Sunday, March 31, 2013

How many Americans would sell their luxuries for health care insurance?

Q. TV, laptop, iphone, etc or health care insurance

I'm betting the former, at least for the younger.

A. Hell no. Insurance is a scam. Let's examine the policy offered at my husbands job shall we. It is $600 a month for a family plan ... $7200 for a year for my family of 4 and the company pays the rest... not bad you might think.

Well the co-pay for a doctor's visit was $50 vs. $100 if paying out of pocket
Co-pay on generic drugs was $25 ... $50 for name brands ... so basically we were buying most of our own pills. Finally a $1500 deductible per person per year. No optical or dental.

My family is healthy and the only one with any medical problems at all qualifies the VA (husband's back was broken in the army and he does not collect disability .. I say he deserves that medical)

mk now break out your calculators and figure out how many times would we have to go to a doctor for the insurance to save us any money ... or break even.

Oh and I should mention... we have an annual income of 24k ... so $7200 is almost a third of our income, it would leave us with 16800.

Paying out of pocket for the last 10 years has saved my family at least 70k ... that's how rare we need to see a doctor. We've paid out of pocket for checkups.

When you are poor and have no real options to raise your income it becomes all about saving to get by.

add - yeah while we're at it let's talk about the so called luxuries.... we have a $450 flat screen TV that is a year old... we have $800 in computers (eMachines complete package was $400 we bought 2 several years ago) Our internet costs $25 a month. we have a $20/month cell phone for emergencies (net10) Our fridge is 9 years old... it was the cheapest they had... and was the floor model to boot I think we paid $375 for it. Our microwave was a gift 3 years ago... lets say it cost $100 but I'm not sure what my mother paid. My dishwasher cost me $35 ... I bought it at a garage sale. My washer and dryer cost $500 as a set ... fairly new apartment sized so they could squeeze into my bathroom.

Finally my house... completely paid for... it is worth maybe 10-15k and our car is a 98 ford taurus.

yeah we live in the lap of luxury here ... aren't you jealous.

Why did supply of health care insurance dry out in Massachusetts? Is it what awaits the entire nation?
Q. This week it became impossible in Massachusetts for small businesses and individuals to buy any health-care coverage.

I predicated dozens of times here on YA that ObamaCare will cause 100 million Americans to lose health care insurance,Liberals always laughed. Soon we'll see libs, and do not whine then nobody wants to sell you a policy. You were warned, you laughed, now face the consequences.

A. I can't believe you are still physically well - mental disease always causes physical illness.

Do you believe the health care insurance industry is also facing financial burdens because of the high costs?
Q. Do you believe the health care insurance industry is also facing financial burdens because of the high costs? Why or why not?

A. Yes i do

Why did insurance companies stop selling health care insurance policies to kids?
Q. My mom tried to purchase a health care insurance policy for me and my sister since September, but all companies tell her that such policies are no longer for sale. What will happen to us if we become seriously ill?

A. Thank Obamcare

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Why is the health care system constitutional? How can it be related to the constitution?

Q. I am doing my government homework and I have to explain how the health care payed by the government is related to the constitution.
Is there any amendment that can explain how this is one of the government's duties?

A. It cannot be explained because this is not one of the government's duties. If your teacher is pushing the position that somehow "free" healthcare is an obligation of the federal or state government, then throw the Constitution in their face and demand that they read it.

The best that your teacher will be able to come up with is the "general Welfare" clause. The problem with that argument is that the definition of welfare back then isn't what it is today. Not only that, but by "general" the Constitution means "everyone"; the rich, the poor, white, black, etc. and not just some disadvantaged group. The federal government should only be in the business of passing laws that benefit everyone, otherwise it's a more local issue that doesn't merit the federal gov'ts attention.

So along those lines, we can quickly see that "free" healthcare would only be something that applies to non-wealthy people and then would be disqualified under the original meaning of "general Welfare" and because it doesn't meet the requirements of that clause it becomes a State or even County issue. Good luck!

Where does government forcing its citizens to buy health insurance fit into a free society?
Q. After all, we are free, right? Free to choose? In a free society, wouldn't the decision whether to have health insurance be left to a free individual and not on mommy government as Comrade Obama wants it to be?

A. It doesnt. A free society by definition would have very little government intrusion into our lives. When democrats are in power, they supplant individual freedoms with government management, they suppress the private economic sector and promote government programs and controls (regulations). It is all about power. By making more and more people dependent on federal government, democrats make themselves careers in govt bureaucracy. Democrats give themselves lifetime careers in government at taxpayer expense or help friends in the private sector with large taxpayer paid contracts.

What should we do for a mental health/eating disorders awareness week?
Q. My friends and I are in charge of organizing a mental health and eating disorders awareness week at our high school. We are trying to come up with ideas to get students interested and educated on the stuff we're focusing on (EDs, self harm, suicide, self-esteem, etc.)

Do you have any suggestions? We are going to have things like petitions and a No-Diet Day, as well as information on resources, but I'm looking for interactive ways to get the school engaged. Thanks!

A. I would have available on display, the definitions of what is depression? What is ED's? Etc. Also get questionnaires that say, for example, do I have depression? Its great that you will have resources too. But let people know, maybe by percentage wise. How many people do suffer from mental Illness and that they are not alone. That mental illness doesn't
discriminate. It can happen at any age. That it also can be hereditary. Mention that fact that name calling does hurt.
And sometimes the people who are made fun of, it can have a long term negative effect. Let people know that if they think someone may hurt themselfs or threaten suicide that it is OK to go to a peer. Maybe they may not think the person is serious, or maybe its a cry for help. Teach that we all need to get involved. That Mental Illness is real. And to the suffer it can be very devastating. That it is OK, to seek help. That seeking help is not a failure, but a step in the right direction.

I need a really really good definition on veterinarian?
Q. I need a really good definition on what is a veterinarian, please! So give me your definition on a veterinarian.
I have to write a research paper on veterinarian. So I need a good definition, like really good to put in my research paper.

A.�er�i�nar�i�an��/�v�t�r��n��ri�n, �v�tr�-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [vet-er-uh-nair-ee-uhn, ve-truh-] Show IPA
Use veterinarian in a Sentence
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�noun a person who practices veterinary medicine or surgery.

wikipedia-A veterinarian (American English) or a veterinary surgeon (British English), often shortened to vet, is a physician for animals and a practitioner of veterinary medicine.(veterinary medicine-Veterinary medicine is the application of medical, diagnostic, surgical, dental, and therapeutic principles to companion, domestic, exotic, wildlife, and production animals. )

webster-Main Entry: vet·er·i·nar·i·an
Pronunciation: \�ve-t�-r�-�ner-�-�n, �ve-tr�-, �ve-t�-�ner-\
Function: noun
Date: 1646
: a person qualified and authorized to practice veterinary medicine

encylopedia britannica-A major challenge to veterinary medicine is adequately attending to the diversity of animal species. Veterinarians address the health needs of domestic animals, including cats, dogs, chickens, horses, cows, sheep, pigs, and goats; wildlife; zoo animals; pet birds; and ornamental fish. The sizes of animals that are treated vary from newborn hamsters to adult elephants, as do their economic values, which range from the undefinable value of pet animal companionship to the high monetary value of a winning racehorse. Medicating this variety of tame and wild animals requires special knowledge and skills

i like wikipedia the best

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Saturday, March 30, 2013

What is the best herbal treatment for hemorrhoids?

Q. I have external hemorrhoids, have had them for about 1.5 years now, and I am just doing some personal research on what the best hemorrhoids treatment is. I've read a lot and I've boiled it down to a few. Any suggestions? I really want to get rid of these external hemorrhoids forever so please share your experiences!

A. Below are some of the most effective herbal ingredients for treating hemorrhoids:

1. Witch Hazel
It is basically an astringent that is commonly contained in ointments and creams for relieving hemorrhoids. Witch hazel is a shrub, and the bark and leaf of this shrub is used for reducing inflammation and swelling of external hemorrhoids.

2. Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut seed has countless benefits and it mainly helps in relieving certain diseases that involves the veins. Horse chestnut extract is used these days for treating hemorrhoids. It contains aescin, a special ingredient that helps in reducing pain and inflammation, and also improves the elasticity of the vein, while strengthening the walls of the veins and improving the tone too. It further helps in improving micro vascular circulation and also lessens fluid retention and swelling.

3. Butcher�s Broom
Butcher�s broom is an effective herb that belongs to the family of asparagus, and is also used as a vegetable. It contains one of the most crucial ingredients called ruscogenins that helps in narrowing the blood vessels, reduces swelling and inflammation, and also strengthens the walls of veins.

4. Pilewort
Pilewort is an ancient English herb that helps in treating the symptoms of hemorrhoids. It is used in the form of a tincture, and is applied directly on to the external hemorrhoid. However, it can be consumed as tea also.Pilewort has certain side effects, though so keep this in mind if you are using it and stop and see a doctor if you feel any negative side effects.

5. Cranesbill
It is basically a geranium plant, usually wild in nature, and is native to America. It helps in treating various digestive conditions and has excellent astringent properties for treating hemorrhoids.

What is the best way to shrink hemorrhoids?
Q. I have 3 external hemorrhoids, and one or 2 internal ones as well. My life is not very pleasant.
Recently, they have been very swollen and hurt to the point where it's difficult to go number 2.

Any home remedies or things to shrink hemorrhoids, or at least help?
Note: I've already tried Aloe Vera Juice, fiber and plenty of water.

Thank you.

A. EXPOSED: "Easy Method Cures Hemorrhoids Safely in 48 Hours, Already PROVEN By Thousands To Have Eliminated Pain & Embarrassment For Good ..."

Unravel what they don't want you to discover ... curable no matter how severe.

Now, obviously you came here to finally get rid of this condition for good, too - yes?

Everyone else today did.

And I'm sure you see the SENSE in making a small investment for a an easy, FAIL-SAFE remedy that's GUARANTEED to work without side-effects - yes?

Of course you would.

Realize that hemorrhoids can get worse over time, making it harder to eliminate. Thus, the worst thing you can do is to procrastinate.

Then don't wait. Take action. TRY SOURCE BELOW NOW and stop risking even more suffering, annoyance and embarrassment.

What is the best treatment for bleeding Hemorrhoids?
Q. I have had Hemorrhoids for a couple weeks now and they bleed every time I go to the bathroom.I went to the Dr's last week and he gave me a prescription for Hydro cortisone cream. That has relieved some of the itching but there is still burning and bleeding present. I've changed my diet and am drinking more water. He told me if they continued to bleed he would refer me to a surgeon. Is there any other option besides surgery?
I can feel them on the outside to I assume they are external and I have been taking stool softeners.

A. Dear Dog Lover, other than surgical excision, there are no guarantees for permanent cure of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are collections of dilated (enlarged) veins in or near the anal opening. Because their walls are thin and stretched, they tend to bleed some red blood on the outside of the stool (feces). There are things you can try, but no guarantees. Your diet changes and added fluid intake may help. Gentle wiping with MOIST baby wipes after a bowel movement may help. Try to reduce irritation by keeping the area clean and powdered with baby talcum powder (starch). In the pharmacy, there are varieties of Preparation H, both in anal suppositories and in soft gel toothpaste-like tubes that can be applied for pain relief. Stool softener gel capsules may also help. Sometimes they will just disappear - for a while. Some people try sitting on a soft circular tube, like the inner tube of a car tire, to relieve pain and reduce bleeding. Good luck.

How to treat hemorrhoids in traditional way or alternative way ?
Q. How to treat hemorrhoids in traditional way or alternative way ?My grandmother is suffering from hemorrhoids need help.

A. Hemorrhoids are very annoying thing every time when we have our bowel movement. I know I have seen my father in law suffering from this problem. He was pooping blood stool too. Then one day when searching the internet I found out a site and that was the last painful day for my father in law. I downloaded the eBook and within 2 days he was relived of his hemorrhoids pain.

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What diet tips have really worked for you?

Q. I have tried every diet book out there. So far, the only thing that's worked for me is a raw diet but I never can stick to it for long!

A. I still eat everything but in moderation and I count the calories that I take to know if I should stop eating for the day because I'm in a 1,000calorie diet, but in that everything I avoid junk foods like chips which I crave for and sweets because they have lots of calories but sometimes maybe once/twice a month its not bad to satisfy your craving, satisfy ok not to be gluttonous for a day and since dieting makes your metabolism slow I also do exercise like jumping rope.
p.s dont eat much carbs I'm Asian and one of our staple foods is rice so in a meal I ate half a rice and dont forget your water.

What diet pills are safest to take that wont mess with trying to become pregnant in the future?
Q. What are the safest diet pills? What diet pills are safest to take that wont mess with trying to become pregnant later?

Ive heard some can make you have at least 3 miscarriage's before being able to carrying a healthy baby to full term.

A. diet pills are not healthy or effective long-term
they reap havoc on the endocrine system; the function in our body which regulates everything from body temperature to hair growth to hormones & skin condition. & will most certainly not create an ideal environment in which a baby may survive. eat healthy & get moderate exercise. you can start by walking 30 min/day & you will be doing a world of good for yourself & your baby.

What diet pill has given you the best result?
Q. I was looking online at diet pills, but was unsure of which one truly gave the best results. I know exercise and healthy eating are the best way to loose weight, but I want a little extra help. Any tips?

A. I use Mega T Green Tea with diet of less then 800 calories a day and exercise for no less than 2 hours a day and it seems to be working quiet well :)

How I was help :)

What is the difference between diet sodas and other sodas?
Q. Diet Pepsi v.s. Pepsi? How do they make the taste different? Which one is healthier?

A. The difference lie in the amount of sugar each has. I say neither one is healthy but if you had to pick one choose diet. Diet doesn't taste as good as regular, that is true for most things anyways.

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Under the new federal health care act is a single man required to purchase maternity leave coverage?

Q. As of March 29, 2010, is a single man required to purchase maternity leave coverage as a clause or part of his private health insurance plan?

A. "maternity leave" is not the subject of health insurance it is instead covered by a short term disability policy. You are not mandated to purchase disability insurance, at least, not yet.

Could using insurance to pay for eating disorder therapy have long-term consequences in my health record?
Q. I am considering therapy to treat my eating disorder which I've had for a few years, never diagnosed. I recently applied for and was accepted to a private health insurance plan. I'm wondering if anyone's had experience using their health insurance for any kind of mental treatment, only to find that years later (or even in the short term) there are severe consequences for having that kind of mark on your record?

A. It can cause issues. I work in a substance abuse facility, and I have heard many stories of people who lose the policy that they had utilized for substance abuse treatment- and then they are unable to get a new policy. Insurance companies consider clients to be high risk if they have any documented history of substance abuse, suicide attempt(s), an eating disorder (we treat that here too) or alcohol abuse. If you keep the same insurance carrier through out your life it may never affect your coverage, but if for some reason you at some point need to purchase a new policy, it will be difficult.
Of course, the same thing could happen if you have documented treatment for heart disease or cancer or something, it isn't that they single out people with a psychiatric illness.

Under the new federal health care act is a single man required to purchase maternity leave coverage?
Q. As of March 29, 2010, is a single man required to purchase maternity leave coverage as a clause or part of his private health insurance plan?

A. The new federal health care act does not take effect until 2014, with a few exceptions, so no.

However, maternity leave is not covered by a health plan, it would be covered by FMLA.

How will Obama's voluntary health insurance plan force anyone to do anything?
Q. I hear people talk about how the gvernment health insurance plan will "force" them to only see certain doctors, which is impossible bacause you first have to voluntarially sign up for the plan. Even then, just like EVERY other country with government health care, you can always opt out in favor of private health care.

