Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Where does McCain get his ideas about what healthcare is like today?

Q. He said the democrats want to put a bureaucrat between us and our docotors. Well I have a very good private health insurance plan and I just spent this afternoon talking to one of their bureaucrats who thinks my kid doesn't need any more physical therapy even though her surgeon says she does.

How out of touch can the Republicans get?
What planet do you people live on. I have only one chose of health insurance plan - the one my employer offers. I have had other insurance plans through other employers and it was always the same.

A. >>Well I have a very good private health insurance plan and I just spent this afternoon talking to one of their bureaucrats<<

Theoretically, you could switch to another private health insurance company. If there is only one company -- the government -- where are you going to go if they think your kid doesn't need more physical therapy? And what if it is like Canada, where private services are illegal so you can't even pay out of your own pocket to have your daughter treated? Will you have to take her out of the country, like Canadians do?

How Do I Get Health Insurance?
Q. I'm thinking of leaving my job to go freelance in California. I have no idea where to even start to look for a private health insurance plan. I have a preexisting condition, so I'd probably be turned down for most regular plans. Should I look for an independent broker? I've looked online and it's impossible to find one. Does anyone know SPECIFICALLY where to go and what to do?

A. please try this <a href="http://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-1748196-10426166" target="_top">help!</a>
<img src="http://www.lduhtrp.net/image-1748196-10426166"

Could using insurance to pay for eating disorder therapy have long-term consequences in my health record?
Q. I am considering therapy to treat my eating disorder which I've had for a few years, never diagnosed. I recently applied for and was accepted to a private health insurance plan. I'm wondering if anyone's had experience using their health insurance for any kind of mental treatment, only to find that years later (or even in the short term) there are severe consequences for having that kind of mark on your record?

A. It can cause issues. I work in a substance abuse facility, and I have heard many stories of people who lose the policy that they had utilized for substance abuse treatment- and then they are unable to get a new policy. Insurance companies consider clients to be high risk if they have any documented history of substance abuse, suicide attempt(s), an eating disorder (we treat that here too) or alcohol abuse. If you keep the same insurance carrier through out your life it may never affect your coverage, but if for some reason you at some point need to purchase a new policy, it will be difficult.
Of course, the same thing could happen if you have documented treatment for heart disease or cancer or something, it isn't that they single out people with a psychiatric illness.

Under the new federal health care act is a single man required to purchase maternity leave coverage?
Q. As of March 29, 2010, is a single man required to purchase maternity leave coverage as a clause or part of his private health insurance plan?

A. The new federal health care act does not take effect until 2014, with a few exceptions, so no.

However, maternity leave is not covered by a health plan, it would be covered by FMLA.

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If I want to start a nutrition plan but it call for fish can I substitute it with chicken?

Q. I want to start a nutrition plan and it says to eat fish at dinner time. I don't eat any other kind of meat that's not chicken, can I change it to chicken?

A. If you absolutley cannot have fish either for a medical reason then you probably shouldn't have it.
If you haven't tried it though I really think you should, it has so many healthy vitamins.
You could substitute it for chicken but you would be losing precious nutrition.

What can I do with a nutrition degree besides work in a kitchen?
Q. I want to continue pursuing my bachelor's in nutrition, because I LOVE nutrition. It is so interesting to me. I am just worried because I don't want to work in a kitchen or hospital foodservice for a living. What are my options? Should I change my major? I love the medical field and am open to suggestion.

A. Well you would do a LOT more than just planning meals for a kitchen. Everyone nutritionist I know works in a hospital but they go around and talk with the patients and do nutrition assessments and help patients make a diet for when they go home. They also look at what the person ate in the past and decide if they are maybe deficient in a nutrient or something like that. To be honest I have never met one that actually did work in a kitchen.

How to write/start my speech during nutrition month celebration?
Q. this coming july , our school will be celebrating the nutrition month.thus, we will be having our opening program for the celeb..i am assigned to be the master of ceremony.the problem is that: i don't know how to start my speech,or my script. i have searched in the internet already about some info. anout nutrition month celebration,but i don't know how to make a simple but effective speech.please help!

A. I guess you should start off with "Good morning/afternoon everyone, as you all know, this week is nutrition week. For those that do not know, nutrition week is .... blah blah blah. <insert random information here> and just continue on from there.

How important is nutrition to teens? And does the prospect of health problems later in life matter now?
Q. Not many people know a lot about good nutrition. And I mean really know. Most teens aren't even required to take a basic nutrition class in school. However, nutrition is the one thing in life that affects your whole life. Good or bad nutrition habits can affect your emotions, your your physical features including your skin, hair and bodyshape, and even how you treat others. Your nutrition habits will also have major effects on your health now and in the future. So how important is nutrition in your life?

A. Nutrition is hugely important in my life. Fresh fruit and veges and leane red meat. Lots of fish and turkey for protein. My body is a temple and I need to treat it right to keep my insides healthy. I also try to eat food witha high water content, water melons and so on. Fresh and natural is the key to a good inside. But if there is more I need to know please let me know.

I hope I answered you question You can tell how unhealthy you are by your bowel movements and its consitance( I know gross) but its true. As a 28 year old it is a high priority to keep in peak physical fitness. Although not a teen I still consider ymself as excited and energetic as a teen. Due to good nutrition of course:)

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Monday, April 29, 2013

What's the difference between deductible and total out of pocket expense when referring to health plans?

Q. I have no experience with health plans. Please help me understand!

A. The deductible is the minimum you pay, the total out of pocket is te maximum you pay.

The insurance doesn't START paying, until AFTER you've paid bills equal to the deductible. Then, you KEEP paying copays and coinsurance, until you reach the total out of pocket maximum.

What would be an example of a group health plan?
Q. Are Aflac and Blue Cross Blue Shields Group Health Plans?

I'm asking for an assignment in my medical office class. I'm trying to figure out what to put in Block 1 of the CMS 1500 claim form.

A. Group health plan? Hmm well I know the difference between an insurance and a medical group not sure if that's the same. For example if a patient has Blue Cross and it is an HMO policy the medical group would be Arta Monarch or Family Choice << those are medical groups that fall under HMO's.

How can a person switch health plans?
Q. I want to switch health plans, but from reading the online applications, I haven't had this health plan that long. Most of the applications said that I have to have coverage of at least 18 months before switching. Is that true? Do I have to wait 18 months of having Kaiser permanente insurance before switching?

A. In addition to what mbrcatz said, I'd also like to point out that it doesn't have to be 18 months of coverage with one insurance company.

So, if you had coverage with XYZ insurance for 1 year and then started this Kaiser policy without a break in coverage, you'd want to add the time you've been with Kaiser + the time you were with XYZ.

What is a good affordable health plan to get?
Q. I am a single 25 year old healthy male. Are there any truly affordable health plans out there for me? And don't say that $300 a month is affordable, because its not. I don't need any major medical coverage. I haven't had insurance for 6 years and haven't been to the doctor in those six years. However, my eyesight isn't great, so vision coverage would be good. I also want dental coverage as well. Any suggestions?
I forgot to mention that I live in Oregon.

A. I think it's cheaper to pay cash, insurance is merely a coupon.

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How do you create a nutrition facts label?

Q. A nutrition facts label is required on most pre-packaged food in North America. How would someone go about creating one for one of their products?

A. This is actually a great question, I've been through this and I can tell you this; if you will produce more than 10,000 units or will have I believe 10 or more employees then you need a nutrition label and it needs to be displayed in certain areas. You can find an independent food lab in the yellow pages under laboratory. Now things may of changed so I would suggest going to the FDA website (www.fda.gov) just type in business in the search bar and you'll find tons of info regarding policies. I would suggest if you are serious, finding out if a college near you deals with the culinary arts and if they have any cross classes in business that may help people out for class projects etc.

