationed based upon bureaucratic decisions.
In "free market" health care, care is rationed based upon the ability of the person to pay.

Which is more just?
Which is more just for a child?

A. Depends on the perspective. The "socialized" (please use in quotation marks) perspective is that users of health care are the community as a whole; thus, 'just' is defined as minimizing the losing individuals. "Free market's" views are that the users are individuals or groups of individuals; thus, 'just' is defined as maximizing the number of individuals 'satisfied.'

From both common political and ethical perspective, a child is often unable to contribute to the discussion of 'individuals to be lost' in "socialized health care" or 'user satisfaction' in the "free market." Given the assumptions that pediatric care is satisfactory for most children, "socialized health care" is more just because the intrinsic cost-of-life-saved would then be higher even though some children would fall through the cracks. HOWEVER, given the assumption above and also that the income difference between the richest and poorest people is minimal, the "free market" is more just because parents can decide what is most 'satisfactory' without too much undue financial burden.

What health care problem should I address in a statistics assignment?
Q. I have to make a power point about a health care problem for a statistics class and include a frequency table, which means I need actual numbers, not percentages as most statistic information is portrayed. Does anyone know what would be a good health-related topic where I could find actual numbers easily? Or any good websites for health-related data?

A. The Robert Woods Johnson Foundation is a research think tank. They have all kinds of references to interesting research around health care and health reform. With a little digging, you may be able to contact some of the researchers.

WebMD is another useful source for anything and everything health care.

Centers for disease control and prevention, National Center for Health Statistics:

National Vital statistics system:

How will health care be affected by legalizing marijuana?
Q. Hey everyone. I need help on answering this question: How will health care access, cost, and quality be affected by the passage or defeat of a bill legalizing marijuana. The bill is AB 390, but i just need some answers on the affect of health care by legalizing marijuana or not. I've done some research but I need a little more. Thanks.

A. If marijuana was made legal and the government produced and taxed it, the revenue could cover a huge portion of the health care budget. The government could mass produce many different types of weed and at such a low cost because the 'danger' aspect would be non-existent; then then they could tax it heavily and make it cost the same it does now plus make billions a year that could be used to support health care. Not only that but it would save the DEA and many police forces and other government agencies billions just in time spent and effort wasted arresting harmless weed smokers. In New York city in 2008 it cost them 90 million dollars to arrest and detain people possessing minor amounts of weed and I can think of many better uses for that kind of money, one of them being health care.

There wouldn't be more people using if it was made illegal because if people want to smoke weed they are going to do so anyways, but I major difference could be that less young people would smoke it because if it was legal it would be a less 'rebellious' drug.

Instead the USA has treated marijuana the same way they treat most things; by declaring war on it, hence the War on Drugs.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What's the difference between deductible and total out of pocket expense when referring to health plans?

Q. I have no experience with health plans. Please help me understand!

A. The deductible is the minimum you pay, the total out of pocket is te maximum you pay.

The insurance doesn't START paying, until AFTER you've paid bills equal to the deductible. Then, you KEEP paying copays and coinsurance, until you reach the total out of pocket maximum.

What would be an example of a group health plan?
Q. Are Aflac and Blue Cross Blue Shields Group Health Plans?

I'm asking for an assignment in my medical office class. I'm trying to figure out what to put in Block 1 of the CMS 1500 claim form.

A. Group health plan? Hmm well I know the difference between an insurance and a medical group not sure if that's the same. For example if a patient has Blue Cross and it is an HMO policy the medical group would be Arta Monarch or Family Choice << those are medical groups that fall under HMO's.

How can a person switch health plans?
Q. I want to switch health plans, but from reading the online applications, I haven't had this health plan that long. Most of the applications said that I have to have coverage of at least 18 months before switching. Is that true? Do I have to wait 18 months of having Kaiser permanente insurance before switching?

A. In addition to what mbrcatz said, I'd also like to point out that it doesn't have to be 18 months of coverage with one insurance company.