So how is it forcing anyone to change their health care?

A. (1) Like medicare and medicaid only certain doctors will accept it.

(2) He is going to force everyone to have health insurance.

(3) Even the democrats do not believe that private insurance will be able to survive.

In Places where they have Universal health care health care is not created. Doctors salaries are pushed down and the number of patients they have to treat go up. This means rationing of health care.

The other thing that happens is that the government makes it so that the pharmaceutical companies and other medical research companies can not be compensated for Research and development killing R&D in new technology and treatments. Why do you think that all of the innovations come from here in the US. One reason that our health care is so expensive is because we have to pay for all of the R&D from countries with Universal Health care. That is why you see no innovations coming from them.

Universal Health care is not free. Basically is will cost all of those that all ready prioritize health care and pay for it now weather they can really afford it or not. The Congressional Budget Office said that Obama's plan will lead to an additional $1.6 TRILLION deficit over the next 10 years and will leave 35Million people without health care.

That means that those that do get health care that do not now will cost on average $60,000+.

Really, and do not let anyone tell you different, anyone in this country can have health insurance if it is their priority. When I graduated from HS I realized that I needed health insurance even though I was completely healthy so i got a job as a bank teller. Anyone can do this and there are plenty of jobs out there. Obviously there were many jobs that I would have rather had, but I prioritized health insurance, and people like me are the ones that will suffer under Obama's plan.

In this country anyone that prioritizes it can have health insurance and get world class care. Obama is going to take it from those of every income class that have it as a priority and give it to those that simply do not.

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How can I get health insurance for my family member?

Q. My little cousin has absolutely no health insurance, and he has never even been to the dentist. Right now, he really needs extensive dental work. Unfortunately, his parents are ill-equipped to help in this situation, and he is not old enough to get his own insurance (nor is he old enough to work). Basically, it's impossible for his parents to get insurance for him, so I want to help him myself. Since I am not his parent, and our slight age difference makes it impossible for me to pretend to be his parent, I don't see how I can put him on my insurance. He doesn't really speak to his parents, so that makes it even more difficult to coordinate anything with them.

I don't make that much money, so I couldn't possibly pay for the work solely out of my pocket. Some sort of financial assistance is simply a must. What can I do to help pay for this dental work?

A. I�m not sure whether you can include your cousin on your health insurance; you should call your insurance company, your state insurance office (link below), or a local insurance agent (link below) if you�d rather not talk with the company. I do know that the definition of �dependent� has changed lately regarding health insurance. Some states have extended the eligible age and others have broadened who can have dependents on their health insurance (grandparents, for example).

As for financial assistance, I�ve included several links that might be of use. Some free clinics also provide dental services, so that would be a free or discounted option (also try searching for your county�s health department. The Children�s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), offers health insurance for kids, although you might have to get the parents involved. Insure Kids Now is a Web site where you can look for state-sponsored insurance programs, many of which include dental coverage. The American Academy of Pediatrics has a resource page to help promote children�s access to health care, and you might also want to try contacting the American Dental Association to see if they have any dentists that do pro bono work in your area.

Hope this helps. It's touching that you want to help out your cousin.

Why is the health care system constitutional? How can it be related to the constitution?
Q. I am doing my government homework and I have to explain how the health care payed by the government is related to the constitution.
Is there any amendment that can explain how this is one of the government's duties?

A. It cannot be explained because this is not one of the government's duties. If your teacher is pushing the position that somehow "free" healthcare is an obligation of the federal or state government, then throw the Constitution in their face and demand that they read it.

The best that your teacher will be able to come up with is the "general Welfare" clause. The problem with that argument is that the definition of welfare back then isn't what it is today. Not only that, but by "general" the Constitution means "everyone"; the rich, the poor, white, black, etc. and not just some disadvantaged group. The federal government should only be in the business of passing laws that benefit everyone, otherwise it's a more local issue that doesn't merit the federal gov'ts attention.

So along those lines, we can quickly see that "free" healthcare would only be something that applies to non-wealthy people and then would be disqualified under the original meaning of "general Welfare" and because it doesn't meet the requirements of that clause it becomes a State or even County issue. Good luck!

Where does government forcing its citizens to buy health insurance fit into a free society?
Q. After all, we are free, right? Free to choose? In a free society, wouldn't the decision whether to have health insurance be left to a free individual and not on mommy government as Comrade Obama wants it to be?

A. It doesnt. A free society by definition would have very little government intrusion into our lives. When democrats are in power, they supplant individual freedoms with government management, they suppress the private economic sector and promote government programs and controls (regulations). It is all about power. By making more and more people dependent on federal government, democrats make themselves careers in govt bureaucracy. Democrats give themselves lifetime careers in government at taxpayer expense or help friends in the private sector with large taxpayer paid contracts.

What should we do for a mental health/eating disorders awareness week?
Q. My friends and I are in charge of organizing a mental health and eating disorders awareness week at our high school. We are trying to come up with ideas to get students interested and educated on the stuff we're focusing on (EDs, self harm, suicide, self-esteem, etc.)

Do you have any suggestions? We are going to have things like petitions and a No-Diet Day, as well as information on resources, but I'm looking for interactive ways to get the school engaged. Thanks!

A. I would have available on display, the definitions of what is depression? What is ED's? Etc. Also get questionnaires that say, for example, do I have depression? Its great that you will have resources too. But let people know, maybe by percentage wise. How many people do suffer from mental Illness and that they are not alone. That mental illness doesn't
discriminate. It can happen at any age. That it also can be hereditary. Mention that fact that name calling does hurt.
And sometimes the people who are made fun of, it can have a long term negative effect. Let people know that if they think someone may hurt themselfs or threaten suicide that it is OK to go to a peer. Maybe they may not think the person is serious, or maybe its a cry for help. Teach that we all need to get involved. That Mental Illness is real. And to the suffer it can be very devastating. That it is OK, to seek help. That seeking help is not a failure, but a step in the right direction.

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Thursday, March 28, 2013

How painful is it to have the banding procedure done for hemorrhoids?

Q. I am aconsidering treatment options for hemorrhoids, and have heard of band or ligature treatment.If anyone has had this done, how painful is it. How about IRC treatment, infared coagulation therapy, does that hurt a lot?

A. I haven't had any surgical treatment for my hemorrhoids. Instead, I embarked upon a high fiber diet, eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and whole grain bread. Chopped up prunes on a high fiber breakfast cereal is very helpful. And I drink 8-10 glasses of water per day. This helped a lot.

But what really got rid of them was this natural cure at which worked in 48 hours!

What can I do best about hemorrhoids during pregnancy?
Q. Are hemorrhoids normal during pregnancy? Please help, this is a very serious matter. I can't keep my mind on anything!!! Don't know if I need to focus on contractions or my butt!

A. Hemorrhoids are normal in the last 2/3 of your pregnancy.

Is there a good hemorrhoids home treatment out there?
Q. My wife has been suffering from hemorrhoids since her pregnancy with our first child.
We've tried all kinds of hemorrhoids home treatment options but so far, nothing works.
Is there anything out there that can stop the bleeding, itching and the pain?

A. Yes. Hemorrhoids are common for women who have gone through pregnancy because the added weight in her belly puts a lot of pressure on the anal canal. The result is hemorrhoids.
Though traditional medicine has little to offer, other than surgery, there are alternative, homeopathic medicines that have emerged to help.
I found a Website:
that should provide detailed information to help you.

How long do hemorrhoids take to go away?
Q. I'm only 25, which seems awfully young, considering that for several years now I've had an on-again, off-again dull pain during and after defecation. I've assumed it to be internal hemorrhoids, so I've started squatting to poop and that helps a lot. But still the pain flares up every now and again. If they really are hemorrhoids, why don't they go away?? They actually started not too long after I started experimenting with anal sex, could that have anything to do with it?