If I want to start a nutrition plan but it call for fish can I substitute it with chicken?
Q. I want to start a nutrition plan and it says to eat fish at dinner time. I don't eat any other kind of meat that's not chicken, can I change it to chicken?

A. If you absolutley cannot have fish either for a medical reason then you probably shouldn't have it.
If you haven't tried it though I really think you should, it has so many healthy vitamins.
You could substitute it for chicken but you would be losing precious nutrition.

What can I do with a nutrition degree besides work in a kitchen?
Q. I want to continue pursuing my bachelor's in nutrition, because I LOVE nutrition. It is so interesting to me. I am just worried because I don't want to work in a kitchen or hospital foodservice for a living. What are my options? Should I change my major? I love the medical field and am open to suggestion.

A. Well you would do a LOT more than just planning meals for a kitchen. Everyone nutritionist I know works in a hospital but they go around and talk with the patients and do nutrition assessments and help patients make a diet for when they go home. They also look at what the person ate in the past and decide if they are maybe deficient in a nutrient or something like that. To be honest I have never met one that actually did work in a kitchen.

How to write/start my speech during nutrition month celebration?
Q. this coming july , our school will be celebrating the nutrition month.thus, we will be having our opening program for the celeb..i am assigned to be the master of ceremony.the problem is that: i don't know how to start my speech,or my script. i have searched in the internet already about some info. anout nutrition month celebration,but i don't know how to make a simple but effective speech.please help!

A. I guess you should start off with "Good morning/afternoon everyone, as you all know, this week is nutrition week. For those that do not know, nutrition week is .... blah blah blah. <insert random information here> and just continue on from there.

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Sunday, April 28, 2013

How do we fix the health care problem Republicans and Demarcates if Universal health care insurance will fail?

Q. I made the argument for Universal health care Insurance, I have heard the arguments against it, I would like to know what would fix the problem if it won't work?
When they go to the clinic, their insurance would be accepted their, there will be doctors that accept the insurance thus giving the poor people a line to get in. How can that be a bad thing?
Julie S, well said :)

A. It doesn't fail, almost every first world country has it setup as a system.

Unless of course you view treatment of the poorer people a failure.

The benefit to not treating a lot of people, is faster care for the wealthy.

If you don't want to have universal health care, the government can step in and price fix medical procedures like they do in japan. It works okay for them. They can afford adequate medical treatment because the government forces it to be affordable, and the same prices in rural as in urban areas.

The real problem with our system, coming from someone who has an entire family in medicine (Doctors, surgeons, nurses)...is the insurance companies. They buffer every side. The doctors, the hospital, the patients, everyone has to get insurance, and they are the ones forcing prices higher and higher.

How many Americans would sell their luxuries for health care insurance?
Q. TV, laptop, iphone, etc or health care insurance

I'm betting the former, at least for the younger.

A. Hell no. Insurance is a scam. Let's examine the policy offered at my husbands job shall we. It is $600 a month for a family plan ... $7200 for a year for my family of 4 and the company pays the rest... not bad you might think.

Well the co-pay for a doctor's visit was $50 vs. $100 if paying out of pocket
Co-pay on generic drugs was $25 ... $50 for name brands ... so basically we were buying most of our own pills. Finally a $1500 deductible per person per year. No optical or dental.

My family is healthy and the only one with any medical problems at all qualifies the VA (husband's back was broken in the army and he does not collect disability .. I say he deserves that medical)

mk now break out your calculators and figure out how many times would we have to go to a doctor for the insurance to save us any money ... or break even.

Oh and I should mention... we have an annual income of 24k ... so $7200 is almost a third of our income, it would leave us with 16800.

Paying out of pocket for the last 10 years has saved my family at least 70k ... that's how rare we need to see a doctor. We've paid out of pocket for checkups.

When you are poor and have no real options to raise your income it becomes all about saving to get by.

add - yeah while we're at it let's talk about the so called luxuries.... we have a $450 flat screen TV that is a year old... we have $800 in computers (eMachines complete package was $400 we bought 2 several years ago) Our internet costs $25 a month. we have a $20/month cell phone for emergencies (net10) Our fridge is 9 years old... it was the cheapest they had... and was the floor model to boot I think we paid $375 for it. Our microwave was a gift 3 years ago... lets say it cost $100 but I'm not sure what my mother paid. My dishwasher cost me $35 ... I bought it at a garage sale. My washer and dryer cost $500 as a set ... fairly new apartment sized so they could squeeze into my bathroom.

Finally my house... completely paid for... it is worth maybe 10-15k and our car is a 98 ford taurus.

yeah we live in the lap of luxury here ... aren't you jealous.

Why did supply of health care insurance dry out in Massachusetts? Is it what awaits the entire nation?
Q. This week it became impossible in Massachusetts for small businesses and individuals to buy any health-care coverage.

I predicated dozens of times here on YA that ObamaCare will cause 100 million Americans to lose health care insurance,Liberals always laughed. Soon we'll see libs, and do not whine then nobody wants to sell you a policy. You were warned, you laughed, now face the consequences.

A. I can't believe you are still physically well - mental disease always causes physical illness.

Do you believe the health care insurance industry is also facing financial burdens because of the high costs?
Q. Do you believe the health care insurance industry is also facing financial burdens because of the high costs? Why or why not?

A. Yes i do

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What are the benefits of the health care bill that is currently before the Senate?

Q. There were several stated goals of health care reform when the legislation began.

Uninsured should have affordable health care - with the current legislation it is estimated that it will leave about 10 million uninsured.

Is this bill put together just to be able to say that something passed without any real accomplishment?

Affordable health care - the current legislation would raise premiums immediately even though no benefits would be available under the bill for at least 3 years.

A. This health care bill will not solve problems ..it will create more because if it passes future politicians will add on the the current bill in order to make short term gains to their careers. If this legislation was so great, why is it being kept under lock and key and why are their so many secretive Free Masonic style meetings about it.

How do we fix the health care problem Republicans and Demarcates if Universal health care insurance will fail?
Q. I made the argument for Universal health care Insurance, I have heard the arguments against it, I would like to know what would fix the problem if it won't work?
When they go to the clinic, their insurance would be accepted their, there will be doctors that accept the insurance thus giving the poor people a line to get in. How can that be a bad thing?
Julie S, well said :)

A. It doesn't fail, almost every first world country has it setup as a system.

Unless of course you view treatment of the poorer people a failure.

The benefit to not treating a lot of people, is faster care for the wealthy.

If you don't want to have universal health care, the government can step in and price fix medical procedures like they do in japan. It works okay for them. They can afford adequate medical treatment because the government forces it to be affordable, and the same prices in rural as in urban areas.

The real problem with our system, coming from someone who has an entire family in medicine (Doctors, surgeons, nurses)...is the insurance companies. They buffer every side. The doctors, the hospital, the patients, everyone has to get insurance, and they are the ones forcing prices higher and higher.

What do you think is the cause of runaway health care cost?
Q. Health Care professionals say it is the high cost of malpractice insurance? Is it that the insurance companies are too greedy or the patients are too litigeous? So, who is zooming who here?
Would state purchase of cheap foreign doctors help? or GI bill(state sponsorship) for med students who praqctice at state hospitals.

A. Healthcare cost is rising because we the people don't have a say so. Insurance companies have taken over health care. Physicians don't have the power in what they can do or not do. It is completely controlled by the insurance companies.
Here is a scenario, plastic surgery or laser eye surgery. They do not cost near as much as a basic surgery in the hospital. Why because they are not controlled by innsurance plans. Most insurance don't cover these types of surgery. so the doctors are left to provide QUALITY service and competitive prices to keep clients coming back. Therefore, they are providing quality and are affordable. The customers are able to choose and select who they want to go to because they are paying for it.

What is the difference between Health care assistant and Caregiver?
Q. Can you help me identify the difference between health care assistant and caregiver? what are the jobs or duties of a health care assistant and then a caregiver. Thanks.

