Saturday, May 4, 2013

What is one disease that can take place in the muscular system?

Q. What is one disease that takes place in the muscular system and effects the human health and well-being?

A. There are approximately 650 muscles in the human body, each performing a unique role. Muscles are the driving force behind the musculoskeletal systems, enabling us to sit, stand, walk, talk and do anything else that requires movement. They also keep our heart beating and help us breathe. In order to function, they must be able to react to stimuli, contract, extend and return to their normal shape. Problems with the muscular system can cause complications ranging from minor pain to complete immobility.

Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular Dystrophy (MD) is a group of genetic diseases that cause the muscle fibers to become easily damage.the most common general symptoms are muscle weakness, lack of coordination and loss of mobility,can cause mental retardation and primarily affects young boys.

This uncommon autoimmune disease causes muscle weakness accompanied by a skin rash. It can affect anyone but is most commonly seen in adults ages 40 to 60 and children ages five to 15. Symptoms include a light purple or red rash on the face, hands, knees, chest and back and progressive muscle weakness

Compartment Syndrome
Compartment syndrome occurs when too much pressure builds up in and around the muscles. It can result from crushing injuries, extended pressure on a blood vessel, swelling inside a cast or complications from surgery. Symptoms include severe pain, a feeling of fullness or tightness in the muscle and a tingling sensation

Rhabdomylosis damages both the muscles and the kidneys by causing the muscle fibers to breakdown and be released into the blood stream. The fibers erode into a substance called myoglobin, which blocks the kidney structures and can lead to kidney failure. Alcoholism, heatstroke, cocaine and heroin overdoses, seizures and severe exertion are possible causes

Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) is a rare congenital disease that affects approximately one in two million people worldwide and causes muscles, tendons and ligaments to be replaced with bone tissue. Since it is a congenital disease, it begins before birth but is generally diagnosed in childhood. The earliest sign is malformed big toes at birth. The disease generally affects the neck and shoulders during childhood and continues downward throughout adolescence and adulthood

What disease has normal white count and a high level of creatine kinase?
Q. In NCIS, Director Shepard had some sort of fatal disease, and in the episode "Stakeout," Abby discovers that the Director's blood has a normal white count and a high level of creatine kinase. What diseases could this indicate?

A. it could be
Heart Disease
or Thyroid Disease

It really could be a lot of things... would need more information!

What is the definition of a disease, and specifically a mental disease? Has science truly failed?
Q. I think this is the biggest failure of science and generally the world. It is full of imperfections, even though religion is not a better alternative.

But, what can you define as a disease; and what can you not? First of all, we have to realize that all humans are different physically. But they should be treated equally on moral basis, and on the basis of humanity (whether its gay ppl, straight ppl, women, old ppl; they should be treated equally on moral grounds).

Because people are different physically; they exhibit different behavior due to the chemistry of their body. Here is where the tricky part comes. What can you categorize as an illness/disease/disorder and what can you not? This is the biggest failure of science: why do you need to categorize things into illnesses and non-illnesses? It is clear you are letting your bias through. Modern feminists define rape that is only committed by a man on a woman. So there come the discrepancies. Why can you not accept behavior that everyone's behavior is deviant from one another. Why do we have to claim somethings are anomalies, and some are not? I know pedophilia and rape is wrong, but can you categorize is as an illness/disease/disorder? Do we have any proof that pedophilia and rape are not illnesses/diseases/disorders? Is there any proof that homosexuality is not an illness/disease/disorder? I dont think so.

So why do we have to say that pedophilia and rape are done intentionally, when they could very well be 'illnesses'. And how can we say homosexuality is not a disease/disorder when it could be?

The fact is that these are faulty premises. We cannot categorize things into illnesses/diseases/disorders. Everyone is different from each other physically and psycologically. That is the best way to deal with things. Science cannot even come to a consensus when (at what time period) a child in a mother's womb is alive; or whether abortion is murder or not (after what stage). So i think science has failed in that aspect.

Feminists wants the EXACT same physical rights for women that they want for men. Men and women are different physically, remember that. So I would want rights to be 'balanced out' between male and female; and that would constitute as EQUAL rights, not the EXACT SAME rights.

Is there any proof that homosexuality is NOT a disorder/illness. Then why does science say it is NOT a disorder/illness? Is there any proof that pedophilia/rape is NOT a disease.