A. hemorrhoid will never go away.. but this step will avoid you from getting hemorrhoid often..

1. Consume more fruit and vegetables, you need more diet fiber
2. stop drinking alcohol, coffee or smoke
3. don't do any heavy exercise
4. drink lot's of water each day a least 2 Liter.
5. Most important, don't experiment with anal sex again.

hope this will help...

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Could using insurance to pay for eating disorder therapy have long-term consequences in my health record?

Q. I am considering therapy to treat my eating disorder which I've had for a few years, never diagnosed. I recently applied for and was accepted to a private health insurance plan. I'm wondering if anyone's had experience using their health insurance for any kind of mental treatment, only to find that years later (or even in the short term) there are severe consequences for having that kind of mark on your record?

A. It can cause issues. I work in a substance abuse facility, and I have heard many stories of people who lose the policy that they had utilized for substance abuse treatment- and then they are unable to get a new policy. Insurance companies consider clients to be high risk if they have any documented history of substance abuse, suicide attempt(s), an eating disorder (we treat that here too) or alcohol abuse. If you keep the same insurance carrier through out your life it may never affect your coverage, but if for some reason you at some point need to purchase a new policy, it will be difficult.
Of course, the same thing could happen if you have documented treatment for heart disease or cancer or something, it isn't that they single out people with a psychiatric illness.

Under the new federal health care act is a single man required to purchase maternity leave coverage?
Q. As of March 29, 2010, is a single man required to purchase maternity leave coverage as a clause or part of his private health insurance plan?

A. The new federal health care act does not take effect until 2014, with a few exceptions, so no.

However, maternity leave is not covered by a health plan, it would be covered by FMLA.

How will Obama's voluntary health insurance plan force anyone to do anything?
Q. I hear people talk about how the gvernment health insurance plan will "force" them to only see certain doctors, which is impossible bacause you first have to voluntarially sign up for the plan. Even then, just like EVERY other country with government health care, you can always opt out in favor of private health care.

So how is it forcing anyone to change their health care?

A. (1) Like medicare and medicaid only certain doctors will accept it.

(2) He is going to force everyone to have health insurance.

(3) Even the democrats do not believe that private insurance will be able to survive.

In Places where they have Universal health care health care is not created. Doctors salaries are pushed down and the number of patients they have to treat go up. This means rationing of health care.

The other thing that happens is that the government makes it so that the pharmaceutical companies and other medical research companies can not be compensated for Research and development killing R&D in new technology and treatments. Why do you think that all of the innovations come from here in the US. One reason that our health care is so expensive is because we have to pay for all of the R&D from countries with Universal Health care. That is why you see no innovations coming from them.

Universal Health care is not free. Basically is will cost all of those that all ready prioritize health care and pay for it now weather they can really afford it or not. The Congressional Budget Office said that Obama's plan will lead to an additional $1.6 TRILLION deficit over the next 10 years and will leave 35Million people without health care.

That means that those that do get health care that do not now will cost on average $60,000+.

Really, and do not let anyone tell you different, anyone in this country can have health insurance if it is their priority. When I graduated from HS I realized that I needed health insurance even though I was completely healthy so i got a job as a bank teller. Anyone can do this and there are plenty of jobs out there. Obviously there were many jobs that I would have rather had, but I prioritized health insurance, and people like me are the ones that will suffer under Obama's plan.

In this country anyone that prioritizes it can have health insurance and get world class care. Obama is going to take it from those of every income class that have it as a priority and give it to those that simply do not.

What do you see as the major differences between a single-provider health insurance plan and private health?
Q. *private health insurance

A. Private health insurance is more cost effective, and more cautious about fraud and corruption, than public (single-payor) health insurance. Fraud rates in Medicare and Medicaid are at LEAST four times higher - after all, they don't CARE about the bottom line, and they aren't paying claims out of their own money.

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Can a Canadian citizen (with a work visa in the US) purchase private health Insurance in the US?

Q. My husband has a Visa to work in the US, and we are looking in to private health insurance. Does anyone know if there are any plans out there that will cover Canadian citizens in the US.

A. You will have to get insurance there. Six months out of Canada and you no longer have provincial coverage, with at least a three month wait list when you return.

You just buy a plan. Most people have private plans there so you'll have plenty of choce.

What do you see as the major differences between a single-provider health insurance plan and private health?
Q. *private health insurance

A. You may get a more accurate answer if you submitted this question to the Business category

Would I benefit more with the schools health insurance options or private insurance?
Q. I teach in texas at FWISD. Im planning to get pregnant and to upgrade to the best health insurance option. The deductibles my district provides are very high-around 3,000 with monthly payment of $170 per month. What are my options with private health insurance?

A. Because of healthcare reform your options with private health insurance covering maternity are limited to one plan in Texas and will cost you more than you're currently paying because the employer will not contribute anything to the private plan. Stay where you are.

Is this not the saner alternative to the Democrat healthcare reform?
Q. -Increase the Medicaid threshold to insure the uninsurable with pre-existing conditions and the lower middle class who are currently not eligible for Medicaid but unable to afford private insurance.
-Tax credits to lower and middle income households to purchase private health insurance plans.
-Regulatory reform to reduce instances of denial of coverage due to pre-existing conditions.
-Creating an independent agency to audit and investigate cases of fraud on the Medicare/Medicaid rolls.
-Tort reform, allowing private insurers/HMO's, hospitals, clinics and drug companies to lower operating costs from frivolous lawsuits.
-Allowing insurers to sell across state lines with portable insurance policies that allow people to move from state-to-state and keep their policies. It will also allow insurers to relocate to states with lower taxes and lower operating costs. These lowered operating costs would then conceivably be passed on to the insured.
-Employer regulations to insure that recently laid-off workers can keep their current policies for a suitable period of time (maybe 6 months) until they can find other means of employment or health insurance.
-No Public Option, and thus no multiple-trillions of dollars spent and no attrition of private insurers.

If we can achieve those goals, not only will we have near-universal healthcare, but we will also continue to have private insurers operating in a reduced-cost environment.
Also, the United States has some of the greatest hospitals (JHH and Mayo) and the best Medical Schools (Harvard and Johns Hopkins) in the world. Just thought that needed to be said.
At A.E. Moreira, that's why we allow insurers to sell beyond state lines, so that they can relocate or incorporate in states that already have tort reform.

A. But the "bottom-line" question IS, Why does the Government WANT to "control" Health Care?
What qualifies THEM to make Your decisions? Giving them control of THIS aspect of OUR lives, gives them access to control MORE of OUR choices, about how we live.
It is not the job, or responsibility, of Government to manage OUR lives. Name ONE Government Administrated Program that has NOT been inundated by fraud, mismanagement, budget problems, and all the other garbage that comes with "Government Involvement".
Constitutionally speaking, THIS is not in their "job description", nor should it be!
IF we are foolish enough to allow this, what will be the next aspect of Your Life that you will be ready to give them control of? How long until WE realize that we cannot crap, without the approval of Government? In other words, where will Government Involvement STOP?
Please, do not become a bunch of Sheep, being led to the slaughter!
That is how this Bozo got elected! A bunch of brain-dead idiots did not have enough intelligence to make an "informed decision"!
Foolish Drones!

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How to make calamansi juice concentrate and how to preserve it?

Q. How to make juice concentrate and how to preserve it?
I have quite some calamansi (very small lemons). I'd like to make some sweetened concentrate ( for making lemonade later ) and unsweetened concentrate or unsweetened juice for cooking. How to make this and how to preserve it? Could we keep it in 300ml plastic bottles?

A. Squeeze the juice from the calamansi and mix with sugar. After which, refrigerate. Do not put water in the mixture. When you want calamansi juice drink, that is the only time you get some of the concentrate and mix with ice cold water and sugar to sweeten it. Do not use hot water for it will kill the vitamin content of the juice.

How much lemon juice should be added to a gallon of water to prevent browning of potatoes?
Q. How much lemon juice should be added to a gallon of water to prevent browning of potatoes? Thanks for your help!

