Thursday, February 28, 2013

What does red blood cells carry differently to plasma?

Q. I know red blood cells carries oxygen and this chemical is called haemaglobin but what else do red blood cell carry and plasma in the blood? I know they carry vital substances but I don't know which one carries which.

Please help! Thank you!

A. The hemoglobin in red blood cells binds to both O2 and CO2 for gas exchange. O2 is taken to the tissues. About 10% of CO2 binds to hemoglobin and is unloaded in the lungs for exhalation.

Plasma contains water and plasma proteins. The plasma proteins are fibrin for clotting, globulins for antibodies, and albumin. The plasma proteins are important for setting up a plasma-colloid osmotic pressure, which is a force important in net filtration in the kidneys and for moving water into the circulatory system.

How long after giving blood should I wait to get blood work done?
Q. I am a member of the local Blood Bank, and they have called me to give my donation. I am scheduled to get blood work done soon after. How long do I need to wait after I give blood, to get my blood work done?
I am planning on donating this week. My appointment for blood work is next week. Would there be an issue with my blood work since my donation is close to when I am having blood work done?

A. There should be no problem donating blood followed by routine lab tests. Quantitative hematology tests such as hemoglobin/hematocrit may be slightly affected. Otherwise, most lab tests will not be affected. Thank your for such a generous gift.

How much blood can you lose before passing out if you weigh about 120 lbs?
Q. I want to donate blood, and it seems like a cool fact to know about blood loss.

A. Current FDA guidelines allow for a maximum collection of whole blood of 10.5 ml/kg body weight. This volume represents approximately 10-13% of total blood volume in a 50 kg (110 lb) blood donor. Studies have shown that there is an increase in donor reactions (nausea, dizziness, fainting) when more than 15% of circulating blood volume is lost. Current blood collection sets used in the U.S. hold 500 ml whole blood, with an additional 50 ml allowed to be drawn for mandated screening tests.

How can i remove blood stains from carpet?
Q. Blood has been sitting for a week on carpet, what is the best way to remove the stains?

A. Oxi-Clean. Soak, blot. Then soak again, blot again. Then stack some folded rags on the spot, put something heavy on the rags and leave it overnight to soak up all the moisture. This assumes the carpet isn't wool. (Oxi-Clean is not good for wool carpets.) You may have to repeat it, but I usually didn't.

I know about this because I had an old dog that had skin issues/tumors. She left several serious blood spots on my light beige carpet, and the Oxi-Clean worked like a charm.

Good luck.

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How much juice does a lemon hold?

Q. My recipe calls for the juice of one lemon and I want to use lemon juice instead. Does anyone know how much lemon juice to use?

A. One lemon yields about 2-3 tablespoons of juice. If you put it in the microwave for 10 seconds before cutting it, you'll get a little more juice from it.

Can orange juice and vitamins help cure a productive cough?
Q. I drink lots of orange juice (with Calcium and Vitamin D) and take a vitamin every day, and I have this productive cough. Can these help me get rid of it?

Note: I do not take any OTC medicines, nor do I want to take them anyway.

A. Vitamins are good to take and orange juice is good for you, but there are no real cures for your cough(if it is from viral infection). A productive cough is not necessarily a bad thing in the short term. If it persists for more than a week go see a doc. An expectorant won't do anything for you if it is already productive. That is used to make a dry unproductive cough more watery and productive. If you are annoyed by coughing spells and can't relax the best thing to do is take a cough syrup, but you don't take those. Drink plenty of fluids to keep the cough productive, it should pass. If it doesn't or you start getting any chest pains gp see a doc.

How do you substitute bottled lime juice for fresh lime juice?
Q. How much bottled juice is equal to the juice of one lime? The bottled lime juice doesn't provide any information on how to substitute bottled juice for fresh.

A. About 2 tbsp juice = 1 fresh lime

How much orange juice should I drink to bring along my period?
Q. Drinking orange juice is said to make your period come faster, but how much should I drink?
The reason why I asked is because YES my period is late. You don't need to be rude.

A. That's not true.

Vitamin C can induce late periods as it starves the uterus of progesterone - however this would only work if your period was actually due or late, it also requires a high dose...far more vitamin C than you'd get from a few glasses of orange juice. It's really best just to let your period come naturally.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How is Obama going to pay for the so called free health care?

Q. Are they going to still more money out of social security like they have done in the past to start give away programs, plus fight three little wars,
shouldn't they be made to put this money back before they ask for more money to give every one so called free health care?
Or will they increase the peoples taxes to pay for the free health cars. and if they get the free health care passed and get it paid for through taxes and the funds start building up, will they still this money to use for other things?

A. A. Good god, man, learn how to spell.

B. Obviously, you haven't read the bill. He has repeatedly said how it will be paid for. If you don't want to listen, I can't help you.
C. No one is suggesting free health care.
D. Why did you NEVER ask how BOTH wars were being paid for, how free, universal health care for all Iraqis and Afghans was being paid for, how tax cuts to the rich were being paid for, how Medicare Part D was being paid for?

How do I go about getting free health care while Im pregnant?
Q. I need to get free health care, how do i do that?

A. In my state the Human Services Department (ie Medicaid) is the place to apply. The income limit for pregnancy related medicaid is a lot higher than for regular medicaid. For example I made too much money to qualify for regular medicaid but for pregnancy I qualified and my child qualified at birth. All of my prenatal care was free as well as the birth and follow-up. Find out where to apply for medicaid and do it as soon as possible just in case it takes a while.

How in anyway is Free Health Care unconstitutional?
Q. Serious were in the US constitution does it say no free health care? I want to know?

A. Who said there was going to be free health care.

What are some reasons as to why reconstructing and giving out free health care to all citizens is bad?
Q. What are some reasons as to why reconstructing and giving out free health care to all citizens is bad?

A. It doesn't work: some are told to die, we all go bankrupt:
Canadian doc on UHC:
"...Another sign of transformation: Canadian doctors, long silent on the health-care system�s problems, are starting to speak up. Last August, they voted Brian Day president of their national association. A former socialist who counts Fidel Castro as a personal acquaintance, Day has nevertheless become perhaps the most vocal critic of Canadian public health care, having opened his own private surgery center as a remedy for long waiting lists and then challenged the government to shut him down. �This is a country in which dogs can get a hip replacement in under a week,� he fumed to the New York Times, �and in which humans can wait two to three years.�

And now even Canadian governments are looking to the private sector to shrink the waiting lists. Day�s clinic, for instance, handles workers�-compensation cases for employees of both public and private corporations. In British Columbia, private clinics perform roughly 80 percent of government-funded diagnostic testing. In Ontario, where fealty to socialized medicine has always been strong, the government recently hired a private firm to staff a rural hospital�s emergency room.

This privatizing trend is reaching Europe, too. Britain�s government-run health care dates back to the 1940s. Yet the Labour Party�which originally created the National Health Service and used to bristle at the suggestion of private medicine, dismissing it as �Americanization��now openly favors privatization. Sir William Wells, a senior British health official, recently said: �The big trouble with a state monopoly is that it builds in massive inefficiencies and inward-looking culture.� Last year, the private sector provided about 5 percent of Britain�s nonemergency procedures; Labour aims to triple that percentage by 2008. The Labour government also works to voucherize certain surgeries, offering patients a choice of four providers, at least one private. And in a recent move, the government will contract out some primary care services, perhaps to American firms such as UnitedHealth Group and Kaiser Permanente.

Sweden�s government, after the completion of the latest round of privatizations, will be contracting out some 80 percent of Stockholm�s primary care and 40 percent of its total health services, including one of the city�s largest hospitals. Since the fall of Communism, Slovakia has looked to liberalize its state-run system, introducing co-payments and privatizations. And modest market reforms have begun in Germany: increasing co-pays, enhancing insurance competition, and turning state enterprises over to the private sector (within a decade, only a minority of German hospitals will remain under state control). It�s important to note that change in these countries is slow and gradual�market reforms remain controversial. But if the United States was once the exception for viewing a vibrant private sector in health care as essential, it is so no longer."

Hillarycare exists in Taxachusetts with only 6.5 million people:
"Massachusetts announced that spending on its health care plan would increase by $400 million in 2008, a cost expected to be borne largely by taxpayers."
Last modified: January 29. 2008 5:03AM
Article explains why CA couldn't get it off ground.