A. A health care assistant, could be a certified nursing assistant, or a nurse who assists a doctor.etc etc. A caregiver is someone who takes care of one specific person, usually at that persons home. Helping them get dressed, washing themselves, making sure they take their medications. A caregiver can be the persons relative, but cannot dispence meds legally without a registered nurse present.

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Saturday, April 27, 2013

How to interpret a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Cancer in the 1st house?

Q. Cancer Ascendant, followed by Uranus and Jupiter conjunct in the 1st house.

How might you interpret this placement? Any insights are welcome.

A. Cancer Asc... the person might be pale skinned, appears emotional
Jupiter in 1st house... (Sag characteristic) optimistic kinda person
Uranus in 1st house... (Aquarius characteristic) friendly, sometimes aloof, sociable kinda person.

Jup conj (+) Uran - very unusual person.

What is the difference between metastasized brain cancer and cancer that started in the brain?
Q. My mother had lung cancer a year ago and although it has not returned, she now has a tumor in her brain the size of a dime. It is cancerous .... so what is the prognosis and what is the difference between this type of brain cancer (where it originated in the lungs) and brain cancer that originiates in the brain. Also, what is the prognosis?

A. Cancer originating in a particular organ for the first time is called Primary neoplasm.

Metastasis is its secondary spread through blood or lymph.

Prognosis really depends on histological type of the cancer but metastasis generally requires more aggressive treatment in the form of chemo & radio because it is wide-spread.

My best wishes are with your mother and you as her family in the battle against this cancer.

How would a Aries female and Cancer male as roommates work out?
Q. The cancer guy has a virgo moon and gemini venus
Im not sure about the aries girl

They are both in college and planning to room together and theyve been friends for years. I know that the Cancer is kind of wild and likes to party but the aries is more reserved mostly due to her nationality (chinese)

A. I'm a cancer and my room mate is an Aries and we get along really well. We respect each other. I have an Aries Mars though and she has a Cancer Mars. I do not get pushed around by anyone and I think she is less aggressive than most Aries, so it works.

How can a thyroid cancer metastasize into only one part of the body?
Q. My brother had been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and his cancer managed to metastasize into his liver. My question is, how is it that cancer in one part of the body can metastasize into one part of the body but not the surrounding areas? Or is it just a matter of time?

A. It happens that way cancer.I have found that the liver is much more susceptible to mestatization than other organs because of its functional ties to soo many organs as well as its role in the the body.if he has been treated with chemotherapy or radiation its likely to get the brunt of the effects because of its clean up function.....hopefully in trying to manage it the doctors won't set off a series of mestizaton on the other organs due to exposure of more chemotherapy agents due to the livers reduced function.
I hope you and your family the best.

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What causes hemorrhoids and what are good hemorrhoids treatments?

Q. Help i think i have hemorrhoids. I've been having bloody stool and anal itching. I asked a friend of mine and they said i might have hemorrhoids. Wtf how would i get hemorrhoids, is that normal. What causes hemorrhoids and what are some hemorrhoids treatments? Do i have to go to the doctor?

A. Hemorrhoids are more common than you think. They can be cause by a number of things such as poor dieting and low fiber intake. I believe the most common reason people get hemorrhoids is straining during stool, this causes extreme pressure to the blood vessels in the anal canal and therefor causing swelling which forms hemorrhoids. Usually hemorrhoids are not life threatening so will not likely have to go to the doctor unless the pain is to unbearable. Some people have had to get hemorrhoids surgically removed. As far as hemorrhoids treatments there are many over the counter treatments that can offer temporary relief such as creams, ointments and suppositories. These will offer relief and help prevent flare ups. You can learn more about hemorrhoids treatments and recommendations at http://accesshealthprosperityblog.com/2011/10/07/hemorrhoids-treatments-and-recommendations/
Hope this helps

What are good available hemorrhoids home remedies ?
Q. I am suffering from hemorrhoids from last 1 year. Some times I get cured and again I start blood poop.
I have used some home remedies for hemorrhoids but it is not happy.

A. the best solution to treat Hemorrhoids is to start as soon as possibly . There are a wide variety of natural remedies available which can be applied to treat hemorrhoids so you can stop them from progressing and getting so bad that the only way to deal with them is surgery. These remedies are completely safe and you may find them to be much more effective than traditional medicine as many of them actually cure the problem instead of just treating the symptoms.
-One favorite used by many people is that of applying banana peel to the area.
-Fill up your bathtub with warm water and add salt. When it is ready, just lay in the salty water for a few minutes

What is the best herbal treatment for hemorrhoids?
Q. I have external hemorrhoids, have had them for about 1.5 years now, and I am just doing some personal research on what the best hemorrhoids treatment is. I've read a lot and I've boiled it down to a few. Any suggestions? I really want to get rid of these external hemorrhoids forever so please share your experiences!

A. Below are some of the most effective herbal ingredients for treating hemorrhoids:

1. Witch Hazel
It is basically an astringent that is commonly contained in ointments and creams for relieving hemorrhoids. Witch hazel is a shrub, and the bark and leaf of this shrub is used for reducing inflammation and swelling of external hemorrhoids.

2. Horse Chestnut
Horse chestnut seed has countless benefits and it mainly helps in relieving certain diseases that involves the veins. Horse chestnut extract is used these days for treating hemorrhoids. It contains aescin, a special ingredient that helps in reducing pain and inflammation, and also improves the elasticity of the vein, while strengthening the walls of the veins and improving the tone too. It further helps in improving micro vascular circulation and also lessens fluid retention and swelling.

3. Butcher�s Broom
Butcher�s broom is an effective herb that belongs to the family of asparagus, and is also used as a vegetable. It contains one of the most crucial ingredients called ruscogenins that helps in narrowing the blood vessels, reduces swelling and inflammation, and also strengthens the walls of veins.

4. Pilewort
Pilewort is an ancient English herb that helps in treating the symptoms of hemorrhoids. It is used in the form of a tincture, and is applied directly on to the external hemorrhoid. However, it can be consumed as tea also.Pilewort has certain side effects, though so keep this in mind if you are using it and stop and see a doctor if you feel any negative side effects.

5. Cranesbill
It is basically a geranium plant, usually wild in nature, and is native to America. It helps in treating various digestive conditions and has excellent astringent properties for treating hemorrhoids.

What is the best way to shrink hemorrhoids?
Q. I have 3 external hemorrhoids, and one or 2 internal ones as well. My life is not very pleasant.
Recently, they have been very swollen and hurt to the point where it's difficult to go number 2.

Any home remedies or things to shrink hemorrhoids, or at least help?
Note: I've already tried Aloe Vera Juice, fiber and plenty of water.

Thank you.

A. EXPOSED: "Easy Method Cures Hemorrhoids Safely in 48 Hours, Already PROVEN By Thousands To Have Eliminated Pain & Embarrassment For Good ..."

Unravel what they don't want you to discover ... curable no matter how severe.

Now, obviously you came here to finally get rid of this condition for good, too - yes?

Everyone else today did.

And I'm sure you see the SENSE in making a small investment for a an easy, FAIL-SAFE remedy that's GUARANTEED to work without side-effects - yes?

Of course you would.

Realize that hemorrhoids can get worse over time, making it harder to eliminate. Thus, the worst thing you can do is to procrastinate.

Then don't wait. Take action. TRY SOURCE BELOW NOW and stop risking even more suffering, annoyance and embarrassment.

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Friday, April 26, 2013

What diet tips have really worked for you?

Q. I have tried every diet book out there. So far, the only thing that's worked for me is a raw diet but I never can stick to it for long!

A. If you are really looking the best way to diet,
I suggest doing what this mom did and combining the Acai diet with a cleansing program for the best result

What diet tips have really worked for you?
Q. I have tried every diet book out there. So far, the only thing that's worked for me is a raw diet but I never can stick to it for long!