A. Browning in potatoes, bananas, apples, mushrooms and many other fruits and veggies are caused by enzymes called polyphenoloxidase. Keeping potatoes submerged in water will work for a while as it greatly lessens the available amount of oxygen the enzymes require to cause browning, however it will not eliminate the browning process altogether.

Lemon juice works great for preventing enzymatic browning of apples, pears and bananas, as it actually kills the enzymes by altering the ph level on the surface of the fruit. While submerging potatoes in water will greatly reduce enzymatic browning, the potatoes still yellow a little bit. Peel a fresh potato and compare it to one soaked in water overnight and you will see the soaked potato has indeed darkened slightly. If you want to prevent the discoloration entirely, you can dissolve 2 TBL of salt per gallon of water and this will keep your potatoes nice and white. Remember to rinse the potatoes before using them.

What is the difference between juice and juice cocktail?
Q. I accidentally bought some juice cocktail the other day and am now wondering if I should drink it like normal juice or save it to use when I'm making cocktails at a get together. When I think of cocktails I think of drinks. Am I wrong? Is it just another type of juice?

A. Juice cocktail usually means it is not 100% juice but a blend that contains juice in some proportion..such as 10% to 50%.
A product cannot label itself as juice unless it is 100% juice and therefore calls itself a "juice drink" or a juice cocktail"
Sometimes they will state what percentage of juice is contained in the beverage. You can still drink and enjoy it...just be cognizant that it is not 100% juice and likely contains sweeteners

How long does fresh juice keep its vitamin and mineral content?
Q. I recently started juicing. My question is how long does the fresh juice keep its vitamins and minerals intact. Must I drink it immediately or can I keep it for a day or two?

A. Depends on the juice. Wheat-grass is supposed to be drunk immediately, while others seem to keep well in the fridge.

You would probably have to look it up on google for specific juices.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

What is the definition of a disease, and specifically a mental disease? Has science truly failed?

Q. I think this is the biggest failure of science and generally the world. It is full of imperfections, even though religion is not a better alternative.

But, what can you define as a disease; and what can you not? First of all, we have to realize that all humans are different physically. But they should be treated equally on moral basis, and on the basis of humanity (whether its gay ppl, straight ppl, women, old ppl; they should be treated equally on moral grounds).

Because people are different physically; they exhibit different behavior due to the chemistry of their body. Here is where the tricky part comes. What can you categorize as an illness/disease/disorder and what can you not? This is the biggest failure of science: why do you need to categorize things into illnesses and non-illnesses? It is clear you are letting your bias through. Modern feminists define rape that is only committed by a man on a woman. So there come the discrepancies. Why can you not accept behavior that everyone's behavior is deviant from one another. Why do we have to claim somethings are anomalies, and some are not? I know pedophilia and rape is wrong, but can you categorize is as an illness/disease/disorder? Do we have any proof that pedophilia and rape are not illnesses/diseases/disorders? Is there any proof that homosexuality is not an illness/disease/disorder? I dont think so.

So why do we have to say that pedophilia and rape are done intentionally, when they could very well be 'illnesses'. And how can we say homosexuality is not a disease/disorder when it could be?

The fact is that these are faulty premises. We cannot categorize things into illnesses/diseases/disorders. Everyone is different from each other physically and psycologically. That is the best way to deal with things. Science cannot even come to a consensus when (at what time period) a child in a mother's womb is alive; or whether abortion is murder or not (after what stage). So i think science has failed in that aspect.

Feminists wants the EXACT same physical rights for women that they want for men. Men and women are different physically, remember that. So I would want rights to be 'balanced out' between male and female; and that would constitute as EQUAL rights, not the EXACT SAME rights.

Is there any proof that homosexuality is NOT a disorder/illness. Then why does science say it is NOT a disorder/illness? Is there any proof that pedophilia/rape is NOT a disease.

Please answer these questions, and give me conclusive studies NOT theories for this. Evolution as you like it or not is NOT proven, it is a THEORY. I also mentioned religion is not a better alternative.

A. Science is science. Medicine is medicine,.Religion is religion. Religion should not mix in often with the first two, and then, only rarely.
None are absolutes, they are always changing and being refined, sometimes out and out shook up and turned on their heads.
You can define plenty of things as illness/ disease and others as disorders.

I think you are concentrating on the grey areas of how religion and culture can shape policy and definitions and blaming science for those grey areas. Please remember all areas of science, medicine, religion, and politics are influenced by PEOPLE. People have opinions/beliefs,etc. and those opinions influence how they are going to interpret their work and world outlook. So if you want to blame anyone for the grey areas, blame the people that create them, NOT science.

and as for equal rights, we just want the same opportunities when qualified, and the same pay for the same work.
Please remember ALL people are physically different. Compare Don Knotts to her: and tell me who is physically (strength wise) superior?

p.s. this is getting pretty close to a rant which is illegal on yahoo answers. Most of this should be in the philosophy or the R/S section anyway. They are used to this sort of thing there. We usually just answer questions about diseases here.

Evolution- you need to look up what that means, seriously. Are you very young and go to an evangelical church or anything? I see this sort of thing in the RS section all the time, usually by youngsters who haven't attended 9th grade biology yet. Ok, Have you ever heard of MRSA, VRSA, antibiotic resistant Tuberculosis? Well, there is evolution in action. You also need to look up the scientific definition of Theory is. Here are a few more "the THEORY of GRAVITY" the THEORY of ELECTRICITY". lol! This is just plain silly, please post elsewhere!

What will happen when periodontal disease has removed all of your teeth?
Q. What will happen when periodontal disease has removed all of your teeth, or after a tooth extraction? Will you still have gum disease? Will it restore? Please help me out.

A. Yes, you can still get gum disease if you are edentulous (having no teeth). Proper care and hygiene must be followed. And you must see the periodontist just as you would the doctor for checkups (which means even if nothing hurts). Complete or partial dentures can cause hypoplasia also, which are like blisters on the tissue.

What is a microbial disease that is currently targeted for eradication, and what countries are targeted?
Q. I cant find a disease that is CURRENTLY targeted for eradiction. Can anyone help?

A. Locust - Welcome to ANSWERS. The only microbial disease that has ever been eradicated from the earth is smallpox in the past decades. This is a microbial (virus) disease, The one that is NOW targeted most for eradication is another viral disease = poliomyelitis (commonly called "polio"). The World Health Organization had originally set the year 2000 to eliminate this virus from th earth by a program of immunizations. The effort almost succeeded, but polio still exists in about 4 countries in the world: India, Nigeria, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Efforts still continue to eradicate polio.

What's the difference between an endemic disease and an epidemic disease?
Q. And can a disease be classified as both
Please explain your answer and give some examples.

A. Endemic disease = a disease originated from a certain area. for instance: dengue fever is an endemic disease of southeast asia

Epidemic disease = a disease which spreads widely so that it affects a large number of people. larger scale of epidemic is called pandemic

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What is the best and quickest weight loss excercise video?

Q. I am looking for a jump start weight loss video. Any suggestions. I do not want something that is super fast to the point where I will not be able to do it. I am fairly new at excercising and would not like to over do it or else I will not stick to it. Also I am brisk walking 2 miles 5-6 days a week but I would really like to lose belly fat I just don't know which exercise video is the best. Please help. I am 5'1" and weight 185 lbs. I am not a big eater but I think I gain weight pretty quick cause I starve myself eat once maybe twice a day. I don't eat breakfast and my lunch is usually around 2 or 3 pm. HELP!

A. hi
Try this link ,it has a lot of information on weight loss tips so here goes ,
If you are serious about losing weight, the calories in the food you eat should be less than the energy you use. You will have to increase your metabolic rate now, and plan your diet carefully.
Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. More details available at

good luck

What is a really good weight loss diet program?
Q. I want to get a head start on weight loss for the new year. I don't have a lot of extra time, so an online program would be best for me. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

A. There is this great website that helps you find the best weight loss programs. There are quizes, blogs, forums, websites, and much more that will help you. There is an awesome support group.

