Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How does Austria's Private Health Insurance work?

Q. I'm planning on moving to Austria eventually with my husband. I just don't understand the private health insurance part (which we need). I need to know whether we will be able to survive paying insurance, for a place to live, social insurance and actually buying food (so I need to figure out the prices of things first).
So my question is whether someone could explain to me how the private insurance works in Austria, as it works loads different where I am now.
For example:
I read that we will only pay a certain percentage of my husband's wage. Is this true, if so what percentage? But how does the co-insurance work? And lastly where can I get private health insurance, as I have been looking, but not finding?

Thank you for any help!

A. There are 4 options.
1. You allready have a private insurance from another country that allso covers Austria.
2. You have a fulltime job in Austria (Your insurance will be automatically taxed from your payceck)
3. If you don´t have a job you will still have to pay into the state run system (Then you are self insured).
4. You opt out of the state system and again insure yourself at a private insurance company (But this is definitely the most expensive option).

And last but not least it´s possible to get a co insurance from your husband but for this you have to
be an Austrian or EU citizen.

Btw. this would be one http://www.merkur.at/ (but its in german)
If you are looking for other private insurance copanies in Austria just type
"privatversicherung österreich" into google.
You will find a lot of private companies.

Under the new federal health care act is a single man required to purchase maternity leave coverage?
Q. As of March 29, 2010, is a single man required to purchase maternity leave coverage as a clause or part of his private health insurance plan?

A. "maternity leave" is not the subject of health insurance it is instead covered by a short term disability policy. You are not mandated to purchase disability insurance, at least, not yet.

Where does McCain get his ideas about what healthcare is like today?
Q. He said the democrats want to put a bureaucrat between us and our docotors. Well I have a very good private health insurance plan and I just spent this afternoon talking to one of their bureaucrats who thinks my kid doesn't need any more physical therapy even though her surgeon says she does.

How out of touch can the Republicans get?
What planet do you people live on. I have only one chose of health insurance plan - the one my employer offers. I have had other insurance plans through other employers and it was always the same.

A. >>Well I have a very good private health insurance plan and I just spent this afternoon talking to one of their bureaucrats<<

Theoretically, you could switch to another private health insurance company. If there is only one company -- the government -- where are you going to go if they think your kid doesn't need more physical therapy? And what if it is like Canada, where private services are illegal so you can't even pay out of your own pocket to have your daughter treated? Will you have to take her out of the country, like Canadians do?

How Do I Get Health Insurance?
Q. I'm thinking of leaving my job to go freelance in California. I have no idea where to even start to look for a private health insurance plan. I have a preexisting condition, so I'd probably be turned down for most regular plans. Should I look for an independent broker? I've looked online and it's impossible to find one. Does anyone know SPECIFICALLY where to go and what to do?

A. please try this <a href="http://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-1748196-10426166" target="_top">help!</a>
<img src="http://www.lduhtrp.net/image-1748196-10426166"

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