Medicare is touted by the uninformed as THE solution:
In the US, Medicare is going bankrupt. In 1998, Medicare premiums were $43.80 and in 2008 will be $96.40--up 120%. "Medigap" insurance is common because of the 20% co-pay required for service. Medicare HMOs are common because they reduce that burden without an extra charge in many cases. HOWEVER, many procedures which used to have no or a low co-pay NOW cost the full 20% for the HMO Medicare patient. ALSO the prescription coverage they tended to offer has been REDUCED in many cases to conform to the insane "donut hole" coverage of the feds. Doctors are leaving Medicare because of the low and slow pay AND because the crazy government wants to "balance" their Ponzi scheme on the backs of doctors.
"That dark cloud lurking over the shoulder of every Massachusetts physician is Medicare. If Congress does not act, doctors' payments from Medicare will be cut by about 5 percent annually, beginning next year through 2012, creating a financial hailstorm that would wreak havoc with already strained practices.

Cumulatively, the proposed cuts represent a 31 percent reduction in Medicare reimbursement. If the cuts are adjusted for practice-cost inflation, the American Medical Association says Medicare payment rates to physicians in 2013 would be less than half of what they were in 1991."

What Canada Tells Us About Government Health Care
By Doug Wilson
Monday, February 25, 2008

Americans may not agree on much between now and November, but we have reached a consensus about the importance of at least one issue: health care.
In a recent study by the Pew Research Center, 76 percent of registered voters said that health care was very important to their vote. Democrats ranked health care their most important issue; Independents slotted it as their second most important issue. Republicans, meanwhile, positioned health care as more important than social issues such as abortion, gay marriage and stem cell research.
This public concern has prompted political action�or at least political posturing. It seems every politician has a plan to solve our health care woes. For Democrats, the silver bullet remains universal, government-funded coverage. Both Senators Obama and Clinton have proposed regulation and tax-heavy programs to offer cradle-to-grave health care for Americans.
Ironically, these proposals come at a time when some of our other entitlements�Social Security and Medicare�stand on the brink of collapse. For example, most experts agree that Social Security will be entirely bankrupt by 2041, and that the system will show serious financial strain as early as 2017. If a business faced such dire financial straits it would cut costs, but the government continues its perpetual spending spree.
Before we allow the government to burden us with another mammoth entitlement program, however, we might well consider the plight of countries currently employing socialized medicine. And we need not look very far for an example. Since the 1960s, Canada has operated a system of socialized medicine, while also forbidding the private sector from insuring medically necessary care.
The verdict: Canadians pay more for their health care and get less. That�s according to the Fraser Institute, an independent research and educational organization based in Canada. Fraser�s recently released study, �Paying More, Getting Less: Measuring the Sustainability of Government Health Spending in Canada� calls our attention to the painful realities of government-funded health care.
How, exactly, do Canadians pay more for their health care? Taxes, naturally�and higher and higher ones at that, for there is no other way to maintain such an enormous entitlement. Consider that by 2035, six of 10 Canadian provinces will spend half of their taxpayer-generated revenue on health-related expenses.
In slow economic times, health spending tends to exceed revenue. The government responds by raising existing taxes or creating new ones; to do otherwise would lead to the neglect of other government programs like schools and roads.
By restricting the market, public health care programs create long waits for specialists and often prevent patients from pursuing new treatments. Indeed, the median wait times between a referral from a family or general doctor to a specialist for further treatment increased significantly in every Canadian province between 1997 and 2006. For many treatments and procedures, Canadians are forced to wait twice as long as doctors believe is medically advisable.
Canada�s restrictive policies have also reduced the number of various types of health professionals, limited the availability of advanced equipment and severely restricted the prescription drug choices. Consider that even after Health Canada certifies a new drug, it takes over a year for that drug to actually reach the patients who need it. Between 2004 and 2005, it took an average of 439 days for provinces to receive reimbursement for drugs, forcing patients to wait months for necessary medications.
The list could go on, but it need not. We get the picture. The question is: What are we going to do about it?
The answer lies in the marketplace. Among the more promising proposals currently before Congress is the Health Care Choice Act. The Act would allow individuals to compare and purchase health insurance across state lines. This is a very important, if often misunderstood, way of reducing health care costs. Here�s a quick primer: Because health care is primarily regulated at the state level, states can force providers to cover services and procedures (e.g., chiropractic care or fertility treatments) regardless of necessity or patient demand. Insurance companies then pass these higher costs along to every consumer, regardless of whether they want or need coverage for such procedures.
A more efficient system would allow individuals to select the health care plans of their choice. Such a plan recognizes that a 20 year old male typically has very different medical needs than a 60 year old woman. Freeing consumers to select a health care plan that meets their needs and budget, even if it is in a different state, is a common sense solution that would ease the budget crunch facing man

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Why did insurance companies stop selling health care insurance policies to kids?

Q. My mom tried to purchase a health care insurance policy for me and my sister since September, but all companies tell her that such policies are no longer for sale. What will happen to us if we become seriously ill?

A. Thank Obamcare

How much does it cost tax payers for health care insurance just for nancy Pelosi?
Q. just wondering if we got rid of her would the amount saved be enough to provide health care insurance to about a thousand people?

A. $1 is too much! Actually according to my rep, it costs about $5,000 for their health care and he proposed a bill that would allow us to opt into the government program that congress has.

BTW, he's a republican in case anyone wants to CLAIM the GOP has no ideas to reform health care!

Anywhere where i can find nursing home in ct that takes united health care insurance?
Q. I really need this asap i need to find any nursing facilities in connecticut that takes health care insurance?

A. Nursing homes do not accept health insurance and health insurance does not pay for nursing homes.

Where to Find Really Cheap Health Care Insurance?
Q. I know a lot of sites that offer health insurance, but need to know really cheap health care insurance.Thank you in advance.

A. Yes, many people don't like the idea they'll have to pay so much for health insurance.There are sites that offer you really cheap health insurance, but people don't know them.I've recently found one of them.Here is the link.You will be able to save $20%.


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What causes hemorrhoids and what are good hemorrhoids treatments?

Q. Help i think i have hemorrhoids. I've been having bloody stool and anal itching. I asked a friend of mine and they said i might have hemorrhoids. Wtf how would i get hemorrhoids, is that normal. What causes hemorrhoids and what are some hemorrhoids treatments? Do i have to go to the doctor?

A. Hemorrhoids are more common than you think. They can be cause by a number of things such as poor dieting and low fiber intake. I believe the most common reason people get hemorrhoids is straining during stool, this causes extreme pressure to the blood vessels in the anal canal and therefor causing swelling which forms hemorrhoids. Usually hemorrhoids are not life threatening so will not likely have to go to the doctor unless the pain is to unbearable. Some people have had to get hemorrhoids surgically removed. As far as hemorrhoids treatments there are many over the counter treatments that can offer temporary relief such as creams, ointments and suppositories. These will offer relief and help prevent flare ups. You can learn more about hemorrhoids treatments and recommendations at
Hope this helps

What are good available hemorrhoids home remedies ?
Q. I am suffering from hemorrhoids from last 1 year. Some times I get cured and again I start blood poop.
I have used some home remedies for hemorrhoids but it is not happy.

A. the best solution to treat Hemorrhoids is to start as soon as possibly . There are a wide variety of natural remedies available which can be applied to treat hemorrhoids so you can stop them from progressing and getting so bad that the only way to deal with them is surgery. These remedies are completely safe and you may find them to be much more effective than traditional medicine as many of them actually cure the problem instead of just treating the symptoms.
-One favorite used by many people is that of applying banana peel to the area.
-Fill up your bathtub with warm water and add salt. When it is ready, just lay in the salty water for a few minutes

What is the best herbal treatment for hemorrhoids?
Q. I have external hemorrhoids, have had them for about 1.5 years now, and I am just doing some personal research on what the best hemorrhoids treatment is. I've read a lot and I've boiled it down to a few. Any suggestions? I really want to get rid of these external hemorrhoids forever so please share your experiences!

A. Below are some of the most effective herbal ingredients for treating hemorrhoids:

1. Witch Hazel
It is basically an astringent that is commonly contained in ointments and creams for relieving hemorrhoids. Witch hazel is a shrub, and the bark and leaf of this shrub is used for reducing inflammation and swelling of external hemorrhoids.

2. Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut seed has countless benefits and it mainly helps in relieving certain diseases that involves the veins. Horse chestnut extract is used these days for treating hemorrhoids. It contains aescin, a special ingredient that helps in reducing pain and inflammation, and also improves the elasticity of the vein, while strengthening the walls of the veins and improving the tone too. It further helps in improving micro vascular circulation and also lessens fluid retention and swelling.

3. Butcher�s Broom
Butcher�s broom is an effective herb that belongs to the family of asparagus, and is also used as a vegetable. It contains one of the most crucial ingredients called ruscogenins that helps in narrowing the blood vessels, reduces swelling and inflammation, and also strengthens the walls of veins.

4. Pilewort
Pilewort is an ancient English herb that helps in treating the symptoms of hemorrhoids. It is used in the form of a tincture, and is applied directly on to the external hemorrhoid. However, it can be consumed as tea also.Pilewort has certain side effects, though so keep this in mind if you are using it and stop and see a doctor if you feel any negative side effects.

5. Cranesbill
It is basically a geranium plant, usually wild in nature, and is native to America. It helps in treating various digestive conditions and has excellent astringent properties for treating hemorrhoids.

What is the best way to shrink hemorrhoids?
Q. I have 3 external hemorrhoids, and one or 2 internal ones as well. My life is not very pleasant.
Recently, they have been very swollen and hurt to the point where it's difficult to go number 2.

Any home remedies or things to shrink hemorrhoids, or at least help?
Note: I've already tried Aloe Vera Juice, fiber and plenty of water.

Thank you.

A. EXPOSED: "Easy Method Cures Hemorrhoids Safely in 48 Hours, Already PROVEN By Thousands To Have Eliminated Pain & Embarrassment For Good ..."

Unravel what they don't want you to discover ... curable no matter how severe.

Now, obviously you came here to finally get rid of this condition for good, too - yes?

Everyone else today did.

And I'm sure you see the SENSE in making a small investment for a an easy, FAIL-SAFE remedy that's GUARANTEED to work without side-effects - yes?

Of course you would.

Realize that hemorrhoids can get worse over time, making it harder to eliminate. Thus, the worst thing you can do is to procrastinate.

Then don't wait. Take action. TRY SOURCE BELOW NOW and stop risking even more suffering, annoyance and embarrassment.

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What is the difference between diet sodas and other sodas?

Q. Diet Pepsi v.s. Pepsi? How do they make the taste different? Which one is healthier?

A. The difference lie in the amount of sugar each has. I say neither one is healthy but if you had to pick one choose diet. Diet doesn't taste as good as regular, that is true for most things anyways.

How to not go off tracks in my diet and what is the best diet?
Q. WHt diet is the best, and give me some tips how to lose weight.

A. The "best diet" is not a diet at all, its a way of eating for the rest of your life.

As far as popular diets go, Atkins, Southbeach, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, low cal, low fat etc etc.. they all work... you have to 1. follow them, and 2. not go back to your old habits once you reach your goal.

Everyone is a little different and may achieve their healthy weight down a different path. Some things in common among the diets is cutting out sugary drinks like soda, and eating sugary desserts. Another is excercise on a regular basis

I use "Strip that fat" program to achieve my goals. It fit my personal tastes for food and I managed to lose 50 lbs in 6 months 5 yrs ago and keep it off. For you it may be another method. But something like the lemonade diet isn't a way of eating for life, and even if you stuck to it, once you went back to the old ways of eating, the weight would come back.

I googled it and found their website:

For good health balanced diet is essential. What should be done if a day slips from the diet program?
Q. For good health balanced diet is essential. What should be done if a day slips from the diet program?

A. You need not worry; you can balance the food intake the next day. But, if this continues there is no use in following a balanced diet. Find tips for healthy living and more on balanced diet in

Does a low carb diet lower the amount of good bacteria in your gut?
Q. If I go on a low carb diet, will it lower the amount of good bacteria in my gut?

Also, if I take probiotics, will they be able to be sustained in my gut on a low carb diet or will the probiotics be ineffective in providing benefits if I am on a low carb diet?


A. No, a "low carb" diet will not ruin the good bacteria in your gut unless you're eating way too much cheese. The probiotics would be a good idea too. Also, "low carb" diets are not a good idea. Better to eat plenty of unrefined carbs like fruits and veggies for fiber. If you're eating just protein or fat it's not good for the kidneys, esp. long term. Dr. Atkins, who popularized the low carb diets died of a heart attack after all.

If you are really looking the best way to diet,
I suggest doing what this mom did and combining the Acai diet with a cleansing program for the best result

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Would I benefit more with the schools health insurance options or private insurance?

Q. I teach in texas at FWISD. Im planning to get pregnant and to upgrade to the best health insurance option. The deductibles my district provides are very high-around 3,000 with monthly payment of $170 per month. What are my options with private health insurance?

A. Because of healthcare reform your options with private health insurance covering maternity are limited to one plan in Texas and will cost you more than you're currently paying because the employer will not contribute anything to the private plan. Stay where you are.

Is this not the saner alternative to the Democrat healthcare reform?
Q. -Increase the Medicaid threshold to insure the uninsurable with pre-existing conditions and the lower middle class who are currently not eligible for Medicaid but unable to afford private insurance.
-Tax credits to lower and middle income households to purchase private health insurance plans.
-Regulatory reform to reduce instances of denial of coverage due to pre-existing conditions.
-Creating an independent agency to audit and investigate cases of fraud on the Medicare/Medicaid rolls.
-Tort reform, allowing private insurers/HMO's, hospitals, clinics and drug companies to lower operating costs from frivolous lawsuits.
-Allowing insurers to sell across state lines with portable insurance policies that allow people to move from state-to-state and keep their policies. It will also allow insurers to relocate to states with lower taxes and lower operating costs. These lowered operating costs would then conceivably be passed on to the insured.
-Employer regulations to insure that recently laid-off workers can keep their current policies for a suitable period of time (maybe 6 months) until they can find other means of employment or health insurance.
-No Public Option, and thus no multiple-trillions of dollars spent and no attrition of private insurers.

If we can achieve those goals, not only will we have near-universal healthcare, but we will also continue to have private insurers operating in a reduced-cost environment.
Also, the United States has some of the greatest hospitals (JHH and Mayo) and the best Medical Schools (Harvard and Johns Hopkins) in the world. Just thought that needed to be said.
At A.E. Moreira, that's why we allow insurers to sell beyond state lines, so that they can relocate or incorporate in states that already have tort reform.

A. But the "bottom-line" question IS, Why does the Government WANT to "control" Health Care?
What qualifies THEM to make Your decisions? Giving them control of THIS aspect of OUR lives, gives them access to control MORE of OUR choices, about how we live.
It is not the job, or responsibility, of Government to manage OUR lives. Name ONE Government Administrated Program that has NOT been inundated by fraud, mismanagement, budget problems, and all the other garbage that comes with "Government Involvement".
Constitutionally speaking, THIS is not in their "job description", nor should it be!
IF we are foolish enough to allow this, what will be the next aspect of Your Life that you will be ready to give them control of? How long until WE realize that we cannot crap, without the approval of Government? In other words, where will Government Involvement STOP?
Please, do not become a bunch of Sheep, being led to the slaughter!
That is how this Bozo got elected! A bunch of brain-dead idiots did not have enough intelligence to make an "informed decision"!
Foolish Drones!

What is the best private health insurance in California?
Q. I am working at a company in California where there is no health insurance offered so I need to get private insurance.

Any suggestions on any good private health insurance companies?

A. It's not that easy.

There is no one company that's best for everybody, and every company has a plan that's best for somebody. Each company also has several different plans available, so the company that has the best plan for you also has plans that are not good for you.

You need to contact a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area. The agent can help you find the best plan for your situation and budget. There is no charge using an agent and you'll have someone local that can help you should you have questions in the future about your plan.

How would a Universal health care public option put private health insurance out of business ?
Q. How would a Universal health care public option put private health insurance out of business ?

A. Consider the fact that Obamacare is going to be subsidized by a tax on private health insurance. This artificially raises the price of the private plan and lowers the price of the public plan. Add to this that if any changes are made to a private health insurance plan then it is required to offer benefits identical to the government plan.

