Monday, May 20, 2013

What is the difference between diet sodas and other sodas?

Q. Diet Pepsi v.s. Pepsi? How do they make the taste different? Which one is healthier?

A. The difference lie in the amount of sugar each has. I say neither one is healthy but if you had to pick one choose diet. Diet doesn't taste as good as regular, that is true for most things anyways.

How to not go off tracks in my diet and what is the best diet?
Q. WHt diet is the best, and give me some tips how to lose weight.

A. The "best diet" is not a diet at all, its a way of eating for the rest of your life.

As far as popular diets go, Atkins, Southbeach, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, low cal, low fat etc etc.. they all work... you have to 1. follow them, and 2. not go back to your old habits once you reach your goal.

Everyone is a little different and may achieve their healthy weight down a different path. Some things in common among the diets is cutting out sugary drinks like soda, and eating sugary desserts. Another is excercise on a regular basis

I use "Strip that fat" program to achieve my goals. It fit my personal tastes for food and I managed to lose 50 lbs in 6 months 5 yrs ago and keep it off. For you it may be another method. But something like the lemonade diet isn't a way of eating for life, and even if you stuck to it, once you went back to the old ways of eating, the weight would come back.

I googled it and found their website:

For good health balanced diet is essential. What should be done if a day slips from the diet program?
Q. For good health balanced diet is essential. What should be done if a day slips from the diet program?

A. You need not worry; you can balance the food intake the next day. But, if this continues there is no use in following a balanced diet. Find tips for healthy living and more on balanced diet in

Does a low carb diet lower the amount of good bacteria in your gut?
Q. If I go on a low carb diet, will it lower the amount of good bacteria in my gut?

Also, if I take probiotics, will they be able to be sustained in my gut on a low carb diet or will the probiotics be ineffective in providing benefits if I am on a low carb diet?


A. No, a "low carb" diet will not ruin the good bacteria in your gut unless you're eating way too much cheese. The probiotics would be a good idea too. Also, "low carb" diets are not a good idea. Better to eat plenty of unrefined carbs like fruits and veggies for fiber. If you're eating just protein or fat it's not good for the kidneys, esp. long term. Dr. Atkins, who popularized the low carb diets died of a heart attack after all.

If you are really looking the best way to diet,
I suggest doing what this mom did and combining the Acai diet with a cleansing program for the best result

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