A. I still eat everything but in moderation and I count the calories that I take to know if I should stop eating for the day because I'm in a 1,000calorie diet, but in that everything I avoid junk foods like chips which I crave for and sweets because they have lots of calories but sometimes maybe once/twice a month its not bad to satisfy your craving, satisfy ok not to be gluttonous for a day and since dieting makes your metabolism slow I also do exercise like jumping rope.
p.s dont eat much carbs I'm Asian and one of our staple foods is rice so in a meal I ate half a rice and dont forget your water.

What diet pills are safest to take that wont mess with trying to become pregnant in the future?
Q. What are the safest diet pills? What diet pills are safest to take that wont mess with trying to become pregnant later?

Ive heard some can make you have at least 3 miscarriage's before being able to carrying a healthy baby to full term.

A. diet pills are not healthy or effective long-term
they reap havoc on the endocrine system; the function in our body which regulates everything from body temperature to hair growth to hormones & skin condition. & will most certainly not create an ideal environment in which a baby may survive. eat healthy & get moderate exercise. you can start by walking 30 min/day & you will be doing a world of good for yourself & your baby.

What diet pill has given you the best result?
Q. I was looking online at diet pills, but was unsure of which one truly gave the best results. I know exercise and healthy eating are the best way to loose weight, but I want a little extra help. Any tips?

A. I use Mega T Green Tea with diet of less then 800 calories a day and exercise for no less than 2 hours a day and it seems to be working quiet well :)

How I was help :)

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What's the difference between an endemic disease and an epidemic disease?

Q. And can a disease be classified as both
Please explain your answer and give some examples.

A. Endemic disease = a disease originated from a certain area. for instance: dengue fever is an endemic disease of southeast asia

Epidemic disease = a disease which spreads widely so that it affects a large number of people. larger scale of epidemic is called pandemic

What disease does one get when their liver cannot produce anough bile?
Q. What disease does one get when their liver cannot produce enough bile? The disease i'm talking about is when a person eats too much fatty foods and their liver cannot make enough bile to break down those fatty foods. It's similar to adult-onset diabetes.

A. Jaundice, the disease
-hope i helped ;)

What's the difference between an endemic disease and an epidemic disease?
Q. And can a disease be classified as both
Please explain your answer and give some examples.

A. An endemic disease is one that is continuously present in the population, often because there is a non-human reservoir for the microbe that causes it. Examples would be malaria (in tropical countries) or histoplasmosis (in America).
An epidemic disease is one that spreads in a sudden, massive surge within a population that is largely without immune protection. An obvious example is influenza, that tends to cause epidemics each time a new virus strain emerges.
An example of a disease that maybe endemic or epidemic is cholera - it can be endemic locally in areas with poor sanitation but can spread violently if sanitation breaks down in disaster areas.

What disease causes the following symptoms: bleeding gums, loose teeth, painful and swollen joints?
Q. What disease causes the following symptoms: bleeding gums loose teeth painful and swollen joints and how do you cure them with natural remedies found on the Cape Verde islands?

A. it's gum disease or periodontal disease in the advanced state which is periodontitis. taking care of your gums could entail only paying close attention to proper oral hygiene like proper brushing and careful flossing every after meal. this can help remove plaque that get stuck on teeth. having a regular dental check up and regular dental cleanings can make sure that teeth and gums stay healthy. water has a lot of health benefits and this can be advantageous to oral and dental health. make sure that you drink adequate amount of water to be able to keep bad bacteria in the mouth at bay. visit http://www.themouthdoctor.com for more gum care tips.

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

What is the best method to know when bacteria is dying, or the best method to count bacteria in a petri dish?

Q. To clarify, if bacteria is in two petri dishes, and I add two different chemicals detrimental to the bacteria, what is the best way to tell which chemical is killing the bacteria fastest? Thanks!

A. I would suggest a method similar to that used in testing antimicrobial susceptibility. (1) Impregnate an known similar concetration of your chemical each on its own paper disk. (2) spreas your bacteria evenly on appropriate medium. (3) stamp the chemical disks on top of medium and incubate at 37 degrees for a day. (4) measure the zone of inhibition (area surrounding chemical disk with no bacterial growth). The larger the area, the more effective the chemical.
N.B. there may also be issues of chemical diffusion etc.

What happens to the bacteria after extracting the insulin or hormone?
Q. I know that we use bacteria for DNA recombinant. After we extract whatever we need from the bacteria, what happens to the bacteria? I really want to know.

A. The bacteria are usually killed in the process.
After all, it's not as if you could milk them.

In some cases, the desired end product can be sseparated from the bacteria without killing them, such as skimming it off. In that case a continuous production is possible. Otherwise, you make it in batches.

The count in a bacteria culture was 400 after 15 minutes and 1400 after 30 minutes. What was the initial siz?
Q. The count in a bacteria culture was 400 after 15 minutes and 1400 after 30 minutes. What was the initial siz?
Find the doubling period in minutes
Find the population after 115 minutes
When (in minutes) will thle population reach 15000?
4 hours ago - 4 days left to answer.

A. Long answer...
A = Pe^rt
A -represents the amount after a certain amount of time
P- represents the the amount at the start
r -represents the rate or speed and is always represented as a decimal
t- represents the amount of time in years, months, days, hours , minutes
e- is natural log = 2.718281828
see: http://www.algebralab.org/Word/Word.aspx?file=Algebra_InterestIII.xml

1st we find the rate or speed of growth represented by letter r
A = xe^rt
400= xe^r15
400/x =e^r15
As rule: ln e^x =x
Ln(400/x) = ln e^r15= r15
Rule: ln(a/b) = ln a - lnb
Ln 400 �ln x =15r
Ln 400 -15r =lnx
5.99146-15r =lnx
Have to do the same for the 1400 bacteria.
1400= xe^r30
1400/x =e^r30
Ln(1400/x) = ln e^r30= r30
Ln 1400 �ln x =30r
Ln 1400 -30r =lnx
7.242275 -30r =lnx
Set the ln x�s to equal
7.242275 -30r = 5.99146-15r
1.252763/15 = r =0.083517531
Faster way to find x:
400/x e^r15 =1400/xe^r30
e^r30/e^r15 =1400/400 (the x's cancel)
e^r15 = 3.5
ln e^r15 = ln 3.5
r15 =1.252762968
r =1.252762968/15 =0.083517531

Now we can find initial amount x.
400= xe^(0.083517531)(15)
400 =x e^1.252763
e- is natural log = 2.718281828 , plug # in calculator and hit inverse ln works faster
e^1.252763 =3.5
400/3.5 = x = 114.286 =P

The values for P and R never change.

What was the initial size? P =114.286 is initial amount

Find the doubling period in minutes. For doubling
Let left side (A/P) equal 2 and then find time.
2 = e^(0.083517531)t
Ln 2 =(0.083517531)t
0.69314718/0.083517531 = t = 8.3 min

Find the population after 115 minutes. Let t =115 and find A = 1,695,041

When (in minutes) will the population reach 15000? Let A =15000 and find t = 58.4 minutes
A T e^rt

What the three main and nastiest group of bacteria ruling earth presently?
Q. What are the main groups of bacteria ruling earth now?

There are three main groups of bacteria ruling earth from the Arabic world: The moon bacteria, the sun bacteria, and the stars bacteria, which call themselves 666.

As their ability is to mimic and replicate they have replaced the original worshipers of the sun and keep them enslaved. These Asian vermins have become white, black, yellow, and all species that they can replicate and so are the insects that are part of bacteria�s retinue.

The moon bacteria are worshipers of the moon. They live mostly in darkness or shade and the insects serving them are night insects and if they are there during the day, they keep the sun at a lower level of heat using the clouds.

The sun bacteria are not really from flame planet, but use the light that pierces the clouds to glorify themselves as the sun. In fact there is no bacteria that can resist flame.