What is the best way to judge a weight loss competition?
Q. I am starting a weight loss competition between friends and need to know the best way to decide the winner since all of us have a different amount of weight we wish to lose.

A. There are different ways you can judge this competition.
For instance, you can all give an amount of weight you need to lose (your goal weight) it could be 10lbs, 20LBS, 30lbs, in a certain period of time.
whoever loses the more % of weight and is able to reach the desired goal (or pass it) is the winner.

Another way is, since all of you guys are going for weight loss, you can check the body fat % lost and decide the winner according to who lost the most body fat %.

You can also have 2 prices according to the two guidelines stated above.

Happy competition!
Have fun!

How effective is drinking lemon water for weight loss?
Q. It is told that lemon water helps with weight loss, but how effective is it? Not the detox diet, but just drinking lemon water throughout the day, how much weight could you possibly lose in a week? In a month? I am curious to know how effective it really is in losing weight.

A. Actually, just drinking any kind of water will significantly help with weight loss.

Water helps to improve liver function. Your liver helps you metabolize and burn fat easily. But when you are dehydrated, your kidneys will have trouble functioning, and your liver will have to pick up the slack.

Now, let's think about this for a minute...

If you were your liver, would you be more concerned with burning fat, or helping out your ailing kidneys? That's what I thought! And that's exactly what your liver does.

So, if you want to start your body's natural fat-burning process, make sure you stay hydrated.

Also, drinking water, whether it's got lemon in it or not, will help you feel fuller throughout the day. This will keep you from snacking on unhealthy foods and help you limit your portion sizes too.

I hope this helps.

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Monday, March 25, 2013

How unlikely is it that a blood bank analyzes and records your blood type wrong?

Q. I gave blood about a month ago and I just received a donor card stating that my blood type is A negative. My doctor has told me multiple times that my blood type is A positive. Is it more likely that my doctor is wrong or that the blood bank incorrectly recorded my blood type?

A. Very unlikely that the blood bank is wrong, but you probably ought to call them, if you can, and call your doctor.

If you were ever to need a transfusion. the hospital would check a sample of your blood on the spot to make sure they match it correctly.

What does red blood cells carry differently to plasma?
Q. I know red blood cells carries oxygen and this chemical is called haemaglobin but what else do red blood cell carry and plasma in the blood? I know they carry vital substances but I don't know which one carries which.

Please help! Thank you!

A. The hemoglobin in red blood cells binds to both O2 and CO2 for gas exchange. O2 is taken to the tissues. About 10% of CO2 binds to hemoglobin and is unloaded in the lungs for exhalation.

Plasma contains water and plasma proteins. The plasma proteins are fibrin for clotting, globulins for antibodies, and albumin. The plasma proteins are important for setting up a plasma-colloid osmotic pressure, which is a force important in net filtration in the kidneys and for moving water into the circulatory system.

How long after giving blood should I wait to get blood work done?
Q. I am a member of the local Blood Bank, and they have called me to give my donation. I am scheduled to get blood work done soon after. How long do I need to wait after I give blood, to get my blood work done?
I am planning on donating this week. My appointment for blood work is next week. Would there be an issue with my blood work since my donation is close to when I am having blood work done?

A. There should be no problem donating blood followed by routine lab tests. Quantitative hematology tests such as hemoglobin/hematocrit may be slightly affected. Otherwise, most lab tests will not be affected. Thank your for such a generous gift.

How much blood can you lose before passing out if you weigh about 120 lbs?
Q. I want to donate blood, and it seems like a cool fact to know about blood loss.

A. Current FDA guidelines allow for a maximum collection of whole blood of 10.5 ml/kg body weight. This volume represents approximately 10-13% of total blood volume in a 50 kg (110 lb) blood donor. Studies have shown that there is an increase in donor reactions (nausea, dizziness, fainting) when more than 15% of circulating blood volume is lost. Current blood collection sets used in the U.S. hold 500 ml whole blood, with an additional 50 ml allowed to be drawn for mandated screening tests.

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How can cancer develop in really healthy people taking good care of themselves?

Q. A heavy smoker can develop lung cancer because of harmful chemicals overtime to his lungs. But sometimes, lung cancer can develop in a nonsmoker's lung. Or breast cancer can develop in a healthy woman's body.

Don't get me wrong. I know that healthy people are much less likely to get cancer. However, sometimes cancer can develop in healthy people.

A. We all possess a gene for cancer. Even scientist don't know why some get it nd others don't. Cancer cells don't care how young you are or how healthy you are. If it manifest itself, then it will. Its almost like they have a mind of their own. My sister-in-law never smoked, always ate well and at 33 developed breast cancer which later traveled to her lungs and killed her. it is no respecter of anyone. My own sister never smoked either. In fact she's the only one who didn't. She developed breast cancer and 15 yrs later got brain cancer. No one knows why, we can only hope that scientist can pin point the whys someday. Be blessed

What exactly is cancer and how does it start?
Q. How does cancer start in your skin?

A. Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of a cell or cells having a negative effect. It basically means that a cell gets very sick and starts making the cells around it sick, too. A multitude of things cause it: viruses, hormones, toxic chemicals, the sun.

What is the best cancer prevention you can recommend?
Q. Cancer runs all over my family and I want to provide my family with the best chance of prevention.. as a mom and as a wife. What cancer prevention tips do you have? Look for Food, Herbs, General Health tips etc. Thanks!

A. If the cancer that's running all over your family is the exact same cancer, then you just have to be diligent in your check ups. If it's random types of cancers, the best you can do is eat healthy, exercise healthy, be happy and hope for the best.

@ Harvey Milk. we all know how to answer a question we got reported for. You'll just keep getting reported.

What is the compatibility of cancer male and cancer female?
Q. Most cancer males (including my self) are shy people.
But cancer females seem to be loud and very chatty.
Cancer females seem like a mother her type personality. (the ones i have met)

A. de cud go well together.
anyway im aquarius and in love wit a cancer male.

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Sunday, March 24, 2013

How long after major weight loss should you give your skin to firm up before resorting to plastic surgery?

Q. If I had some loos skin on tummy and arms after an 80 pound weight loss, how long should I give it to firm up? Im young, 23 years old, but will the skin tighten with exercise or stay flabby?

A. The thing with a large weight loss is that the weight is generally lost too fast, which doesn't give the skin enough time to go back to what it was.
After reaching your target weight, I would wait a few months, doing regular light exercise and eating healthily, and then see how your skin is. If you are still unhappy you could look into plastic surgery.

Try this website though, it has some advice about excess skin after weight loss, and non surgical methods.

Good luck. x

How to stay Motivated/Dedicated When on a Weight Loss Journey?
Q. Ive decided to start a weight loss journey, im planning on running 2 miles everyday, how do I keep doing this because I used to give up a lot when doing this previously.

A. Doing the right things and getting results will help you stay motivated.

The best way to lose weight is by losing body fat. For a great 12 day fat burning program go to the Fat X 101 website. The program consists of the Fat X Diet and specialized fat burning workouts.

Basically, you want to eat certain foods and workout in a specific way to speed up the process.

Good luck to you! Once you start seeing the results, it just motivates you to keep going and the weight loss / fat loss and fitness journey gets easier.

What is good weight loss plan for a pescetarian?
Q. I am a pescetarian, meaning that i am a "vegitarian" who eats fish. I am looking for a weight loss plan that will help me lose some weight while still not eating any meat other than fish. If anyone has any yummy healthy low-carb recepies that would be great too!