So Obamacare is designed that after a period of several years - everybody in the country will have a 'one size fits all' health insurance plan with the private plans being more expensive because they are subsidizing the government plan. (Unless you are a member of a union or a government employee - then you get a 'cadallac' plan with no penalties.)

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when lemon juice is added at the beginning of cooking lentils why does it slow the cooking?

Q. why does lemon juice slow the cooking of lentils when added at the beginning? does altering the pH effect the way lentils cook on a molecular level?

A. Boiling points are largely determined by intermolecular (hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic/hydrophilic) interactions. These three functional groups all contain an electron donor (oxygen or nitrogen) with a different willingness to share its electrons and thus a different capacity to hold on to other molecules. The tighter these interactions are, the higher the boiling point will be. The citric acid in Lemon Juice, a weak carboxylic acid, decomposes below boiling point at 175°C while water boils at 100°C.

**NOTE: If you're using a small amount of lemon juice, then it probably is not really effecting the boiling point**

How much orange juice should I drink to bring along my period?
Q. Drinking orange juice is said to make your period come faster, but how much should I drink?
The reason why I asked is because YES my period is late. You don't need to be rude.

A. That's not true.

Vitamin C can induce late periods as it starves the uterus of progesterone - however this would only work if your period was actually due or late, it also requires a high dose...far more vitamin C than you'd get from a few glasses of orange juice. It's really best just to let your period come naturally.

How to make calamansi juice concentrate and how to preserve it?
Q. How to make juice concentrate and how to preserve it?
I have quite some calamansi (very small lemons). I'd like to make some sweetened concentrate ( for making lemonade later ) and unsweetened concentrate or unsweetened juice for cooking. How to make this and how to preserve it? Could we keep it in 300ml plastic bottles?

A. Squeeze the juice from the calamansi and mix with sugar. After which, refrigerate. Do not put water in the mixture. When you want calamansi juice drink, that is the only time you get some of the concentrate and mix with ice cold water and sugar to sweeten it. Do not use hot water for it will kill the vitamin content of the juice.

How much lemon juice should be added to a gallon of water to prevent browning of potatoes?
Q. How much lemon juice should be added to a gallon of water to prevent browning of potatoes? Thanks for your help!

A. Browning in potatoes, bananas, apples, mushrooms and many other fruits and veggies are caused by enzymes called polyphenoloxidase. Keeping potatoes submerged in water will work for a while as it greatly lessens the available amount of oxygen the enzymes require to cause browning, however it will not eliminate the browning process altogether.

Lemon juice works great for preventing enzymatic browning of apples, pears and bananas, as it actually kills the enzymes by altering the ph level on the surface of the fruit. While submerging potatoes in water will greatly reduce enzymatic browning, the potatoes still yellow a little bit. Peel a fresh potato and compare it to one soaked in water overnight and you will see the soaked potato has indeed darkened slightly. If you want to prevent the discoloration entirely, you can dissolve 2 TBL of salt per gallon of water and this will keep your potatoes nice and white. Remember to rinse the potatoes before using them.

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why did supply of health care insurance dry out in Massachusetts? Is it what awaits the entire nation?

Q. This week it became impossible in Massachusetts for small businesses and individuals to buy any health-care coverage.

I predicated dozens of times here on YA that ObamaCare will cause 100 million Americans to lose health care insurance,Liberals always laughed. Soon we'll see libs, and do not whine then nobody wants to sell you a policy. You were warned, you laughed, now face the consequences.

A. I can't believe you are still physically well - mental disease always causes physical illness.

Do you believe the health care insurance industry is also facing financial burdens because of the high costs?
Q. Do you believe the health care insurance industry is also facing financial burdens because of the high costs? Why or why not?

A. Yes i do

Why did insurance companies stop selling health care insurance policies to kids?
Q. My mom tried to purchase a health care insurance policy for me and my sister since September, but all companies tell her that such policies are no longer for sale. What will happen to us if we become seriously ill?

A. Thank Obamcare

How much does it cost tax payers for health care insurance just for nancy Pelosi?
Q. just wondering if we got rid of her would the amount saved be enough to provide health care insurance to about a thousand people?

A. $1 is too much! Actually according to my rep, it costs about $5,000 for their health care and he proposed a bill that would allow us to opt into the government program that congress has.

BTW, he's a republican in case anyone wants to CLAIM the GOP has no ideas to reform health care!

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What causes blood velocity to increase when blood goes from the capillaries to the veins?

Q. What causes blood velocity to increase when blood goes from the capillaries to the veins?

A. energy, mass and momentum are conserved even as the vessels norrow, so to make up for the decreased area, the blood picks up speed. it can be shown by the equation A1V1=A2V2
A is area
V is velocity.
the more you narrow the vessel the faster it is going to go. It is kinda of like when you have a hose, and then you put your finger to restrict the flow, the water shoots out at a much greater velocity and distance.

How long can blood stay in a tube before being tested for blood alcohol level?
Q. Blood was drawn into a test tube but lab is closed and can't be tested until tomorrow. Will it still be accurate?

A. You have 14 days per below:

Whole blood or serum

Volume: 7 mL

Minimum Volume: 0.5 mL

Container: Gray-top (sodium fluoride) tube (preferred) or red-top tube. Submit original unopened tube.

Special Instructions: Do not prepare venipuncture site with alcohol or remove stopper from tube.

Storage Instructions: Refrigerate

Stability: Temperature Period
Room temperature 14 days
Refrigerated 14 days
Frozen 14 days
Freeze/thaw cycles Stable x3

Reference Interval: Negative (cutoff = 0.010%)

Use: Quantitation of alcohol level for medical or legal purposes; test unconscious patients; used to diagnose alcohol intoxication and determine appropriate therapy; detect alcoholism and to monitor ethanol treatment for methanol intoxication. Must be tested as possible cause of coma of unknown etiology since alcohol intoxication may mimic diabetic coma, cerebral trauma, and drug overdose.

Methodology: Gas chromatography (GC)

Additional Information: Ethanol is absorbed rapidly from the GI tract. Peak blood levels usually occur within 40 to 70 minutes on an empty stomach. Food in the stomach can decrease the absorption of alcohol. Ethanol is metabolized by the liver to acetaldehyde. Once peak blood ethanol levels are reached, disappearance is linear; a 70 kg man metabolizes 7-10 g of alcohol/hour (15±5 mg/dL/hour). The urine:blood ratio is considered to be about 1.35:1 but is quite variable. The average saliva:blood ratio is 1:20. Symptoms of intoxication in the presence of low alcohol levels could indicate a serious acute medical problem requiring immediate attention. The half-lives and effectiveness of certain drugs (eg, barbiturates, etc) are increased in the presence of ethanol.

18. What is �blood typing�? How is it done? Why is it so important to run blood typing before a blood transfus?
Q. 18. What is �blood typing�? How is it done? Why is it so important to run blood typing before a blood transfusion? What happens if mom and baby have different blood types?

A. Blood typing is determining the antigens present on a red blood cell.

In a clinical setting, blood type is determined by mixing red blood cells with in three different tubes. One with anti-A antibodies, one with anti-B antibodies, and another with anti-D antibodies. This determines the forward type. The person's plasma (the liquid portion of blood) is mixed in two other tubes, one with type A red blood cells, and the other with type B red blood cells to determine the reverse or back type. Agglutination (red cells clumping) indicates a reaction between antigen and antibody. So if there is agglutination in the tubes of anti-A, anti-D, and B red blood cells, the person is A+.

It is important to determine the blood type because of the antibodies that are present to ABO blood group antigens that are not present on the person's red blood cells. For example, type A individuals are expected to produce anti-B antibodies. If you transfuse blood that has one of the antigens that the body has made antibodies toward, the antibodies will attach to the transfused red blood cells and hemolyze them. The resulting reaction can cause death.

If mom and baby have different blood types there is a chance that the mom's antibodies cross the placenta and start destroying the baby's red blood cells. In mild cases it will cause increased bilirubin levels after birth. In severe cases it could cause death of the baby if there is no intervention. ABO incompatibilities between mother and baby rarely cause major problems.

What should purified blood contain after being filtered in the kidneys?
Q. when blood is filtered in the kidney and then back in the renal vein, what should that blood contain?

A. Blood proteins. They are too large to filter through the fenstrated endothelium of of glomerulus in the kidney nephrons.

EDIT: In addition the blood will contain hemoglobin and anything else that is the same size or larger than a red blood cell.