The stars bacteria are the different branches of bacteria that are part or under the leadership of bacteria. They are replication of the main group. That is why when one kingdom does something, all other kingdoms follow.

These three main groups are the nastiest bacteria ruling earth. Bacteria keep surfacing the planet as the scientist bacteria are digging the earth to bring them out.

These bacteria are living entities that feed on decay. They lived in people before, those that were buried. They are waiting to be called to service because their hosts die. They take turn to rule. Those that live in king and kill their rulers have highest privileges. The privileges go by their faces on money and other things in the kingdom they rule. That is why only dead people are on money. As such, the vermins that ate these poor people made rich by bacteria are rewarded with their face on money, celebration of their prowess every year in the form of memorial and other nastiness that they did.

Their willing temples, the priests, and the rich, allowed them to do so as long as they continue to be in power.

Yah is a bacterial moon god. As all bacterial gods, they are bloodless and heartless. They are flies, ticks, lice, mites, roaches, and all types of seen and unseen bacteria. Bah, cah, tah, nah, and all the 26 letters of all alphabets in any languages are bacteria's names.

Life consumes Life
Take it for what it�s worth
Birth begs to be fed
Earth ate the dead
No matter what the spread
Iron Oxide rust red
�Life consumes Life� I said
Phage out numbers all of life combined
Bores into bacteria
Consumes until it dies
A Murder of crows to pick out the eyes
An eating frenzy never satisfied
Life is a banquet
A cannibalistic feast
For everything is the fodder
From the great whale to the hungered yeast

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How is Obama going to pay for the so called free health care?

Q. Are they going to still more money out of social security like they have done in the past to start give away programs, plus fight three little wars,
shouldn't they be made to put this money back before they ask for more money to give every one so called free health care?
Or will they increase the peoples taxes to pay for the free health cars. and if they get the free health care passed and get it paid for through taxes and the funds start building up, will they still this money to use for other things?

A. A. Good god, man, learn how to spell.

B. Obviously, you haven't read the bill. He has repeatedly said how it will be paid for. If you don't want to listen, I can't help you.
C. No one is suggesting free health care.
D. Why did you NEVER ask how BOTH wars were being paid for, how free, universal health care for all Iraqis and Afghans was being paid for, how tax cuts to the rich were being paid for, how Medicare Part D was being paid for?

How do I go about getting free health care while Im pregnant?
Q. I need to get free health care, how do i do that?

A. In my state the Human Services Department (ie Medicaid) is the place to apply. The income limit for pregnancy related medicaid is a lot higher than for regular medicaid. For example I made too much money to qualify for regular medicaid but for pregnancy I qualified and my child qualified at birth. All of my prenatal care was free as well as the birth and follow-up. Find out where to apply for medicaid and do it as soon as possible just in case it takes a while.

How in anyway is Free Health Care unconstitutional?
Q. Serious were in the US constitution does it say no free health care? I want to know?

A. Who said there was going to be free health care.

What are some reasons as to why reconstructing and giving out free health care to all citizens is bad?
Q. What are some reasons as to why reconstructing and giving out free health care to all citizens is bad?

A. It doesn't work: some are told to die, we all go bankrupt:
Canadian doc on UHC:
"...Another sign of transformation: Canadian doctors, long silent on the health-care system�s problems, are starting to speak up. Last August, they voted Brian Day president of their national association. A former socialist who counts Fidel Castro as a personal acquaintance, Day has nevertheless become perhaps the most vocal critic of Canadian public health care, having opened his own private surgery center as a remedy for long waiting lists and then challenged the government to shut him down. �This is a country in which dogs can get a hip replacement in under a week,� he fumed to the New York Times, �and in which humans can wait two to three years.�

And now even Canadian governments are looking to the private sector to shrink the waiting lists. Day�s clinic, for instance, handles workers�-compensation cases for employees of both public and private corporations. In British Columbia, private clinics perform roughly 80 percent of government-funded diagnostic testing. In Ontario, where fealty to socialized medicine has always been strong, the government recently hired a private firm to staff a rural hospital�s emergency room.

This privatizing trend is reaching Europe, too. Britain�s government-run health care dates back to the 1940s. Yet the Labour Party�which originally created the National Health Service and used to bristle at the suggestion of private medicine, dismissing it as �Americanization��now openly favors privatization. Sir William Wells, a senior British health official, recently said: �The big trouble with a state monopoly is that it builds in massive inefficiencies and inward-looking culture.� Last year, the private sector provided about 5 percent of Britain�s nonemergency procedures; Labour aims to triple that percentage by 2008. The Labour government also works to voucherize certain surgeries, offering patients a choice of four providers, at least one private. And in a recent move, the government will contract out some primary care services, perhaps to American firms such as UnitedHealth Group and Kaiser Permanente.

Sweden�s government, after the completion of the latest round of privatizations, will be contracting out some 80 percent of Stockholm�s primary care and 40 percent of its total health services, including one of the city�s largest hospitals. Since the fall of Communism, Slovakia has looked to liberalize its state-run system, introducing co-payments and privatizations. And modest market reforms have begun in Germany: increasing co-pays, enhancing insurance competition, and turning state enterprises over to the private sector (within a decade, only a minority of German hospitals will remain under state control). It�s important to note that change in these countries is slow and gradual�market reforms remain controversial. But if the United States was once the exception for viewing a vibrant private sector in health care as essential, it is so no longer."

Hillarycare exists in Taxachusetts with only 6.5 million people:
"Massachusetts announced that spending on its health care plan would increase by $400 million in 2008, a cost expected to be borne largely by taxpayers."
Last modified: January 29. 2008 5:03AM
Article explains why CA couldn't get it off ground.

Medicare is touted by the uninformed as THE solution:
In the US, Medicare is going bankrupt. In 1998, Medicare premiums were $43.80 and in 2008 will be $96.40--up 120%. "Medigap" insurance is common because of the 20% co-pay required for service. Medicare HMOs are common because they reduce that burden without an extra charge in many cases. HOWEVER, many procedures which used to have no or a low co-pay NOW cost the full 20% for the HMO Medicare patient. ALSO the prescription coverage they tended to offer has been REDUCED in many cases to conform to the insane "donut hole" coverage of the feds. Doctors are leaving Medicare because of the low and slow pay AND because the crazy government wants to "balance" their Ponzi scheme on the backs of doctors.
"That dark cloud lurking over the shoulder of every Massachusetts physician is Medicare. If Congress does not act, doctors' payments from Medicare will be cut by about 5 percent annually, beginning next year through 2012, creating a financial hailstorm that would wreak havoc with already strained practices.

Cumulatively, the proposed cuts represent a 31 percent reduction in Medicare reimbursement. If the cuts are adjusted for practice-cost inflation, the American Medical Association says Medicare payment rates to physicians in 2013 would be less than half of what they were in 1991."