A. Great.i was a pescetarian myself some years ago..take steamed fish with oatmeal for dinner(you may season it with pepper and a drizzle of sesame oil, and do add eggplants and carrots by the side) stick to your regular dose of veggies n keep a limit on soy products because too much soy raises estrogen in your blood and that will be enough to limit your body from burning excess fat..if you are a woman trying to get pregnant or simply a person who appreciates high metabolism,please take my advice seriously. Progesterone is a female hormone that exists in men too, but the testicles can convert it to testosterone.High testosterone/Progesterone levels improve metabolism and also improve the alertness of the brain..estrogen isnt like is dangerous if it is in high density in your blood..and the bad news is that the strength of estrogen raises when there is too much sugar in the blood OR TOO MUCH FAT IN THE BODY. Estrogen dominance is the root of all weight loss problems...there are no foods on earth to induce progesterone, so the only way to cut down estrogen in the blood is via regular exercise. Even 20 minutes , 3 times a week of cardio workout will work wonders. If you hate sweat, then try something more internal like yoga and pilates.Sweat is external excretion. Yoga/Pilates helps the body excrete from within,so you dont sweat much,but it works!try to take home made replacements like fresh fruit juice mixed with non-fat yoghurt or muesli occasionally so you still get a good balance of amino acids.Trust me friend- There is no short cut to a better and healthier body, but hard work will pay off!

What kind of drugs/weight loss pills do a really nice job or suppressing appetite?
Q. I'm trying to lose weight, and I'm wondering what kind of legal drugs or weight loss pills really work. Please don't tell me to just eat well and exercise, I already do this.

A. Proactol is one of the top 10 fat/weight loss pills because it helps your body in so manys ways. It is a clinically proven supplement that can help you shed those extra pounds. Taken orally, it aids in weight loss by binding your calorie and fat intake as well as suppressing your appetite so you don\'t tend to eat more.
Proactol is made from 100% natural ingredients and has no known side effects. It\'s free from allergens, artificial colouring, flavours, salt, gluten, and preservatives. is clinically proven to bind approximately up to 30% of fats, as clinical studies showed. It is one of the few weight loss supplements that have had it\'s claims scientifically proven in trials. The product is also medically endorsed by some leading physicians as well as having a medical device (MDD 93/42/EEC) certification which is upheld by the strictest regulations. It is endorsed world wide by respected doctors, herbalists, nutritionists and health and fitness experts who carefully choose clinically proven products. It is the first weight loss product to be approved by the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) and it bears the CE stamp of approval.
It is also proven to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol and improves the rate of "good cholesterol" (HDL cholesterol).
Proactol is undoubtedly one of the best diet pills supplement on the market today. If you use it properly, you can achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, keep your appetite under control and lower your cholesterol, allowing you to live a happier life.
Let proactol work on your fat while you spend more time to focus on other aspects of life, than solely dieting, all you have to lose is your weight!

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Does a low carb diet lower the amount of good bacteria in your gut?

Q. If I go on a low carb diet, will it lower the amount of good bacteria in my gut?

Also, if I take probiotics, will they be able to be sustained in my gut on a low carb diet or will the probiotics be ineffective in providing benefits if I am on a low carb diet?


A. No, a "low carb" diet will not ruin the good bacteria in your gut unless you're eating way too much cheese. The probiotics would be a good idea too. Also, "low carb" diets are not a good idea. Better to eat plenty of unrefined carbs like fruits and veggies for fiber. If you're eating just protein or fat it's not good for the kidneys, esp. long term. Dr. Atkins, who popularized the low carb diets died of a heart attack after all.

If you are really looking the best way to diet,
I suggest doing what this mom did and combining the Acai diet with a cleansing program for the best result

What type of diet or healthy eating should a person with Sepsis would take?
Q. What type of diet or healthy eating should a person with Sepsis would take?
And what type of foods should the person eat or do?

A. very most importantly- water, water, water. gatorade, other fluids. diluting/flushing is crucial. then, broth, lean protein for repair, fruits + veggies, ones that aren't too hard to digest. healthy eating, food groups observed, balanced diet, no processed or junk food.

Does a low carb diet lower the amount of good bacteria in your gut?
Q. If I go on a low carb diet, will it lower the amount of good bacteria in my gut?

Also, if I take probiotics, will they be able to be sustained in my gut on a low carb diet or will the probiotics be ineffective in providing benefits if I am on a low carb diet?


A. No, a "low carb" diet will not ruin the good bacteria in your gut unless you're eating way too much cheese. The probiotics would be a good idea too. Also, "low carb" diets are not a good idea. Better to eat plenty of unrefined carbs like fruits and veggies for fiber. If you're eating just protein or fat it's not good for the kidneys, esp. long term. Dr. Atkins, who popularized the low carb diets died of a heart attack after all.

What is the best diet for people with heart disease,stroke and blood disorders?
Q. I have been considering changing my diet to vegetarian because of my personal and family health history including heart disease, strokes and blood disorders. My boyfriend is overweight and has heart problems and diabetes. What diet would be best for us?

A. Low soduim, low fat diet. Stay away from processed food, fast food. Eat lean meat stay away from red meats. Try to bake your food not fry it. Do not add salt. Eat plenty of green vegies

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Saturday, March 23, 2013

The count in a bacteria culture was 400 after 15 minutes and 1400 after 30 minutes. What was the initial siz?

Q. The count in a bacteria culture was 400 after 15 minutes and 1400 after 30 minutes. What was the initial siz?
Find the doubling period in minutes
Find the population after 115 minutes
When (in minutes) will thle population reach 15000?
4 hours ago - 4 days left to answer.

A. Long answer...
A = Pe^rt
A -represents the amount after a certain amount of time
P- represents the the amount at the start
r -represents the rate or speed and is always represented as a decimal
t- represents the amount of time in years, months, days, hours , minutes
e- is natural log = 2.718281828

1st we find the rate or speed of growth represented by letter r
A = xe^rt
400= xe^r15
400/x =e^r15
As rule: ln e^x =x
Ln(400/x) = ln e^r15= r15
Rule: ln(a/b) = ln a - lnb
Ln 400 �ln x =15r
Ln 400 -15r =lnx
5.99146-15r =lnx
Have to do the same for the 1400 bacteria.
1400= xe^r30
1400/x =e^r30
Ln(1400/x) = ln e^r30= r30
Ln 1400 �ln x =30r
Ln 1400 -30r =lnx
7.242275 -30r =lnx
Set the ln x�s to equal
7.242275 -30r = 5.99146-15r
1.252763/15 = r =0.083517531
Faster way to find x:
400/x e^r15 =1400/xe^r30
e^r30/e^r15 =1400/400 (the x's cancel)
e^r15 = 3.5
ln e^r15 = ln 3.5
r15 =1.252762968
r =1.252762968/15 =0.083517531

Now we can find initial amount x.
400= xe^(0.083517531)(15)
400 =x e^1.252763
e- is natural log = 2.718281828 , plug # in calculator and hit inverse ln works faster
e^1.252763 =3.5
400/3.5 = x = 114.286 =P

The values for P and R never change.

What was the initial size? P =114.286 is initial amount

Find the doubling period in minutes. For doubling
Let left side (A/P) equal 2 and then find time.
2 = e^(0.083517531)t
Ln 2 =(0.083517531)t
0.69314718/0.083517531 = t = 8.3 min

Find the population after 115 minutes. Let t =115 and find A = 1,695,041

When (in minutes) will the population reach 15000? Let A =15000 and find t = 58.4 minutes
A T e^rt

What the three main and nastiest group of bacteria ruling earth presently?
Q. What are the main groups of bacteria ruling earth now?

There are three main groups of bacteria ruling earth from the Arabic world: The moon bacteria, the sun bacteria, and the stars bacteria, which call themselves 666.

As their ability is to mimic and replicate they have replaced the original worshipers of the sun and keep them enslaved. These Asian vermins have become white, black, yellow, and all species that they can replicate and so are the insects that are part of bacteria�s retinue.

The moon bacteria are worshipers of the moon. They live mostly in darkness or shade and the insects serving them are night insects and if they are there during the day, they keep the sun at a lower level of heat using the clouds.

The sun bacteria are not really from flame planet, but use the light that pierces the clouds to glorify themselves as the sun. In fact there is no bacteria that can resist flame.