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Do you know the difference between health care and health care coverage?

Q. I see a lot of posts on here saying that we have the best health care in the world and the evidence is that people come here from other countries to get care. I agree that we have the best health CARE in the world.

What is being discussed is health care coverage, not health care. That is, the way health care is paid for.

Do you understand the difference?

A. Yes. If you have unlimited resources as an American you have the best health care in the world. If you are an ordinary citizen you simply don't. Even the average health care plan generally does not cover the basics like European systems do. All too often Americans find out just how under insured they are when sickness strikes.
That's important because when those people are lucky enough to stay healthy they will never see a problem whatsoever just as their fellow countrymen were just fine with their coverage before tradgedy happened.
This is the same thing as with the standard of living. Americans have a higher income on average than Americans but more detailed data shows it's the top 1 percent income earners that's responsible for the whole difference. Middle clas an poor Americans are much worse of than their European counterparts

That's ultimately what it is about

Are there provisions in the health care bill that will actually reduce health care costs?
Q. Health care now costs 16 percent of our GNP. What will be the effect on this percentage if Obama's health care bill is passed?

A. The CBO says it will add to health care costs. They are nonpartisan and have studied the health care plan. That is why it will hopefully be defeated.

How much is the Health care reform going to cost and where are they planning to get the money?
Q. How much is the Health care reform going to cost and where are they planning to get the money in order to fund this reform? and what can you forecast about this you think this reform actually going to help many people?

A. No one knows how much it's going to cost. How are they going to get the money? They will raise taxes on some people, and print money for the rest. That will lead to inflation.

As to who it will help, ME, I hope. Our health insurance premiums went up 23% in January (group, not individual). Our health premiums now take 35% of our income. do you think this is fair? We have worked for 35 years, and this is our reward. Why shouldn't all Americans have access to health care without going broke?

It was intended to help everyone without health insurance, but it won't because political pressures meant they couldn't go thru with the public option. My state is now suing the Federal govt (although the state is broke) saying it's unconstitutional to have to buy health insurance. We have to purchase auto insurance to drive, we have to have homeowners insurance to buy a house, why shouldn't we have to buy health insurance?

How does the current health care system in America work?
Q. I know there is a huge debate about universal health care and such on health care reform in America. But what is it that makes sparked this reform? How does the current system work and what it wrong with it? I'm trying to find the answers online, but I can't find anything that can answer my question. Thank you for all responses!

A. The real answer will be too long to post here, but a few highlights. Health care used to be under the control of doctors. In WWII the US government unconstitutionally froze wages and prices so in order to obtain and retain the best employees, employers had to add benefits as they couldn't adjust wages. One of the benes added was health insurance which was not really needed (not anywhere as important as it is today). After WWII the link remained--in peoples' minds and in fact.
Come 1966 and the feds decided to take their unconstitutional Social Security program a step farther and create Medicare--now the feds were in health care big time. Medicare has grown over time and was always supposed to ensure that no doc or hospital ever got a profit from treating Medicare patients--unfortunately docs have been taken to the cleaners on the deal which is why it's getting harder and harder to find one who takes Medicare. Also premiums are on the rise, particularly in the last decade:
In the US, Medicare is going bankrupt. In 1998, Medicare premiums were $43.80 and in 2008 will be $96.40--up 120%. "Medigap" insurance is common because of the 20% co-pay required for service. Medicare HMOs are common because they reduce that burden without an extra charge in many cases. HOWEVER, many procedures which used to have no or a low co-pay NOW cost the full 20% for the HMO Medicare patient. ALSO the prescription coverage they tended to offer has been REDUCED in many cases to conform to the insane "donut hole" coverage of the feds. Doctors are leaving Medicare because of the low and slow pay AND because the crazy government wants to "balance" their Ponzi scheme on the backs of doctors.
"That dark cloud lurking over the shoulder of every Massachusetts physician is Medicare. If Congress does not act, doctors' payments from Medicare will be cut by about 5 percent annually, beginning next year through 2012, creating a financial hailstorm that would wreak havoc with already strained practices.

Cumulatively, the proposed cuts represent a 31 percent reduction in Medicare reimbursement. If the cuts are adjusted for practice-cost inflation, the American Medical Association says Medicare payment rates to physicians in 2013 would be less than half of what they were in 1991."

In the very early 1970s, others looked at the growth of health care as we made more scientific advances (DNA was only discovered in 1953, for example) and decided that being able to have control over life and death should be pretty profitable, so the concept of "managed care" based on the LIE that doctors were making "too much money" was born and embraced by those who couldn't get into or through medical school. The door was open for the hijacking of medical care and the skyrocketing of prices. As you see with Medicare payments, doctors would NOT be the beneficiaries.
Since that time the boldness of insurance companies to ignore their contracts as well as antitrust laws has grown wildly and the government sits and twiddles its thumbs wasting time and tax dollars on "investigating" Microsoft and baseball instead of enforcing laws. Hospitals have decided that they'll charge the uninsured about 3 times what they charge the insured and have become aggressive in going after CITIZENS who don't pay their bills in full.
As always, the government has ensured problems will exist with their mandates that everyone be treated at an ER if he has a life-threatening condition, regardless of ability to pay. Sounds good on paper. Hospitals deliberately misinterpret the mandate to mean "treat all illegals no matter how little they need medical care and bill the heck out of the taxpayer." Combine this with the stupid governmental mandate of "compassionate entry" (the Border Patrol is instructed to let in everyone who is ill so they can be treated here, knowing full well in many cases the taxpayer is going to eat the bill), and you have hard-working Americans paying more and seeing portions of their hospitals shut down because of governmental meddling and their inability to do their job: secure the borders.
A few things that should be of interest to any thinking man on the subject of health care in the US--in other words, the pols won't discuss this and the media give it short shrift:
When 75% of the people who declare bankruptcy over medical bills ARE INSURED, then insurance is CLEARLY not the answer.
"Aldrich�s situation is "asinine" but increasingly common, said Dr. Deborah Thorne of Ohio University. Thorne, co-author of a widely quoted 2005 study that found medical bills contributed to nearly half of the 1.5 million personal bankruptcies filed in the U.S. each year, said that ratio has likely worsened since the data was gathered.
Like Aldrich, Thorne said, three-quarters of the individuals in the study who declared bankruptcy because of health problems were insured. "

Linda Peeno, MD testified that SHE had often denied treatment JUST to save the insurance company money

"the vast majority of health insurance policies are through for-profit stock companies. They are in the process of �shedding lives� as some term it when �undesirable� customers are lost through various means, including raising premiums and co-pays and decreasing benefits (Britt, �Health insurers getting bigger cut of medical dollars,� 15 October 2004, That same Investors Business Daily article from 2004 noted the example of Anthem, another insurance company. They said the top five executives (not just the CEO) received an average of an 817 percent increase in compensation between 2000 and 2003. The CEO, for example, had his compensation go from $2.5 million to $25 million during that time period. About $21 million of that was in stock payouts, the article noted.

A 2006 article, �U.S. Health Insurance: More Market Domination, More CEO Compensation�
( notes that in 56 percent of 294 metropolitan areas one insurer �controls more than half the business in health maintenance organization and preferred provider networks underwriting." In addition to having the most enrollees, they also are the biggest purchasers of health care and set the price and coverage terms. ��The results is double-digit premium increases from 2001 and 2004�peaking with a 13.9 percent jump in 2003�soaring well above inflation and wages increases.�" Where is all that money going? The article quotes a Wall Street Journal article looking at the compensation of the CEO of UnitedHealth Group. His salary and bonus is $8 million annually. He has benefits such as the use of a private jet. He has stock-option fortunes worth $1.6 billion."
--Save America, Save the World by Cassandra Nathan pp. 127-128

"Insurance Companies Robbing Patients
Robbing patients to pay CEOs leads to unprecedented medical insurance corporation greed.
Thursday, January 3, 2008 8:52 AM
By: Michael Arnold Glueck & Robert J. Cihak, The Medicine Men"

Thus many have decided UHC like much of the rest of the world has must surely be the answer little regarding the FACT it does not work.

