Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What should I look for in a good health plan for my wife and I?

Q. We are late twenties, married two years and really need a decent family health plan. We have no kids yet. What specific benefits/costs should I be looking at? We can probably only afford $200-$300 a month, sadly.

A. If you can find a plan through your employer, it would be the cheapest. If you are buying on your own then you will have some additional things to look at:
1. are either of you planning any major surgeries or health events (pregnancy)
2. how often do you typically go to the doctor (1? 10?)
3. Do you need specialist care (ob? specialists?)
4. How much money do you have available in an emergency
5. Any routine medications (birth control? allergy? special condition?)

Plans will have info such as co-pays (what you pay when you go in) and then also things like co-insurance. Pay attention to these as it will help you identify how much money you will be paying in addition to your health insurance.

Some people pick plans that have higher upfront costs (copays, drugs, etc) with lower monthly costs because they rarely go to the doc and it is cheaper to pay those costs out of pocket. Others find insurance that is more per month but the day to day is cheaper.

Read the fine print- will previous conditions be a problem? Is there a limit to how much the insurance will pay? Is there a drug plan.

Good luck.

What should the fees be for Cadillac health plans?
Q. People who have Cadillac health plans will pay more to the government in fees. What should the scale be?

And how shall we exempt union workers who have Cadillac plans?
But iris, how do we exempt unions from this supposed tax...because it is not a tax, it is a fee.

A. The fact that union workers will be exempt (for a period of time) smacks of favoritism for that crowd. Why should they get off - and not me? No way. There will be lawsuits by the truckloads when that goes down. None of this will come out like the dems think it will. So many people think it just means free health care - when in fact it just means that the gov't is REQUIRING you to BUY health care (unless you are poor and it will be GIVEN to you!) There is so much to motivate one to being poor in this country! Anyway - the fees should be NOTHING! Don't TAX my right to buy a great health plan (I work very hard to do so!) taking money from me to pay for those that don't!

Does your corporations Self-funded Health Plan put a price tag on your head that may get you laid off?
Q. A majority of large corporations now self fund their health plans. Smaller companies, some with fewer than 100 employees, are moving to this trend too. This means the corporation you work for is paying for you and your families medical costs.

Anyone else concerned that this trend is both an invasion of privacy and puts a target on your back if you or any one of your family members has serious medical bills?

You're running XYZ, Inc and employ John Doe for an annual salary of $75,000. You provide a medical benefit of $10,000 and John picks up the other $5000 of the annual premium. With 401K matching, & other benefits, he cost XYZ, Inc. $100,000 a year. John's wife, Jane Doe has a chronic illness... costing about $50,000 annually.

XYZ, Inc. knows John is costing them $150K, not $100K. Does John have a target on his back?

A. I wouldn't think so as the insurance fund is likely administered by a third party. But, you can bet there is a move to keep you health, wealthy and wise as it is a benefit to the bottom line.

If you want to have insurance without limits, you will have to pay through the nose to get it. Your company has found this out and that is why they are self insured now.

They are simply playing the odds that everybody will not get drastically sick at the same time. If they do, it will bankrupt the fund, not the company.

How can a person switch health plans when they are sick?
Q. Please help! My uncle, who is in his fifties and has kidney problems (stones) and other issues, has doctors who suck because he is forced to stay with his crappy health plan. I won't name it, but his doctors are indifferent and haven't helped him and he can't afford to see another doctor. He also is discouraged and is too upset to haggle with insurance people, so he just allows himself to suffer.

So, I want to help. What can he do to eventually switch plans (legally) when he has been with one for so long and is currently sick? Every insurance carrier will not take a new customer if that person is sick (pre-existing condition clause) so a sick person is effectiively screwed. He has nothing terminal and does not have diabetes.

Please! If there are any insiders who wish to earn some good karma and relieve the pain of someone who has given up, now would be a great time!

A. Look for something in the "naturopathic" area. The health industry is changing. Stanardized medicine doctors' don't care, they get paid whether they are showing your uncle any progress or not...and they push PILLS instead of getting to the root problem. Your uncle's body is out of balance.
My sister is graduating in May for her certification as a CERTIFIED NUTRITION THERAPIST.
Start your uncle on a new path for his health.
NO PROCESSED FOODS OF ANY KIND. Cut back on red meat too. Organic apple juice could help with the stones. Also get him off of ALL sugar and dairy products. The white bag of sugar off the grocery shelf is bleached. Splenda, also a chlorinated product. If you'd like an "education" about the food industry in this country go to a health food store and they can lead you in the right direction. INCLUDING a referral for a CNT or naturopathic doctor. Just don't let him give up he's young.
"To relieve existing stones, a GINGER COMPRESS should be applied over the kidneys continuously, especially during a kidney stone attack or strong pain. Plenty of hot fluids may be taken especially hot BANCHA TWIG TEA, to help ease the obstruction and flush out the stone."pg 274
If your Uncle is serious about what he wants, relief from pain and kidney stone episodes...he will be willing to make the CHANGES that will literally save his life.
I have been a diabetic since 1992. I managed it pretty well or so I have always thought. Well I went through some changes in 2003 and my doctor never in questioned me about what I was doing with my diet she just added insulin shots to my life and before I knew it I put on 85 lbs I didn't ASK for....when I found out that the insulin was the direct result I asked the nurse how do I get off of this. I made changes in my diet and weaned myself off the shots within about 4 months. I wasted no time doing this. I still had two diabetic pills I was taking and I did such a great job I got off Avandia as well (major side effect---wt gain.) My sister and I started seeing a CNT 11/06 and we are currently taking a protocol of BIOTICS and I've lost 20 lbs just since January 07.
Let me explain it this way. When you see people that are obese and you think--wow that persons' a p-i-g or not caring about themselves. You can start looking at them in a new light. It's true some people do overeat...But also true is that the body is completely out balance. Their body is not handling the chemicals and processed food this country is making for us to comsume. They are full of toxins. And when the body can't get rid of them it stores the toxins in the fat of the body remaining trapped there.
Let's look at a simple product like: oreo cookies...yeah there yummy....But are you aware that the company that makes them, makes them to be ADDICTIVE.. ? It's true. When my sister completes her training I'm going to read everyone of her text books. Please, Please get your uncle the help he needs through a CNT. Best Wishes for you both in good health.
P.S. I quoted a source but have discovered a CNT the best way to go. I got the book to look at recipes etc..

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