The stars bacteria are the different branches of bacteria that are part or under the leadership of bacteria. They are replication of the main group. That is why when one kingdom does something, all other kingdoms follow.

These three main groups are the nastiest bacteria ruling earth. Bacteria keep surfacing the planet as the scientist bacteria are digging the earth to bring them out.

These bacteria are living entities that feed on decay. They lived in people before, those that were buried. They are waiting to be called to service because their hosts die. They take turn to rule. Those that live in king and kill their rulers have highest privileges. The privileges go by their faces on money and other things in the kingdom they rule. That is why only dead people are on money. As such, the vermins that ate these poor people made rich by bacteria are rewarded with their face on money, celebration of their prowess every year in the form of memorial and other nastiness that they did.

Their willing temples, the priests, and the rich, allowed them to do so as long as they continue to be in power.

Yah is a bacterial moon god. As all bacterial gods, they are bloodless and heartless. They are flies, ticks, lice, mites, roaches, and all types of seen and unseen bacteria. Bah, cah, tah, nah, and all the 26 letters of all alphabets in any languages are bacteria's names.

Life consumes Life
Take it for what it�s worth
Birth begs to be fed
Earth ate the dead
No matter what the spread
Iron Oxide rust red
�Life consumes Life� I said
Phage out numbers all of life combined
Bores into bacteria
Consumes until it dies
A Murder of crows to pick out the eyes
An eating frenzy never satisfied
Life is a banquet
A cannibalistic feast
For everything is the fodder
From the great whale to the hungered yeast

How much smaller is bacteria than dust or human hair strand that is the smallest human eye can see?
Q. Also is true that all types of bacteria cannot see ? If all types of bacteria cannot see how do they sense the world smell or chemicals?

The bacteria have no light rods or cones?

A. Bacteria are smaller than most eukaryotic cells, such as body cells. Viruses are so small they can infect bacteria.
Not bacteria can see. Some Protista have light sensitive patches to guide them to food, but they can't "see". Bacteria instead float around. They use chemicals to communicate with the world around them.

What important roles do bacteria play in the deep ocean? What would happen if they werenʼt there?
Q. What important roles do bacteria play in the deep ocean? What would happen if
they werenʼt there?

A. Bacteria serve to rid the ocean floor of dead organisms by decomposing them. If they weren't there, the ocean floor would accumulate too much biomass.

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What happens to the bacteria after extracting the insulin or hormone?

Q. I know that we use bacteria for DNA recombinant. After we extract whatever we need from the bacteria, what happens to the bacteria? I really want to know.

A. The bacteria are usually killed in the process.
After all, it's not as if you could milk them.

In some cases, the desired end product can be sseparated from the bacteria without killing them, such as skimming it off. In that case a continuous production is possible. Otherwise, you make it in batches.

The count in a bacteria culture was 400 after 15 minutes and 1400 after 30 minutes. What was the initial siz?
Q. The count in a bacteria culture was 400 after 15 minutes and 1400 after 30 minutes. What was the initial siz?
Find the doubling period in minutes
Find the population after 115 minutes
When (in minutes) will thle population reach 15000?
4 hours ago - 4 days left to answer.

A. Long answer...
A = Pe^rt
A -represents the amount after a certain amount of time
P- represents the the amount at the start
r -represents the rate or speed and is always represented as a decimal
t- represents the amount of time in years, months, days, hours , minutes
e- is natural log = 2.718281828

1st we find the rate or speed of growth represented by letter r
A = xe^rt
400= xe^r15
400/x =e^r15
As rule: ln e^x =x
Ln(400/x) = ln e^r15= r15
Rule: ln(a/b) = ln a - lnb
Ln 400 �ln x =15r
Ln 400 -15r =lnx
5.99146-15r =lnx
Have to do the same for the 1400 bacteria.
1400= xe^r30
1400/x =e^r30
Ln(1400/x) = ln e^r30= r30
Ln 1400 �ln x =30r
Ln 1400 -30r =lnx
7.242275 -30r =lnx
Set the ln x�s to equal
7.242275 -30r = 5.99146-15r
1.252763/15 = r =0.083517531
Faster way to find x:
400/x e^r15 =1400/xe^r30
e^r30/e^r15 =1400/400 (the x's cancel)
e^r15 = 3.5
ln e^r15 = ln 3.5
r15 =1.252762968
r =1.252762968/15 =0.083517531

Now we can find initial amount x.
400= xe^(0.083517531)(15)
400 =x e^1.252763
e- is natural log = 2.718281828 , plug # in calculator and hit inverse ln works faster
e^1.252763 =3.5
400/3.5 = x = 114.286 =P

The values for P and R never change.

What was the initial size? P =114.286 is initial amount

Find the doubling period in minutes. For doubling
Let left side (A/P) equal 2 and then find time.
2 = e^(0.083517531)t
Ln 2 =(0.083517531)t
0.69314718/0.083517531 = t = 8.3 min

Find the population after 115 minutes. Let t =115 and find A = 1,695,041

When (in minutes) will the population reach 15000? Let A =15000 and find t = 58.4 minutes
A T e^rt

What the three main and nastiest group of bacteria ruling earth presently?
Q. What are the main groups of bacteria ruling earth now?

There are three main groups of bacteria ruling earth from the Arabic world: The moon bacteria, the sun bacteria, and the stars bacteria, which call themselves 666.

As their ability is to mimic and replicate they have replaced the original worshipers of the sun and keep them enslaved. These Asian vermins have become white, black, yellow, and all species that they can replicate and so are the insects that are part of bacteria�s retinue.

The moon bacteria are worshipers of the moon. They live mostly in darkness or shade and the insects serving them are night insects and if they are there during the day, they keep the sun at a lower level of heat using the clouds.

The sun bacteria are not really from flame planet, but use the light that pierces the clouds to glorify themselves as the sun. In fact there is no bacteria that can resist flame.

The stars bacteria are the different branches of bacteria that are part or under the leadership of bacteria. They are replication of the main group. That is why when one kingdom does something, all other kingdoms follow.

These three main groups are the nastiest bacteria ruling earth. Bacteria keep surfacing the planet as the scientist bacteria are digging the earth to bring them out.

These bacteria are living entities that feed on decay. They lived in people before, those that were buried. They are waiting to be called to service because their hosts die. They take turn to rule. Those that live in king and kill their rulers have highest privileges. The privileges go by their faces on money and other things in the kingdom they rule. That is why only dead people are on money. As such, the vermins that ate these poor people made rich by bacteria are rewarded with their face on money, celebration of their prowess every year in the form of memorial and other nastiness that they did.

Their willing temples, the priests, and the rich, allowed them to do so as long as they continue to be in power.

Yah is a bacterial moon god. As all bacterial gods, they are bloodless and heartless. They are flies, ticks, lice, mites, roaches, and all types of seen and unseen bacteria. Bah, cah, tah, nah, and all the 26 letters of all alphabets in any languages are bacteria's names.

Life consumes Life
Take it for what it�s worth
Birth begs to be fed
Earth ate the dead
No matter what the spread
Iron Oxide rust red
�Life consumes Life� I said
Phage out numbers all of life combined
Bores into bacteria
Consumes until it dies
A Murder of crows to pick out the eyes
An eating frenzy never satisfied
Life is a banquet
A cannibalistic feast
For everything is the fodder
From the great whale to the hungered yeast

How much smaller is bacteria than dust or human hair strand that is the smallest human eye can see?
Q. Also is true that all types of bacteria cannot see ? If all types of bacteria cannot see how do they sense the world smell or chemicals?

The bacteria have no light rods or cones?

A. Bacteria are smaller than most eukaryotic cells, such as body cells. Viruses are so small they can infect bacteria.
Not bacteria can see. Some Protista have light sensitive patches to guide them to food, but they can't "see". Bacteria instead float around. They use chemicals to communicate with the world around them.

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