Canadian doc, now in US, who studies world health care:

US can't pull it off. Hillarycare can't work--one of her problems is her refusal to deal with the massive illegalities of the handful of insurers who rip us off. However, Romney of Taxachusetts put her basic plan into place. Result: "Massachusetts announced that spending on its health care plan would increase by $400 million in 2008, a cost expected to be borne largely by taxpayers."
Last modified: January 29. 2008 5:03AM

In that article it notes how CA could not pull of UHC. About one month later we saw the inevitable headline:
"L.A. County may close most of its clinics

Facing a deficit, health officials want to pay private centers to take up the
slack. Critics say the plan's logic is faulty",1,5252458,fu

BTW, sensible plan that would work:
Read the PDF, not the blurb, for the bulk of the plan. Book is searchable on
Cassandra Nathan's Save America, Save the World

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How much does it cost tax payers for health care insurance just for nancy Pelosi?

Q. just wondering if we got rid of her would the amount saved be enough to provide health care insurance to about a thousand people?

A. $1 is too much! Actually according to my rep, it costs about $5,000 for their health care and he proposed a bill that would allow us to opt into the government program that congress has.

BTW, he's a republican in case anyone wants to CLAIM the GOP has no ideas to reform health care!

Anywhere where i can find nursing home in ct that takes united health care insurance?
Q. I really need this asap i need to find any nursing facilities in connecticut that takes health care insurance?

A. Nursing homes do not accept health insurance and health insurance does not pay for nursing homes.

Where to Find Really Cheap Health Care Insurance?
Q. I know a lot of sites that offer health insurance, but need to know really cheap health care insurance.Thank you in advance.

A. Yes, many people don't like the idea they'll have to pay so much for health insurance.There are sites that offer you really cheap health insurance, but people don't know them.I've recently found one of them.Here is the link.You will be able to save $20%.


Do you think the US government has the obligation to, protect the consumer of health care insurance?
Q. Case in point:
If a person has health care insurance, he/she pays premiums dutifully, person becomes ill.
Ins Co. cancel the insurance for no reason other that it wants to, for business reason.
The US government passes a law that rules that action unlawful. Do you agree with that law?

A. yes, consumer protection is a valid role for government

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Do you think the US government has the obligation to, protect the consumer of health care insurance?

Q. Case in point:
If a person has health care insurance, he/she pays premiums dutifully, person becomes ill.
Ins Co. cancel the insurance for no reason other that it wants to, for business reason.
The US government passes a law that rules that action unlawful. Do you agree with that law?

A. yes, consumer protection is a valid role for government

What kind of health care insurance system do the top 20 major industrialized democracy based govts have?
Q. I am talking about the top 10 most economically successful countries in the world.

What kind of health care insurance system do they have? which ones resemble the USA's the most??

A. Now that the US has adopted it, 10 out of 10 have socialised care, i.e. everybody has to pay health insurance and gets free basic care.
But you might be interested to know, that all EU countries, Eastern and Western have this system, so does Japan, Singapore, Australia.
So not only economically strong countries think this is a good idea.

Most countries have understood, that if they have a healthy population, they have a productive one. If everyone can have medical treatment before illnesses become serious, everyone saves money and people live longer and more productive lives.

What's the difference between Health care reform and Health care "INSURANCE" reform?
Q. Obama and other democrats are now calling the health care reform, health care insurance reform. So what's the difference?

A. because their focus groups have told them insurance is the concern of Americans. The Dems change their color often to match popular opinion. Obama's success has been built on telling the people what they want to hear. It's a Snake-Oil-Salesman tactic.

Which health care insurance is the best choice?
Q. I just moved to the states 4 months ago and am looking for a health care insurance now. My job offers one, but is way too expensive with 60 dollars a week. I am looking for something cheap and effective since I need prescription drugs such as birth control,thyroid gland and kidney medicine. I need a low cost plan for single,27. No dental really needed. Any idea which one would be good to look at for me?I reside in Jax Florida.

A. Try this site

here you can get quotes from different companies so you can find the best plan for you.

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Why did supply of health care insurance dry out in Massachusetts? Is it what awaits the entire nation?

Q. This week it became impossible in Massachusetts for small businesses and individuals to buy any health-care coverage.

I predicated dozens of times here on YA that ObamaCare will cause 100 million Americans to lose health care insurance,Liberals always laughed. Soon we'll see libs, and do not whine then nobody wants to sell you a policy. You were warned, you laughed, now face the consequences.

A. I can't believe you are still physically well - mental disease always causes physical illness.

Do you believe the health care insurance industry is also facing financial burdens because of the high costs?
Q. Do you believe the health care insurance industry is also facing financial burdens because of the high costs? Why or why not?

A. Yes i do

Why did insurance companies stop selling health care insurance policies to kids?
Q. My mom tried to purchase a health care insurance policy for me and my sister since September, but all companies tell her that such policies are no longer for sale. What will happen to us if we become seriously ill?

A. Thank Obamcare

How much does it cost tax payers for health care insurance just for nancy Pelosi?
Q. just wondering if we got rid of her would the amount saved be enough to provide health care insurance to about a thousand people?

A. $1 is too much! Actually according to my rep, it costs about $5,000 for their health care and he proposed a bill that would allow us to opt into the government program that congress has.

BTW, he's a republican in case anyone wants to CLAIM the GOP has no ideas to reform health care!

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

What does red blood cells carry differently to plasma?

Q. I know red blood cells carries oxygen and this chemical is called haemaglobin but what else do red blood cell carry and plasma in the blood? I know they carry vital substances but I don't know which one carries which.

Please help! Thank you!

A. The hemoglobin in red blood cells binds to both O2 and CO2 for gas exchange. O2 is taken to the tissues. About 10% of CO2 binds to hemoglobin and is unloaded in the lungs for exhalation.

Plasma contains water and plasma proteins. The plasma proteins are fibrin for clotting, globulins for antibodies, and albumin. The plasma proteins are important for setting up a plasma-colloid osmotic pressure, which is a force important in net filtration in the kidneys and for moving water into the circulatory system.

How long after giving blood should I wait to get blood work done?
Q. I am a member of the local Blood Bank, and they have called me to give my donation. I am scheduled to get blood work done soon after. How long do I need to wait after I give blood, to get my blood work done?
I am planning on donating this week. My appointment for blood work is next week. Would there be an issue with my blood work since my donation is close to when I am having blood work done?

A. There should be no problem donating blood followed by routine lab tests. Quantitative hematology tests such as hemoglobin/hematocrit may be slightly affected. Otherwise, most lab tests will not be affected. Thank your for such a generous gift.

How can i remove blood stains from carpet?
Q. Blood has been sitting for a week on carpet, what is the best way to remove the stains?

A. Oxi-Clean. Soak, blot. Then soak again, blot again. Then stack some folded rags on the spot, put something heavy on the rags and leave it overnight to soak up all the moisture. This assumes the carpet isn't wool. (Oxi-Clean is not good for wool carpets.) You may have to repeat it, but I usually didn't.

I know about this because I had an old dog that had skin issues/tumors. She left several serious blood spots on my light beige carpet, and the Oxi-Clean worked like a charm.

Good luck.

Why is Blood most needed during the summer and the winter season?
Q. Most companies hold a blood drive during the summer and the winter season? What is so significant about these seasons that most blood drives are held during these times?

A. It's not. They need blood all year round.

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How to not go off tracks in my diet and what is the best diet?

Q. WHt diet is the best, and give me some tips how to lose weight.

A. The "best diet" is not a diet at all, its a way of eating for the rest of your life.

As far as popular diets go, Atkins, Southbeach, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, low cal, low fat etc etc.. they all work... you have to 1. follow them, and 2. not go back to your old habits once you reach your goal.

Everyone is a little different and may achieve their healthy weight down a different path. Some things in common among the diets is cutting out sugary drinks like soda, and eating sugary desserts. Another is excercise on a regular basis

I use "Strip that fat" program to achieve my goals. It fit my personal tastes for food and I managed to lose 50 lbs in 6 months 5 yrs ago and keep it off. For you it may be another method. But something like the lemonade diet isn't a way of eating for life, and even if you stuck to it, once you went back to the old ways of eating, the weight would come back.

I googled it and found their website:

For good health balanced diet is essential. What should be done if a day slips from the diet program?
Q. For good health balanced diet is essential. What should be done if a day slips from the diet program?

A. You need not worry; you can balance the food intake the next day. But, if this continues there is no use in following a balanced diet. Find tips for healthy living and more on balanced diet in

Does a low carb diet lower the amount of good bacteria in your gut?
Q. If I go on a low carb diet, will it lower the amount of good bacteria in my gut?