What Canada Tells Us About Government Health Care
By Doug Wilson
Monday, February 25, 2008

Americans may not agree on much between now and November, but we have reached a consensus about the importance of at least one issue: health care.
In a recent study by the Pew Research Center, 76 percent of registered voters said that health care was very important to their vote. Democrats ranked health care their most important issue; Independents slotted it as their second most important issue. Republicans, meanwhile, positioned health care as more important than social issues such as abortion, gay marriage and stem cell research.
This public concern has prompted political action�or at least political posturing. It seems every politician has a plan to solve our health care woes. For Democrats, the silver bullet remains universal, government-funded coverage. Both Senators Obama and Clinton have proposed regulation and tax-heavy programs to offer cradle-to-grave health care for Americans.
Ironically, these proposals come at a time when some of our other entitlements�Social Security and Medicare�stand on the brink of collapse. For example, most experts agree that Social Security will be entirely bankrupt by 2041, and that the system will show serious financial strain as early as 2017. If a business faced such dire financial straits it would cut costs, but the government continues its perpetual spending spree.
Before we allow the government to burden us with another mammoth entitlement program, however, we might well consider the plight of countries currently employing socialized medicine. And we need not look very far for an example. Since the 1960s, Canada has operated a system of socialized medicine, while also forbidding the private sector from insuring medically necessary care.
The verdict: Canadians pay more for their health care and get less. That�s according to the Fraser Institute, an independent research and educational organization based in Canada. Fraser�s recently released study, �Paying More, Getting Less: Measuring the Sustainability of Government Health Spending in Canada� calls our attention to the painful realities of government-funded health care.
How, exactly, do Canadians pay more for their health care? Taxes, naturally�and higher and higher ones at that, for there is no other way to maintain such an enormous entitlement. Consider that by 2035, six of 10 Canadian provinces will spend half of their taxpayer-generated revenue on health-related expenses.
In slow economic times, health spending tends to exceed revenue. The government responds by raising existing taxes or creating new ones; to do otherwise would lead to the neglect of other government programs like schools and roads.
By restricting the market, public health care programs create long waits for specialists and often prevent patients from pursuing new treatments. Indeed, the median wait times between a referral from a family or general doctor to a specialist for further treatment increased significantly in every Canadian province between 1997 and 2006. For many treatments and procedures, Canadians are forced to wait twice as long as doctors believe is medically advisable.
Canada�s restrictive policies have also reduced the number of various types of health professionals, limited the availability of advanced equipment and severely restricted the prescription drug choices. Consider that even after Health Canada certifies a new drug, it takes over a year for that drug to actually reach the patients who need it. Between 2004 and 2005, it took an average of 439 days for provinces to receive reimbursement for drugs, forcing patients to wait months for necessary medications.
The list could go on, but it need not. We get the picture. The question is: What are we going to do about it?
The answer lies in the marketplace. Among the more promising proposals currently before Congress is the Health Care Choice Act. The Act would allow individuals to compare and purchase health insurance across state lines. This is a very important, if often misunderstood, way of reducing health care costs. Here�s a quick primer: Because health care is primarily regulated at the state level, states can force providers to cover services and procedures (e.g., chiropractic care or fertility treatments) regardless of necessity or patient demand. Insurance companies then pass these higher costs along to every consumer, regardless of whether they want or need coverage for such procedures.
A more efficient system would allow individuals to select the health care plans of their choice. Such a plan recognizes that a 20 year old male typically has very different medical needs than a 60 year old woman. Freeing consumers to select a health care plan that meets their needs and budget, even if it is in a different state, is a common sense solution that would ease the budget crunch facing man

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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

What is the definition of republican and the definition of democrat?

Q. Look up these definitions in a dictionary... Which definition really means what you are?

A. 1. republican adj. (\ri-�p�-bli-k�n\)-
An individual who believes that the white male Christian God should be the only object of worship on the planet, that power and wealth should remain in the hands of 1% of the world's population while the remaining 99% starve, that health care should be privatized so the poor can't afford basic medication, that a rape victim living on welfare should be forced to care for a baby she didn't even ask for, and that America is the only real country on Earth while all those other countries they read about are just fakes invented by communists...oh wait, it's terrorists now, isn't it?

2 democrat (d�m'�-kr�t')-
1. One belonging to the United States Democratic Party

2. Tend to believe that government should come to the aid the most disadvantaged in society (see Unemployment Insurance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security). We don't bring it up much, but it's what Jesus taught.

3. Belive in the separation of church and state, on the off-chance that not everyone in America is a Southern Baptist.

4. Doesn't believe that industries have the unfettered right to dump carcinogens into our water supplies. Also believe in protecting public health and worker safety.

5. Believe in strengthening public education, rather than gutting it with vouchers.

6. Belive in civil liberties and equal rights for all people, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation; a Democratic President pushed through the Civil Rights Act even though it meant losing half of his party. That half, comprising mostly of racist whites, now overwhelmingly votes Republican.

7. Most have actually read the 9th amendment. Can also spell "amendment."

8. Represent broadest spectrum of the American public: women, blacks, Latinos, gays, Jews, seculars, immigrants, union workers, and yes, also straight middle-class white male Protestants like me.

What is the definition of a social welfare policy?
Q. What is the definition of a social welfare policy? And are there different types? I don't get it.

A. Social Welfare Policy is the study of social services and the welfare state. In general terms, it looks at the idea of social welfare, and its relationship to politics and society. More specifically, it also considers detailed issues in

1. Policy and administration of social services, including policies for health, housing, income
maintenance, education and social work;

2. needs and issues affecting the users of services, including poverty, old age, health, disability,
and family policy; and

3. the delivery of welfare.

What would be a social definition of the socioeconomically disadvantaged group?
Q. I just need to know 2 definitions for an assignment.
One is a legal definition and the other is a social.
I know what my legal would be and thats basically a definition off google, but what could i write for a social definition? i can't steer away from legal definition :/ thanks so much

A. Legal: That falls below the stated Poverty Level for a single person or family.

Social: Who has income above the stated Poverty Level but who�s predicament (health problems, no insurance, disability, spouse has lost job, etc) has put them into a disadvantaged situation.

What is a good family health insurance company also with dental?
Q. What is a good family health insurance company also with dental?
I'm looking for a health insurance for my family my daughter has lupus I'm not sure how to go about this. But I Need to find one that can cover me and her almost with dental. Thanks to the people that take their time to write back and help.

A. Ignore the previous answerer.

Since September 2010 all insurance companies must accept kids under 19 as long as they're on a policy with a parent. It no longer matters if they have a pre-existing condition or not.

However, before someone could answer your question they'd need to know the following:

First, they'd need to understand your definition of "good". The best plan would normally mean the most comprehensive coverage, but with some people it means the cheapest and to others it means a combination with the coverage they need. Cheap policies usually mean limited benefits, which may be O K as long as you are aware of those limitations.
Second, they'd need to know your height and weight because insurance companies will decline to accept you or may increase your premium based on your weight. This is only for adults 19 or over.
Third, they'd need to know what your current health condition is because insurance companies will decline to accept you or may increase your premium based on your current health. This is only for adults 19 or over.
Fourth, they'd need to know your location, because insurance companies do not write policies in every state.

In other words, talk with a local agent that works with all of the major companies in your area. The agent can help you find the best plan for your situation and budget. They can explain what you get and, more importantly, what you don't get with the "cheap" policies. There is no extra charge using an agent. This is not something that can be answered in this forum.

Dental is always a separate policy. However, some insurance companies will include dental as an option. This doesn't mean that the optional dental is the best for you. Some of my clients will go with the same companies' dental while others will go with a stand-alone dental plan.

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What diet tips have really worked for you?

Q. I have tried every diet book out there. So far, the only thing that's worked for me is a raw diet but I never can stick to it for long!

A. I still eat everything but in moderation and I count the calories that I take to know if I should stop eating for the day because I'm in a 1,000calorie diet, but in that everything I avoid junk foods like chips which I crave for and sweets because they have lots of calories but sometimes maybe once/twice a month its not bad to satisfy your craving, satisfy ok not to be gluttonous for a day and since dieting makes your metabolism slow I also do exercise like jumping rope.
p.s dont eat much carbs I'm Asian and one of our staple foods is rice so in a meal I ate half a rice and dont forget your water.

What diet pills are safest to take that wont mess with trying to become pregnant in the future?
Q. What are the safest diet pills? What diet pills are safest to take that wont mess with trying to become pregnant later?

Ive heard some can make you have at least 3 miscarriage's before being able to carrying a healthy baby to full term.

A. diet pills are not healthy or effective long-term
they reap havoc on the endocrine system; the function in our body which regulates everything from body temperature to hair growth to hormones & skin condition. & will most certainly not create an ideal environment in which a baby may survive. eat healthy & get moderate exercise. you can start by walking 30 min/day & you will be doing a world of good for yourself & your baby.