So, if you had coverage with XYZ insurance for 1 year and then started this Kaiser policy without a break in coverage, you'd want to add the time you've been with Kaiser + the time you were with XYZ.

What is a good affordable health plan to get?
Q. I am a single 25 year old healthy male. Are there any truly affordable health plans out there for me? And don't say that $300 a month is affordable, because its not. I don't need any major medical coverage. I haven't had insurance for 6 years and haven't been to the doctor in those six years. However, my eyesight isn't great, so vision coverage would be good. I also want dental coverage as well. Any suggestions?
I forgot to mention that I live in Oregon.

A. I think it's cheaper to pay cash, insurance is merely a coupon.

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How long can blood stay in a tube before being tested for blood alcohol level?

Q. Blood was drawn into a test tube but lab is closed and can't be tested until tomorrow. Will it still be accurate?

A. You have 14 days per below:

Whole blood or serum

Volume: 7 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Container: Gray-top (sodium fluoride) tube (preferred) or red-top tube. Submit original unopened tube.

Special Instructions: Do not prepare venipuncture site with alcohol or remove stopper from tube.

Storage Instructions: Refrigerate

Stability: Temperature Period
Room temperature 14 days
Refrigerated 14 days
Frozen 14 days
Freeze/thaw cycles Stable x3

Reference Interval: Negative (cutoff = 0.010%)

Use: Quantitation of alcohol level for medical or legal purposes; test unconscious patients; used to diagnose alcohol intoxication and determine appropriate therapy; detect alcoholism and to monitor ethanol treatment for methanol intoxication. Must be tested as possible cause of coma of unknown etiology since alcohol intoxication may mimic diabetic coma, cerebral trauma, and drug overdose.

Methodology: Gas chromatography (GC)

Additional Information: Ethanol is absorbed rapidly from the GI tract. Peak blood levels usually occur within 40 to 70 minutes on an empty stomach. Food in the stomach can decrease the absorption of alcohol. Ethanol is metabolized by the liver to acetaldehyde. Once peak blood ethanol levels are reached, disappearance is linear; a 70 kg man metabolizes 7-10 g of alcohol/hour (15±5 mg/dL/hour). The urine:blood ratio is considered to be about 1.35:1 but is quite variable. The average saliva:blood ratio is 1:20. Symptoms of intoxication in the presence of low alcohol levels could indicate a serious acute medical problem requiring immediate attention. The half-lives and effectiveness of certain drugs (eg, barbiturates, etc) are increased in the presence of ethanol.

18. What is �blood typing�? How is it done? Why is it so important to run blood typing before a blood transfus?
Q. 18. What is �blood typing�? How is it done? Why is it so important to run blood typing before a blood transfusion? What happens if mom and baby have different blood types?

A. Blood typing is determining the antigens present on a red blood cell.

In a clinical setting, blood type is determined by mixing red blood cells with in three different tubes. One with anti-A antibodies, one with anti-B antibodies, and another with anti-D antibodies. This determines the forward type. The person's plasma (the liquid portion of blood) is mixed in two other tubes, one with type A red blood cells, and the other with type B red blood cells to determine the reverse or back type. Agglutination (red cells clumping) indicates a reaction between antigen and antibody. So if there is agglutination in the tubes of anti-A, anti-D, and B red blood cells, the person is A+.

It is important to determine the blood type because of the antibodies that are present to ABO blood group antigens that are not present on the person's red blood cells. For example, type A individuals are expected to produce anti-B antibodies. If you transfuse blood that has one of the antigens that the body has made antibodies toward, the antibodies will attach to the transfused red blood cells and hemolyze them. The resulting reaction can cause death.

If mom and baby have different blood types there is a chance that the mom's antibodies cross the placenta and start destroying the baby's red blood cells. In mild cases it will cause increased bilirubin levels after birth. In severe cases it could cause death of the baby if there is no intervention. ABO incompatibilities between mother and baby rarely cause major problems.