Also, if I take probiotics, will they be able to be sustained in my gut on a low carb diet or will the probiotics be ineffective in providing benefits if I am on a low carb diet?


A. No, a "low carb" diet will not ruin the good bacteria in your gut unless you're eating way too much cheese. The probiotics would be a good idea too. Also, "low carb" diets are not a good idea. Better to eat plenty of unrefined carbs like fruits and veggies for fiber. If you're eating just protein or fat it's not good for the kidneys, esp. long term. Dr. Atkins, who popularized the low carb diets died of a heart attack after all.

If you are really looking the best way to diet,
I suggest doing what this mom did and combining the Acai diet with a cleansing program for the best result

What type of diet or healthy eating should a person with Sepsis would take?
Q. What type of diet or healthy eating should a person with Sepsis would take?
And what type of foods should the person eat or do?

A. very most importantly- water, water, water. gatorade, other fluids. diluting/flushing is crucial. then, broth, lean protein for repair, fruits + veggies, ones that aren't too hard to digest. healthy eating, food groups observed, balanced diet, no processed or junk food.

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

What are the best weight loss and muscle building supplements that work?

Q. What are the weight loss and muscle building supplements or drinks or pills to take that really work?!? Please help!

A. None of them are approved by any medical or dietary organization because they just don't work. Except for making money for the sellers.
80% of weight loss is diet.
You can eat a healthy diet and lose weight.
You can eat a healthy diet and exercise and lose more weight.
You can exercise and eat a poor diet and not lose and even gain weight.
A good healthy diet high in fiber, lean meats, eggs, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, antioxidant foods, healthy beverages and low in added sugar and salt help people lose weight, lower cholesterol, increase energy, improve brain function, lower blood pressure, reduce cancer risk and have a more positive lifestyle!
You need to eat a lot more food and a lot more fiber!
Diets that exclude foods from any food group are fad diets and do not lead to permanent weight loss or solve any other health issues.
First, try to kick your fiber intake to 40 grams of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
Whatever you do, get your fiber from your food, not from a jar.
Fruits and vegetables have good fiber in them. A high fiber diet increases the metabolism.
Try a breakfast cereal with at least 20% of recommended daily allowance of fiber in it. They are usually low in sugar so there is a double benefit. Blueberries or raspberries on top add more fiber and antioxidants. But fresh or frozen, not the kind in syrup. Oatmeal with berries or a bit of fresh honey is also good.
Raw nuts are a great source of fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Avocados are the best.
Lots of beans, peas, and grains are high fiber. Whole grain breads. Fiber kicks up the metabolism so you actually burn more calories. These foods will give you more gas in the beginning but if eaten daily, the bacteria in the digestive tract will elevate lowering the gas output.
This will get you on the path for a healthy daily bowel movement. This helps clean the system and aids healthy digestion. A high fiber diet reduces transit time - the amount of time it takes food from when it is eaten to when it is expelled. This reduces toxicity in the system both from internally produced, ingested, and external toxins.
I know it goes against everything you've heard or read but eating lots of the right foods will actually help you lose weight!
Next, take an age appropriate basic daily multivitamin. Don't look at your multivitamin as nutrition but more as an insurance policy. Think of it as filling in the gaps in your daily diet as opposed to a primary source of nutrients.
You have to drink lots of water to be healthy. But you can disguise it. Fill your glass all the way full with ice before pouring low sugar beverages. Try iced green tea with a splash of orange juice in it for sweet. More antioxidants. Add lemon juice to water for flavor. Slice up a cucumber and float it in pitcher of water. Gives it salty fresh taste. But you must drink up to 100 oz of water daily to help your body get rid of waste and the natural toxins.
Last, you need to get 8-9 hours of quality sleep depending on your age. All recent sleep studies report a connection between poor sleep patterns and weight gain. This includes going to bed as close to the same time every night including weekends. Most of us stay up late Friday and Saturday night and it throws us off.
You must combine a healthy diet with exercise to multiply the benefit. Whether an hour a day in the weight room or just a 30 minute brisk walk every day, the added benefit of a regular exercise program really do increase and accelerate healthy weight loss.

I lost 30 pounds in 5 months by spending my money at the grocery and gym and have kept it off for over two years. Less than 3% of people that attempt weight loss lose it and keep it off for two years. It is not easy. It is a lifestyle change.
Good luck and good health.

What are some good weight loss plans that work and make you loos many of pounds?
Q. I am looking for good weight loss plans that will help me loss lots of pounds. I really need this. Please give me your suggestions. Thanks!
I need a good weight loss plan that will work. I am an 11 year old girl, and i weigh 180 pounds. I'm looking to get it down to at least 100 or less. I want to loss weight before I loss more important things. Please give me your tips.

A. Below is a list of negative calorie foods that will boost your metabolism.

These foods don't actually have negative calories but when you eat these foods raw or slightly cooked your body burns more calories digesting and processing them than what is in the food itself.

For a healthy weight loss add some of these foods to your diet each day. Most of them are full of healthy nutrients.

Negative calorie fruits:

Negative calorie vegetables:
cabbage (green)
Chile peppers (hot)
garden cress
green beans
Web search for "list of negative calorie foods"

What weight loss dietplan work the best?
Q. I'm looking for a weight loss product that will really help me lose weight. Im not looking to spend heaps of money on some dodgey product that doesnt work.

A. The basics of weight loss are not as complicated as people make it out to be. You need to simply change your diet to healthy whole foods, fruits and veggies and get plenty of exercise.

This is hard to do for most of us because we are tempted with junk foods all the time.

If you want a structured diet plan that will tell you the types of food that you can eat and when you should eat them you can find diet plans that will do that at

What is the best and quickest weight loss excercise video?
Q. I am looking for a jump start weight loss video. Any suggestions. I do not want something that is super fast to the point where I will not be able to do it. I am fairly new at excercising and would not like to over do it or else I will not stick to it. Also I am brisk walking 2 miles 5-6 days a week but I would really like to lose belly fat I just don't know which exercise video is the best. Please help. I am 5'1" and weight 185 lbs. I am not a big eater but I think I gain weight pretty quick cause I starve myself eat once maybe twice a day. I don't eat breakfast and my lunch is usually around 2 or 3 pm. HELP!

A. hi
Try this link ,it has a lot of information on weight loss tips so here goes ,
If you are serious about losing weight, the calories in the food you eat should be less than the energy you use. You will have to increase your metabolic rate now, and plan your diet carefully.
Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. More details available at

good luck

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How will Obama's voluntary health insurance plan force anyone to do anything?

Q. I hear people talk about how the gvernment health insurance plan will "force" them to only see certain doctors, which is impossible bacause you first have to voluntarially sign up for the plan. Even then, just like EVERY other country with government health care, you can always opt out in favor of private health care.

So how is it forcing anyone to change their health care?

A. (1) Like medicare and medicaid only certain doctors will accept it.

(2) He is going to force everyone to have health insurance.

(3) Even the democrats do not believe that private insurance will be able to survive.

In Places where they have Universal health care health care is not created. Doctors salaries are pushed down and the number of patients they have to treat go up. This means rationing of health care.

The other thing that happens is that the government makes it so that the pharmaceutical companies and other medical research companies can not be compensated for Research and development killing R&D in new technology and treatments. Why do you think that all of the innovations come from here in the US. One reason that our health care is so expensive is because we have to pay for all of the R&D from countries with Universal Health care. That is why you see no innovations coming from them.

Universal Health care is not free. Basically is will cost all of those that all ready prioritize health care and pay for it now weather they can really afford it or not. The Congressional Budget Office said that Obama's plan will lead to an additional $1.6 TRILLION deficit over the next 10 years and will leave 35Million people without health care.

That means that those that do get health care that do not now will cost on average $60,000+.

Really, and do not let anyone tell you different, anyone in this country can have health insurance if it is their priority. When I graduated from HS I realized that I needed health insurance even though I was completely healthy so i got a job as a bank teller. Anyone can do this and there are plenty of jobs out there. Obviously there were many jobs that I would have rather had, but I prioritized health insurance, and people like me are the ones that will suffer under Obama's plan.

In this country anyone that prioritizes it can have health insurance and get world class care. Obama is going to take it from those of every income class that have it as a priority and give it to those that simply do not.