What diet pill has given you the best result?
Q. I was looking online at diet pills, but was unsure of which one truly gave the best results. I know exercise and healthy eating are the best way to loose weight, but I want a little extra help. Any tips?

A. I use Mega T Green Tea with diet of less then 800 calories a day and exercise for no less than 2 hours a day and it seems to be working quiet well :)

How I was help :)

What is the difference between diet sodas and other sodas?
Q. Diet Pepsi v.s. Pepsi? How do they make the taste different? Which one is healthier?

A. The difference lie in the amount of sugar each has. I say neither one is healthy but if you had to pick one choose diet. Diet doesn't taste as good as regular, that is true for most things anyways.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

How much blood is taken for a thyroid blood test?

Q. I have to get a blood test to check my thyroid, I think it's a full thyroid panel or something like that. I want to know if it is a lot of blood/many tubes of blood. I tend to pass out if it's a lot of blood, so I want to know. Thanks.

A. Probably two small tubes but it's no big deal. I have had blood taken for thyroid tests for many years, and many more tests for other matters. Try looking at something else and concentrating on that and it will be over in one minute or less.

How long do blood thinners usually take to clear a blood clot in the lungs?
Q. How long do blood thinners usually take to clear a blood clot in the lungs?

A. Blood thinners don't clear the clot. You're body does. The blood thinners just prevent the clot from getting any bigger.

It can actually take quite a while for your body to break up the clot, but the patient usually leaves the hospital after their blood levels stabilize on oral anti-coagulants (blood thinners.)

How unlikely is it that a blood bank analyzes and records your blood type wrong?
Q. I gave blood about a month ago and I just received a donor card stating that my blood type is A negative. My doctor has told me multiple times that my blood type is A positive. Is it more likely that my doctor is wrong or that the blood bank incorrectly recorded my blood type?

A. Very unlikely that the blood bank is wrong, but you probably ought to call them, if you can, and call your doctor.

If you were ever to need a transfusion. the hospital would check a sample of your blood on the spot to make sure they match it correctly.

What does red blood cells carry differently to plasma?
Q. I know red blood cells carries oxygen and this chemical is called haemaglobin but what else do red blood cell carry and plasma in the blood? I know they carry vital substances but I don't know which one carries which.

Please help! Thank you!

A. The hemoglobin in red blood cells binds to both O2 and CO2 for gas exchange. O2 is taken to the tissues. About 10% of CO2 binds to hemoglobin and is unloaded in the lungs for exhalation.

Plasma contains water and plasma proteins. The plasma proteins are fibrin for clotting, globulins for antibodies, and albumin. The plasma proteins are important for setting up a plasma-colloid osmotic pressure, which is a force important in net filtration in the kidneys and for moving water into the circulatory system.

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Why are some corporations against the Free Health Care proposal?

Q. Do you think they are afraid of losing excellent employees if these were given the choice to access a free health care? Would this prevent them from competing with other Companies over the benefit of having Health Insurance?

A. There is no such thing as free. Someone will pay for it. You can say the big, evil corps will pay, but this will still come from people.
As a big evil CEO, who makes a solid 300 bucks a week, I am still against it. I offer health insurance to 18 employees, pay for 75% of the premium if they choose to except it.
What new regulations will do, is people like me, who have been expanding during a down economy (I, not the President, have created 10 jobs in the last year, and received zero government money) will stop expanding. The limits that have been tossed around are about where I am at employee and payroll wise. So no more expansion, no more new jobs.
The effective tax rate on the self employed over 100k is well over 50%, and this does not include taxes for sales, import, ect. At what point is enough enough?
If you really want "free" health care, make everyone, including the poor, children, immigrants (illegal or otherwise, people are people) pay for the cost. Just divide it up and send everyone a bill. You do not pay, you do not get to use it. Period. Too large a % of the population pays little or nothing for everything they get, and it would be interesting to see the reaction if the takers actually have to pay for something.
Finally, if an employee leaves, they leave. Over the years, several of our managers have taken what we do and started out on there own. That is just business. I have supervised well over 200 employees, and have never said, or even thought about health insurance as a carrot/stick in getting someone to do there job. Everyone, even myself is replacable.

Should we all start to fight for human rights one of which is the free health care?
Q. Please don't tell us about the free stuff.We are not talking free cars, food, etc. We are talking about CARE - free health care which deserves every human on the planet Earth who works for the society.

A. I read a lot of angry responses here. There are very few answers to the question, Should we all start to fight for human rights...."

We cannot give up on better health care, a better system, and more care for the poor. Don't kick them in the street, find a way. If my doctor is making 450,000 dollars a year, he isn't going to get any sympathy from me. Sure he should be paid. Sure he should be able to make a good living. But, should a doctor be wealthy just because he can get away with it? Does anyone need to be that rich from working only in his office all week and not doing surgery?

If they really wanted to be a doctor, then ok...you are! Quit complaining. If you just wanted to be rich, then be a bank robber! You won't need medical school.
Be happy with that and live on $150,000 per year. Most of your patients would commit crimes to make that much in a year!

Let's get some ideas from a country that has already passed us up in health care quality, emergency care and affordable hospitalization.


What would happen if everyone in America had free health care just like Canada?
Q. I need your help,i am writing a report on what would happen if America had free health care.Can you guys give me a good conclusion? I already have 3 and a half pages. I just need a good conclusion.What would happen if everyone in America had free health care?

A. The most obvious result would be that we save a lot of money.

In 2006, per-capita spending for health care in Canada was US$3,678; in the U.S., US$6,714. The U.S. spent 15.3% of GDP on health care in that year; Canada spent 10.0%.

Do American immigrants get free health care in Canada?
Q. I plan on moving there, and I'm planning budgets. But I know that Canadians have free health care. Do immigrants get to utilize this as well?

A. Yes they do. But not everything is free! If you are in the hospital, you don't get semi-private or private rooms for free, ambulance is not free, plus in most provinces, you must pay a premium for your health card. Drugs are not free, unless there's some kind of low income program offered by provincial government. Check out the Ministry of Health government websites for each province in addition to Health Canada, And Immigrations Canada

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Monday, April 22, 2013

How will Obama's voluntary health insurance plan force anyone to do anything?

Q. I hear people talk about how the gvernment health insurance plan will "force" them to only see certain doctors, which is impossible bacause you first have to voluntarially sign up for the plan. Even then, just like EVERY other country with government health care, you can always opt out in favor of private health care.

So how is it forcing anyone to change their health care?

A. (1) Like medicare and medicaid only certain doctors will accept it.

(2) He is going to force everyone to have health insurance.

(3) Even the democrats do not believe that private insurance will be able to survive.


In Places where they have Universal health care health care is not created. Doctors salaries are pushed down and the number of patients they have to treat go up. This means rationing of health care.

The other thing that happens is that the government makes it so that the pharmaceutical companies and other medical research companies can not be compensated for Research and development killing R&D in new technology and treatments. Why do you think that all of the innovations come from here in the US. One reason that our health care is so expensive is because we have to pay for all of the R&D from countries with Universal Health care. That is why you see no innovations coming from them.

Universal Health care is not free. Basically is will cost all of those that all ready prioritize health care and pay for it now weather they can really afford it or not. The Congressional Budget Office said that Obama's plan will lead to an additional $1.6 TRILLION deficit over the next 10 years and will leave 35Million people without health care.

That means that those that do get health care that do not now will cost on average $60,000+.

Really, and do not let anyone tell you different, anyone in this country can have health insurance if it is their priority. When I graduated from HS I realized that I needed health insurance even though I was completely healthy so i got a job as a bank teller. Anyone can do this and there are plenty of jobs out there. Obviously there were many jobs that I would have rather had, but I prioritized health insurance, and people like me are the ones that will suffer under Obama's plan.