What should purified blood contain after being filtered in the kidneys?
Q. when blood is filtered in the kidney and then back in the renal vein, what should that blood contain?

A. Blood proteins. They are too large to filter through the fenstrated endothelium of of glomerulus in the kidney nephrons.

EDIT: In addition the blood will contain hemoglobin and anything else that is the same size or larger than a red blood cell.

What kind of blood is given in a transfusion to these 3 patients?
Q. What kind of blood is given in a transfusion to these 3 patients?

What type of blood is given to these 3 blood types if they needed a blood transfusion?

A. Blood types such as A+ summarise two different typing systems: ABO (A, B, AB, O) and Rhesus (positive and negative). The two work in similar ways but aren't connected.

In each case the types are determined by whether or not you have a bit of chemical on your blood cells. These 'antigens' can be called A, B and Rh. If you don't have one, you're likely to have antibodies against it. If your blood cells have all three, you're AB+ (short for AB type & Rhesus+), if none you're O-.

So to use that for your questions:

This isn't a whole blood type, just the Rh factor without the ABO type. You might give someone with Rh- a negative type, possibly AB-, A- or B- depending on their ABO type. If you didn't know (or you knew they were O-) you'd give them O- as O- is the universal donor (or as close a you get to one - you have to ignore plasma and rare blood types and stuff)

This isn't a whole blood type either. You could give them any ABO type in theory as AB is the universal acceptor (or as close as you get to one... blah-de-blah). If you didn't know whether they were AB+ or AB-, you'd give them AB-, or failing that another negative type.

You'd give them A+, or failing that O+, or failing that O-, but _nothing_else_.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What is the definition of a social welfare policy?

Q. What is the definition of a social welfare policy? And are there different types? I don't get it.

A. Social Welfare Policy is the study of social services and the welfare state. In general terms, it looks at the idea of social welfare, and its relationship to politics and society. More specifically, it also considers detailed issues in

1. Policy and administration of social services, including policies for health, housing, income
maintenance, education and social work;

2. needs and issues affecting the users of services, including poverty, old age, health, disability,
and family policy; and

3. the delivery of welfare.

What would be a social definition of the socioeconomically disadvantaged group?
Q. I just need to know 2 definitions for an assignment.
One is a legal definition and the other is a social.
I know what my legal would be and thats basically a definition off google, but what could i write for a social definition? i can't steer away from legal definition :/ thanks so much

A. Legal: That falls below the stated Poverty Level for a single person or family.

Social: Who has income above the stated Poverty Level but who�s predicament (health problems, no insurance, disability, spouse has lost job, etc) has put them into a disadvantaged situation.

What is a good family health insurance company also with dental?
Q. What is a good family health insurance company also with dental?
I'm looking for a health insurance for my family my daughter has lupus I'm not sure how to go about this. But I Need to find one that can cover me and her almost with dental. Thanks to the people that take their time to write back and help.

A. Ignore the previous answerer.

Since September 2010 all insurance companies must accept kids under 19 as long as they're on a policy with a parent. It no longer matters if they have a pre-existing condition or not.

However, before someone could answer your question they'd need to know the following:

First, they'd need to understand your definition of "good". The best plan would normally mean the most comprehensive coverage, but with some people it means the cheapest and to others it means a combination with the coverage they need. Cheap policies usually mean limited benefits, which may be O K as long as you are aware of those limitations.
Second, they'd need to know your height and weight because insurance companies will decline to accept you or may increase your premium based on your weight. This is only for adults 19 or over.
Third, they'd need to know what your current health condition is because insurance companies will decline to accept you or may increase your premium based on your current health. This is only for adults 19 or over.
Fourth, they'd need to know your location, because insurance companies do not write policies in every state.

In other words, talk with a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area. The agent can help you find the best plan for your situation and budget. They can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you don't get with the "cheap" policies. There is no extra charge using an agent. This is not something that can be answered in this forum.

