Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Why are some corporations against the Free Health Care proposal?

Q. Do you think they are afraid of losing excellent employees if these were given the choice to access a free health care? Would this prevent them from competing with other Companies over the benefit of having Health Insurance?

A. There is no such thing as free. Someone will pay for it. You can say the big, evil corps will pay, but this will still come from people.
As a big evil CEO, who makes a solid 300 bucks a week, I am still against it. I offer health insurance to 18 employees, pay for 75% of the premium if they choose to except it.
What new regulations will do, is people like me, who have been expanding during a down economy (I, not the President, have created 10 jobs in the last year, and received zero government money) will stop expanding. The limits that have been tossed around are about where I am at employee and payroll wise. So no more expansion, no more new jobs.
The effective tax rate on the self employed over 100k is well over 50%, and this does not include taxes for sales, import, ect. At what point is enough enough?
If you really want "free" health care, make everyone, including the poor, children, immigrants (illegal or otherwise, people are people) pay for the cost. Just divide it up and send everyone a bill. You do not pay, you do not get to use it. Period. Too large a % of the population pays little or nothing for everything they get, and it would be interesting to see the reaction if the takers actually have to pay for something.
Finally, if an employee leaves, they leave. Over the years, several of our managers have taken what we do and started out on there own. That is just business. I have supervised well over 200 employees, and have never said, or even thought about health insurance as a carrot/stick in getting someone to do there job. Everyone, even myself is replacable.

Should we all start to fight for human rights one of which is the free health care?
Q. Please don't tell us about the free stuff.We are not talking free cars, food, etc. We are talking about CARE - free health care which deserves every human on the planet Earth who works for the society.

A. I read a lot of angry responses here. There are very few answers to the question, Should we all start to fight for human rights...."

We cannot give up on better health care, a better system, and more care for the poor. Don't kick them in the street, find a way. If my doctor is making 450,000 dollars a year, he isn't going to get any sympathy from me. Sure he should be paid. Sure he should be able to make a good living. But, should a doctor be wealthy just because he can get away with it? Does anyone need to be that rich from working only in his office all week and not doing surgery?

If they really wanted to be a doctor, then ok...you are! Quit complaining. If you just wanted to be rich, then be a bank robber! You won't need medical school.
Be happy with that and live on $150,000 per year. Most of your patients would commit crimes to make that much in a year!

Let's get some ideas from a country that has already passed us up in health care quality, emergency care and affordable hospitalization.


What would happen if everyone in America had free health care just like Canada?
Q. I need your help,i am writing a report on what would happen if America had free health care.Can you guys give me a good conclusion? I already have 3 and a half pages. I just need a good conclusion.What would happen if everyone in America had free health care?

A. The most obvious result would be that we save a lot of money.

In 2006, per-capita spending for health care in Canada was US$3,678; in the U.S., US$6,714. The U.S. spent 15.3% of GDP on health care in that year; Canada spent 10.0%.

Do American immigrants get free health care in Canada?
Q. I plan on moving there, and I'm planning budgets. But I know that Canadians have free health care. Do immigrants get to utilize this as well?

A. Yes they do. But not everything is free! If you are in the hospital, you don't get semi-private or private rooms for free, ambulance is not free, plus in most provinces, you must pay a premium for your health card. Drugs are not free, unless there's some kind of low income program offered by provincial government. Check out the Ministry of Health government websites for each province in addition to Health Canada, And Immigrations Canada

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