In this country anyone that prioritizes it can have health insurance and get world class care. Obama is going to take it from those of every income class that have it as a priority and give it to those that simply do not.

Can a Canadian citizen (with a work visa in the US) purchase private health Insurance in the US?
Q. My husband has a Visa to work in the US, and we are looking in to private health insurance. Does anyone know if there are any plans out there that will cover Canadian citizens in the US.

A. You will have to get insurance there. Six months out of Canada and you no longer have provincial coverage, with at least a three month wait list when you return.

You just buy a plan. Most people have private plans there so you'll have plenty of choce.

What do you see as the major differences between a single-provider health insurance plan and private health?
Q. *private health insurance

A. You may get a more accurate answer if you submitted this question to the Business category

Would I benefit more with the schools health insurance options or private insurance?
Q. I teach in texas at FWISD. Im planning to get pregnant and to upgrade to the best health insurance option. The deductibles my district provides are very high-around 3,000 with monthly payment of $170 per month. What are my options with private health insurance?

A. Because of healthcare reform your options with private health insurance covering maternity are limited to one plan in Texas and will cost you more than you're currently paying because the employer will not contribute anything to the private plan. Stay where you are.

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Do you believe the health care insurance industry is also facing financial burdens because of the high costs?

Q. Do you believe the health care insurance industry is also facing financial burdens because of the high costs? Why or why not?

A. Yes i do

Why did insurance companies stop selling health care insurance policies to kids?
Q. My mom tried to purchase a health care insurance policy for me and my sister since September, but all companies tell her that such policies are no longer for sale. What will happen to us if we become seriously ill?

A. Thank Obamcare

How much does it cost tax payers for health care insurance just for nancy Pelosi?
Q. just wondering if we got rid of her would the amount saved be enough to provide health care insurance to about a thousand people?

A. $1 is too much! Actually according to my rep, it costs about $5,000 for their health care and he proposed a bill that would allow us to opt into the government program that congress has.

BTW, he's a republican in case anyone wants to CLAIM the GOP has no ideas to reform health care!

Anywhere where i can find nursing home in ct that takes united health care insurance?
Q. I really need this asap i need to find any nursing facilities in connecticut that takes health care insurance?

A. Nursing homes do not accept health insurance and health insurance does not pay for nursing homes.

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

What are good study techniques for these subjects?

Q. Exams are this week, and I need to study but I need some good study techniques for these subjects:

1. Spanish (Vocab and grammer)
2. Health (Mainly definitions, but also procedures)
3. English (Vocab, Mythological words, stories)
4. History (Dates, events, important people...)

I've already started flashcards for Spanish, but if you could give me any other studying techniques that would be awesome. Thanks!

A. For history and health look at your criteria or rubrics and make notes for it, read over the notes again and again until it is stuck in your head. For spanish use flash cards and the notes technique. For english read over your note book and text book and try to really learn the techniques because that is the most important thing in english

What is the definition of republican and the definition of democrat?
Q. Look up these definitions in a dictionary... Which definition really means what you are?

A. 1. republican adj. (\ri-�p�-bli-k�n\)-
An individual who believes that the white male Christian God should be the only object of worship on the planet, that power and wealth should remain in the hands of 1% of the world's population while the remaining 99% starve, that health care should be privatized so the poor can't afford basic medication, that a rape victim living on welfare should be forced to care for a baby she didn't even ask for, and that America is the only real country on Earth while all those other countries they read about are just fakes invented by communists...oh wait, it's terrorists now, isn't it?

2 democrat (d�m'�-kr�t')-
1. One belonging to the United States Democratic Party

2. Tend to believe that government should come to the aid the most disadvantaged in society (see Unemployment Insurance, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security). We don't bring it up much, but it's what Jesus taught.

3. Belive in the separation of church and state, on the off-chance that not everyone in America is a Southern Baptist.

4. Doesn't believe that industries have the unfettered right to dump carcinogens into our water supplies. Also believe in protecting public health and worker safety.

5. Believe in strengthening public education, rather than gutting it with vouchers.

6. Belive in civil liberties and equal rights for all people, regardless of gender, race, or sexual orientation; a Democratic President pushed through the Civil Rights Act even though it meant losing half of his party. That half, comprising mostly of racist whites, now overwhelmingly votes Republican.

7. Most have actually read the 9th amendment. Can also spell "amendment."

8. Represent broadest spectrum of the American public: women, blacks, Latinos, gays, Jews, seculars, immigrants, union workers, and yes, also straight middle-class white male Protestants like me.

What is the definition of a social welfare policy?
Q. What is the definition of a social welfare policy? And are there different types? I don't get it.

A. Social Welfare Policy is the study of social services and the welfare state. In general terms, it looks at the idea of social welfare, and its relationship to politics and society. More specifically, it also considers detailed issues in

1. Policy and administration of social services, including policies for health, housing, income
maintenance, education and social work;

2. needs and issues affecting the users of services, including poverty, old age, health, disability,
and family policy; and

3. the delivery of welfare.

What would be a social definition of the socioeconomically disadvantaged group?
Q. I just need to know 2 definitions for an assignment.
One is a legal definition and the other is a social.
I know what my legal would be and thats basically a definition off google, but what could i write for a social definition? i can't steer away from legal definition :/ thanks so much

A. Legal: That falls below the stated Poverty Level for a single person or family.

Social: Who has income above the stated Poverty Level but who�s predicament (health problems, no insurance, disability, spouse has lost job, etc) has put them into a disadvantaged situation.

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What should purified blood contain after being filtered in the kidneys?

Q. when blood is filtered in the kidney and then back in the renal vein, what should that blood contain?

A. Blood proteins. They are too large to filter through the fenstrated endothelium of of glomerulus in the kidney nephrons.

EDIT: In addition the blood will contain hemoglobin and anything else that is the same size or larger than a red blood cell.

What kind of blood is given in a transfusion to these 3 patients?
Q. What kind of blood is given in a transfusion to these 3 patients?

What type of blood is given to these 3 blood types if they needed a blood transfusion?

A. Blood types such as A+ summarise two different typing systems: ABO (A, B, AB, O) and Rhesus (positive and negative). The two work in similar ways but aren't connected.

In each case the types are determined by whether or not you have a bit of chemical on your blood cells. These 'antigens' can be called A, B and Rh. If you don't have one, you're likely to have antibodies against it. If your blood cells have all three, you're AB+ (short for AB type & Rhesus+), if none you're O-.

So to use that for your questions:

This isn't a whole blood type, just the Rh factor without the ABO type. You might give someone with Rh- a negative type, possibly AB-, A- or B- depending on their ABO type. If you didn't know (or you knew they were O-) you'd give them O- as O- is the universal donor (or as close a you get to one - you have to ignore plasma and rare blood types and stuff)

This isn't a whole blood type either. You could give them any ABO type in theory as AB is the universal acceptor (or as close as you get to one... blah-de-blah). If you didn't know whether they were AB+ or AB-, you'd give them AB-, or failing that another negative type.

You'd give them A+, or failing that O+, or failing that O-, but _nothing_else_.

How much blood is taken for a thyroid blood test?
Q. I have to get a blood test to check my thyroid, I think it's a full thyroid panel or something like that. I want to know if it is a lot of blood/many tubes of blood. I tend to pass out if it's a lot of blood, so I want to know. Thanks.

A. Probably two small tubes but it's no big deal. I have had blood taken for thyroid tests for many years, and many more tests for other matters. Try looking at something else and concentrating on that and it will be over in one minute or less.

How long do blood thinners usually take to clear a blood clot in the lungs?
Q. How long do blood thinners usually take to clear a blood clot in the lungs?

A. Blood thinners don't clear the clot. You're body does. The blood thinners just prevent the clot from getting any bigger.

It can actually take quite a while for your body to break up the clot, but the patient usually leaves the hospital after their blood levels stabilize on oral anti-coagulants (blood thinners.)

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