Please answer these questions, and give me conclusive studies NOT theories for this. Evolution as you like it or not is NOT proven, it is a THEORY. I also mentioned religion is not a better alternative.
dan s:


A. I'm at uni doing a bachelor of health science and the definition of 'disease' is just a condition that has recognisable symptoms/effects especially treatable ones... whereas non-treatable is typically called a syndrome.

In response to your other topics... they all fall into the 'grey' areas. How do we know if something is right or wrong, ethical or not? Is it opinion or intrinsical fact? The fact is our society and all of its laws are built on certain peoples perceptions and beliefs and the only thing we can really do is look to God for the absolute truth and do the best we can along the way. My biggest issue is psychologists and even GPs shoing medication in everyone's face. Something may be a disease and they may have studied that disease but it doesn't mean they always get it right or treat it in a way that's appropriate. Unfortunately drug companies are multi billion dollar industries and the health care INDUSTRY revolves around that now, rather than the healing of people. It is true that greed and lust for money is the root of all evil.

What is the definition of a disease, and specifically a mental disease? Has science truly failed?
Q. I think this is the biggest failure of science and generally the world. It is full of imperfections, even though religion is not a better alternative.

But, what can you define as a disease; and what can you not? First of all, we have to realize that all humans are different physically. But they should be treated equally on moral basis, and on the basis of humanity (whether its gay ppl, straight ppl, women, old ppl; they should be treated equally on moral grounds).

Because people are different physically; they exhibit different behavior due to the chemistry of their body. Here is where the tricky part comes. What can you categorize as an illness/disease/disorder and what can you not? This is the biggest failure of science: why do you need to categorize things into illnesses and non-illnesses? It is clear you are letting your bias through. Modern feminists define rape that is only committed by a man on a woman. So there come the discrepancies. Why can you not accept behavior that everyone's behavior is deviant from one another. Why do we have to claim somethings are anomalies, and some are not? I know pedophilia and rape is wrong, but can you categorize is as an illness/disease/disorder? Do we have any proof that pedophilia and rape are not illnesses/diseases/disorders? Is there any proof that homosexuality is not an illness/disease/disorder? I dont think so.

So why do we have to say that pedophilia and rape are done intentionally, when they could very well be 'illnesses'. And how can we say homosexuality is not a disease/disorder when it could be?

The fact is that these are faulty premises. We cannot categorize things into illnesses/diseases/disorders. Everyone is different from each other physically and psycologically. That is the best way to deal with things. Science cannot even come to a consensus when (at what time period) a child in a mother's womb is alive; or whether abortion is murder or not (after what stage). So i think science has failed in that aspect.

Feminists wants the EXACT same physical rights for women that they want for men. Men and women are different physically, remember that. So I would want rights to be 'balanced out' between male and female; and that would constitute as EQUAL rights, not the EXACT SAME rights.

Is there any proof that homosexuality is NOT a disorder/illness. Then why does science say it is NOT a disorder/illness? Is there any proof that pedophilia/rape is NOT a disease.

Please answer these questions, and give me conclusive studies NOT theories for this. Evolution as you like it or not is NOT proven, it is a THEORY. I also mentioned religion is not a better alternative.

A. Science is science. Medicine is medicine,.Religion is religion. Religion should not mix in often with the first two, and then, only rarely.
None are absolutes, they are always changing and being refined, sometimes out and out shook up and turned on their heads.
You can define plenty of things as illness/ disease and others as disorders.

I think you are concentrating on the grey areas of how religion and culture can shape policy and definitions and blaming science for those grey areas. Please remember all areas of science, medicine, religion, and politics are influenced by PEOPLE. People have opinions/beliefs,etc. and those opinions influence how they are going to interpret their work and world outlook. So if you want to blame anyone for the grey areas, blame the people that create them, NOT science.

and as for equal rights, we just want the same opportunities when qualified, and the same pay for the same work.
Please remember ALL people are physically different. Compare Don Knotts to her: and tell me who is physically (strength wise) superior?

p.s. this is getting pretty close to a rant which is illegal on yahoo answers. Most of this should be in the philosophy or the R/S section anyway. They are used to this sort of thing there. We usually just answer questions about diseases here.

Evolution- you need to look up what that means, seriously. Are you very young and go to an evangelical church or anything? I see this sort of thing in the RS section all the time, usually by youngsters who haven't attended 9th grade biology yet. Ok, Have you ever heard of MRSA, VRSA, antibiotic resistant Tuberculosis? Well, there is evolution in action. You also need to look up the scientific definition of Theory is. Here are a few more "the THEORY of GRAVITY" the THEORY of ELECTRICITY". lol! This is just plain silly, please post elsewhere!

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