Dental is always a separate policy. However, some insurance companies will include dental as an option. This doesn't mean that the optional dental is the best for you. Some of my clients will go with the same companies' dental while others will go with a stand-alone dental plan.

where can i find articles on intro to health and the definition of health?
Q. i have to find an aritcle on the intro to health and one on the definition of health for my health class. we have to write a 2 page summary on each article.
if anyone can think of any websites where i would be able to find these that would be great. i've been seaching and came up with nothing.

A. Go to your local library and ask at the reference desk. Guaranteed answer! :)

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How long after major weight loss should you give your skin to firm up before resorting to plastic surgery?

Q. If I had some loos skin on tummy and arms after an 80 pound weight loss, how long should I give it to firm up? Im young, 23 years old, but will the skin tighten with exercise or stay flabby?

A. The thing with a large weight loss is that the weight is generally lost too fast, which doesn't give the skin enough time to go back to what it was.
After reaching your target weight, I would wait a few months, doing regular light exercise and eating healthily, and then see how your skin is. If you are still unhappy you could look into plastic surgery.

Try this website though, it has some advice about excess skin after weight loss, and non surgical methods.

Good luck. x

How to stay Motivated/Dedicated When on a Weight Loss Journey?
Q. Ive decided to start a weight loss journey, im planning on running 2 miles everyday, how do I keep doing this because I used to give up a lot when doing this previously.

A. Doing the right things and getting results will help you stay motivated.

The best way to lose weight is by losing body fat. For a great 12 day fat burning program go to the Fat X 101 website. The program consists of the Fat X Diet and specialized fat burning workouts.

Basically, you want to eat certain foods and workout in a specific way to speed up the process.

Good luck to you! Once you start seeing the results, it just motivates you to keep going and the weight loss / fat loss and fitness journey gets easier.

What is good weight loss plan for a pescetarian?
Q. I am a pescetarian, meaning that i am a "vegitarian" who eats fish. I am looking for a weight loss plan that will help me lose some weight while still not eating any meat other than fish. If anyone has any yummy healthy low-carb recepies that would be great too!

A. Great.i was a pescetarian myself some years ago..take steamed fish with oatmeal for dinner(you may season it with pepper and a drizzle of sesame oil, and do add eggplants and carrots by the side) stick to your regular dose of veggies n keep a limit on soy products because too much soy raises estrogen in your blood and that will be enough to limit your body from burning excess fat..if you are a woman trying to get pregnant or simply a person who appreciates high metabolism,please take my advice seriously. Progesterone is a female hormone that exists in men too, but the testicles can convert it to testosterone.High testosterone/Progesterone levels improve metabolism and also improve the alertness of the brain..estrogen isnt like is dangerous if it is in high density in your blood..and the bad news is that the strength of estrogen raises when there is too much sugar in the blood OR TOO MUCH FAT IN THE BODY. Estrogen dominance is the root of all weight loss problems...there are no foods on earth to induce progesterone, so the only way to cut down estrogen in the blood is via regular exercise. Even 20 minutes , 3 times a week of cardio workout will work wonders. If you hate sweat, then try something more internal like yoga and pilates.Sweat is external excretion. Yoga/Pilates helps the body excrete from within,so you dont sweat much,but it works!try to take home made replacements like fresh fruit juice mixed with non-fat yoghurt or muesli occasionally so you still get a good balance of amino acids.Trust me friend- There is no short cut to a better and healthier body, but hard work will pay off!

What kind of drugs/weight loss pills do a really nice job or suppressing appetite?
Q. I'm trying to lose weight, and I'm wondering what kind of legal drugs or weight loss pills really work. Please don't tell me to just eat well and exercise, I already do this.