What do you see as the major differences between a single-provider health insurance plan and private health?
Q. *private health insurance

A. Private health insurance is more cost effective, and more cautious about fraud and corruption, than public (single-payor) health insurance. Fraud rates in Medicare and Medicaid are at LEAST four times higher - after all, they don't CARE about the bottom line, and they aren't paying claims out of their own money.

Can a Canadian citizen (with a work visa in the US) purchase private health Insurance in the US?
Q. My husband has a Visa to work in the US, and we are looking in to private health insurance. Does anyone know if there are any plans out there that will cover Canadian citizens in the US.

A. You will have to get insurance there. Six months out of Canada and you no longer have provincial coverage, with at least a three month wait list when you return.

You just buy a plan. Most people have private plans there so you'll have plenty of choce.

I have private health insurance and insurance from work?
Q. I have private health insurance from blue cross blue shield, I also get blue cross blue-shield from the work I do for the state. If I was to use the insurance from my work would it be a conflict with the insurance I privately have? I was told that they would cancel each other out and I would lose my private insurance. Is this true??? I don't really want to lose my private insurance for health and security reasons but I also don't want to keep paying more if i don't have to in the long run.

A. In most cases, you are paying too much for your coverage. You generally are best off just getting the bcbs plan from your employer. However, they can work together in some instances. If one is used as primary and then the other can pick up the co-pays at the doctor's office and other things. I know one person who has a situation like this. However, this person has coverage from their own employer and their spouse's employer. Their plan pays as primary, the other picks up everything except the annual deductible. Since the plans are written differently from each other, if they used the spouse's plan as primary, then their own plan would pick up nothing as secondary. Since both plans are through the employers and that person has a lot of medical expenses, it saves money to have both plans on that one person. Since the spouse has few medical expenses, they only have one plan on that spouse. In most cases, your private medical insurance is going to cost you more to carry than the out-of-pocket maximum on the plan with the employer. In most cases, you would do well to carry only one plan.

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What should I look for in a good health plan for my wife and I?

Q. We are late twenties, married two years and really need a decent family health plan. We have no kids yet. What specific benefits/costs should I be looking at? We can probably only afford $200-$300 a month, sadly.

A. If you can find a plan through your employer, it would be the cheapest. If you are buying on your own then you will have some additional things to look at:
1. are either of you planning any major surgeries or health events (pregnancy)
2. how often do you typically go to the doctor (1? 10?)
3. Do you need specialist care (ob? specialists?)
4. How much money do you have available in an emergency
5. Any routine medications (birth control? allergy? special condition?)

Plans will have info such as co-pays (what you pay when you go in) and then also things like co-insurance. Pay attention to these as it will help you identify how much money you will be paying in addition to your health insurance.

Some people pick plans that have higher upfront costs (copays, drugs, etc) with lower monthly costs because they rarely go to the doc and it is cheaper to pay those costs out of pocket. Others find insurance that is more per month but the day to day is cheaper.

Read the fine print- will previous conditions be a problem? Is there a limit to how much the insurance will pay? Is there a drug plan.

Good luck.

What should the fees be for Cadillac health plans?
Q. People who have Cadillac health plans will pay more to the government in fees. What should the scale be?

And how shall we exempt union workers who have Cadillac plans?
But iris, how do we exempt unions from this supposed tax...because it is not a tax, it is a fee.

A. The fact that union workers will be exempt (for a period of time) smacks of favoritism for that crowd. Why should they get off - and not me? No way. There will be lawsuits by the truckloads when that goes down. None of this will come out like the dems think it will. So many people think it just means free health care - when in fact it just means that the gov't is REQUIRING you to BUY health care (unless you are poor and it will be GIVEN to you!) There is so much to motivate one to being poor in this country! Anyway - the fees should be NOTHING! Don't TAX my right to buy a great health plan (I work very hard to do so!) taking money from me to pay for those that don't!

Does your corporations Self-funded Health Plan put a price tag on your head that may get you laid off?
Q. A majority of large corporations now self fund their health plans. Smaller companies, some with fewer than 100 employees, are moving to this trend too. This means the corporation you work for is paying for you and your families medical costs.

Anyone else concerned that this trend is both an invasion of privacy and puts a target on your back if you or any one of your family members has serious medical bills?

You're running XYZ, Inc and employ John Doe for an annual salary of $75,000. You provide a medical benefit of $10,000 and John picks up the other $5000 of the annual premium. With 401K matching, & other benefits, he cost XYZ, Inc. $100,000 a year. John's wife, Jane Doe has a chronic illness... costing about $50,000 annually.

XYZ, Inc. knows John is costing them $150K, not $100K. Does John have a target on his back?

A. I wouldn't think so as the insurance fund is likely administered by a third party. But, you can bet there is a move to keep you health, wealthy and wise as it is a benefit to the bottom line.

If you want to have insurance without limits, you will have to pay through the nose to get it. Your company has found this out and that is why they are self insured now.

They are simply playing the odds that everybody will not get drastically sick at the same time. If they do, it will bankrupt the fund, not the company.

How can a person switch health plans when they are sick?
Q. Please help! My uncle, who is in his fifties and has kidney problems (stones) and other issues, has doctors who suck because he is forced to stay with his crappy health plan. I won't name it, but his doctors are indifferent and haven't helped him and he can't afford to see another doctor. He also is discouraged and is too upset to haggle with insurance people, so he just allows himself to suffer.

So, I want to help. What can he do to eventually switch plans (legally) when he has been with one for so long and is currently sick? Every insurance carrier will not take a new customer if that person is sick (pre-existing condition clause) so a sick person is effectiively screwed. He has nothing terminal and does not have diabetes.

Please! If there are any insiders who wish to earn some good karma and relieve the pain of someone who has given up, now would be a great time!

A. Look for something in the "naturopathic" area. The health industry is changing. Stanardized medicine doctors' don't care, they get paid whether they are showing your uncle any progress or not...and they push PILLS instead of getting to the root problem. Your uncle's body is out of balance.
My sister is graduating in May for her certification as a CERTIFIED NUTRITION THERAPIST.
Start your uncle on a new path for his health.
NO PROCESSED FOODS OF ANY KIND. Cut back on red meat too. Organic apple juice could help with the stones. Also get him off of ALL sugar and dairy products. The white bag of sugar off the grocery shelf is bleached. Splenda, also a chlorinated product. If you'd like an "education" about the food industry in this country go to a health food store and they can lead you in the right direction. INCLUDING a referral for a CNT or naturopathic doctor. Just don't let him give up he's young.
"To relieve existing stones, a GINGER COMPRESS should be applied over the kidneys continuously, especially during a kidney stone attack or strong pain. Plenty of hot fluids may be taken especially hot BANCHA TWIG TEA, to help ease the obstruction and flush out the stone."pg 274
If your Uncle is serious about what he wants, relief from pain and kidney stone episodes...he will be willing to make the CHANGES that will literally save his life.
I have been a diabetic since 1992. I managed it pretty well or so I have always thought. Well I went through some changes in 2003 and my doctor never in questioned me about what I was doing with my diet she just added insulin shots to my life and before I knew it I put on 85 lbs I didn't ASK for....when I found out that the insulin was the direct result I asked the nurse how do I get off of this. I made changes in my diet and weaned myself off the shots within about 4 months. I wasted no time doing this. I still had two diabetic pills I was taking and I did such a great job I got off Avandia as well (major side effect---wt gain.) My sister and I started seeing a CNT 11/06 and we are currently taking a protocol of BIOTICS and I've lost 20 lbs just since January 07.
Let me explain it this way. When you see people that are obese and you think--wow that persons' a p-i-g or not caring about themselves. You can start looking at them in a new light. It's true some people do overeat...But also true is that the body is completely out balance. Their body is not handling the chemicals and processed food this country is making for us to comsume. They are full of toxins. And when the body can't get rid of them it stores the toxins in the fat of the body remaining trapped there.
Let's look at a simple product like: oreo cookies...yeah there yummy....But are you aware that the company that makes them, makes them to be ADDICTIVE.. ? It's true. When my sister completes her training I'm going to read everyone of her text books. Please, Please get your uncle the help he needs through a CNT. Best Wishes for you both in good health.
P.S. I quoted a source but have discovered a CNT the best way to go. I got the book to look at recipes etc..

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