A. Proactol is one of the top 10 fat/weight loss pills because it helps your body in so manys ways. It is a clinically proven supplement that can help you shed those extra pounds. Taken orally, it aids in weight loss by binding your calorie and fat intake as well as suppressing your appetite so you don\'t tend to eat more.
Proactol is made from 100% natural ingredients and has no known side effects. It\'s free from allergens, artificial colouring, flavours, salt, gluten, and preservatives. is clinically proven to bind approximately up to 30% of fats, as clinical studies showed. It is one of the few weight loss supplements that have had it\'s claims scientifically proven in trials. The product is also medically endorsed by some leading physicians as well as having a medical device (MDD 93/42/EEC) certification which is upheld by the strictest regulations. It is endorsed world wide by respected doctors, herbalists, nutritionists and health and fitness experts who carefully choose clinically proven products. It is the first weight loss product to be approved by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) and it bears the CE stamp of approval.
It is also proven to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and improves the rate of "good cholesterol" (HDL cholesterol).
Proactol is undoubtedly one of the best diet pills supplement on the market today. If you use it properly, you can achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, keep your appetite under control and lower your cholesterol, allowing you to live a happier life.
Let proactol work on your fat while you spend more time to focus on other aspects of life, than solely dieting, all you have to lose is your weight!

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Monday, January 21, 2013

How much smaller is bacteria than dust or human hair strand that is the smallest human eye can see?

Q. Also is true that all types of bacteria cannot see ? If all types of bacteria cannot see how do they sense the world smell or chemicals?

The bacteria have no light rods or cones?

A. Bacteria are smaller than most eukaryotic cells, such as body cells. Viruses are so small they can infect bacteria.
Not bacteria can see. Some Protista have light sensitive patches to guide them to food, but they can't "see". Bacteria instead float around. They use chemicals to communicate with the world around them.

What important roles do bacteria play in the deep ocean? What would happen if they werenʼt there?
Q. What important roles do bacteria play in the deep ocean? What would happen if
they werenʼt there?

A. Bacteria serve to rid the ocean floor of dead organisms by decomposing them. If they weren't there, the ocean floor would accumulate too much biomass.

How long does it take for good bacteria to form in a fish tank.And does the good bacteria break down the poop.?
Q. Its self.I know that the good bacteria feeds on ammonia but does it break down the poop it self.And how long does it take the good bacteria to form in the plastic case of the filter.I hear the term the filter media what does that mean.And how long can i go before i have to clean it.

A. Pooh will rot away causing amonia.. good bacteria will then eat the amonia converting it into nitrite..

A differnt type of bacteria needs to form eating the nitrite turning it into nitrate...

Nitrate is removed from he tank by frequent water changes (live plants and algae will also eat the nitrate)

The colonies of bacterias can take up to 6 months to form.. they form in the filter, gravel, and on any ornaments.. So it is best to only add a couple of hardy fish (zebra danios) for this period or read up on a fishless cycle..

Filter Media - is the sponglike inserts you put into a filter. There are variations on this depending on your filter.. After the intial 6 month period described above it is best to rinse the media in old tank water to maintain bacteria colony.. do this monthly..
And if it too blocked and need replacing only ever change half of the media at a time and ensure you rinse in old tank water

You use tank water you have poured into a seperate container because the chlorine is too high in our tap water and this will kill the fish.

What temperature is good bacteria killed?
Q. I always hear bad bacteria is killed at 145 degrees for a certain amount of time, but what about good bacteria. Is it killed in the same range or at higher temperatures? I hear that low temperature pasterization of milk kills off the bad bacteria and preserves some of the good bacteria and it's heated at 145 degrees for 30 minutes. Is this true or are they giving false statements to sell this milk?

A. Unless the bacterium has an endospore which is resistant to heat and chemicals, the thermal death time is the same for most species of bacteria, good or bad. Pasteurization of milk is intended to kill pathogenic bacteria typically found in milk. The standards for the quality of milk is set by state and federal agencies. Those bacteria found in pasteurized milk are considered thermoduric (tolerate the pasteurization temperature) and psychrophilic (can grow at refrigeration temperatures) and will eventually cause the milk to spoil. With ultra-pasteurization, milk does not have to be refrigerated.

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